
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 241-260 of 3943 results.
Activity and Rotation of Nearby Field M Dwarfs in the TESS Southern Continuous Viewing ZoneAnthony, Francys, Núñez, Alejandro, Agüeros, Marcel A., Curtis, Jason L., do Nascimento, J. -D., Jr., Machado, João M., Mann, Andrew W., Newton, Elisabeth R., Rampalli, Rayna, Thao, Pa Chia, Wood, Mackenna L.2022-06The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SUS
The mass of the black hole in GRS 1915+105: new constraints from infrared spectroscopyHurley, D. J., Callanan, P. J., Elebert, P., and Reynolds, M. T.2013-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFSUS
Sub-arcsec mid-IR observations of NGC 1614: Nuclear star formation or an intrinsically X-ray weak AGN?Pereira-Santaella, M., Colina, L., Alonso-Herrero, A., Usero, A., Díaz-Santos, T., García-Burillo, S., Alberdi, A., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Herrero-Illana, R., Imanishi, M., Levenson, N. A., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Ramos Almeida, C.2015-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyTRECSUS
Galaxy Merger Fractions in Two Clusters at z\sim 2 Using the Hubble Space TelescopeWatson, Courtney, Tran, Kim-Vy, Tomczak, Adam, Alcorn, Leo, Salazar, Irene V., Gupta, Anshu, Momcheva, Ivelina, Papovich, Casey, van Dokkum, Pieter, Brammer, Gabriel, Lotz, Jennifer, Willmer, Christopher N. A.2019-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Discovery and Rapid Follow-up Observations of the Unusual Type II SN 2018ivc in NGC 1068 Bostroem, K. A.; Valenti, S.; Sand, D. J.; Andrews, J. E.; Van Dyk, S. D.; Galbany, L.; Pooley, D.; Amaro, R. C.; Smith, N.; Yang, S.; Anupama, G. C.; Arcavi, I.; Baron, E.; Brown, P. J.; Burke, J.; Cartier, R.; Hiramatsu, D.; Dastidar, R.; DerKacy, J. M.; Dong, Y. Egami, E.; Ertel, S.; Filippenko, A. V.; Fox, O. D.; Haislip, J.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D. A.; Gangopadhyay, A.; Jha, S. W.; Kouprianov, V.; Kumar, B.; Lundquist, M.; Milisavljevic, D.; McCully, C.; Milne, P.; Misra, K.; Reichart, D. E.; Sahu, D. K.; Sai, H.; Singh, A.; Smith, P. S.; Vinko, J.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Wheeler, J. C.; Williams, G. G.; Wyatt, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, X.2020-05The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2US
The Initial Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20 pc Census of ∼3600 Stars and Brown Dwarfs Kirkpatrick, J. Davy search by orcid ; Marocco, Federico search by orcid ; Gelino, Christopher R. search by orcid ; Raghu, Yadukrishna search by orcid ; Faherty, Jacqueline K. search by orcid ; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C. search by orcid ; Schurr, Steven D. search by orcid ; Apps, Kevin ; Schneider, Adam C. search by orcid ; Meisner, Aaron M. search by orcid ; Kuchner, Marc J. search by orcid ; Caselden, Dan search by orcid ; Smart, R. L. search by orcid ; Casewell, S. L. search by orcid ; Raddi, Roberto search by orcid ; Kesseli, Aurora search by orcid ; Andersen, Nikolaj Stevnbak search by orcid ; Antonini, Edoardo ; Beaulieu, Paul ; Bickle, Thomas P. search by orcid ; Bilsing, Martin search by orcid ; Chieng, Raymond ; Colin, Guillaume search by orcid ; Deen, Sam ; Dereveanco, Alexandru ; Doll, Katharina search by orcid ; Durantini Luca, Hugo A. search by orcid ; Frazer, Anya ; Gantier, Jean Marc search by orcid ; Gramaize, Léopold search by orcid ; Grant, Kristin ; Hamlet, Leslie K. search by orcid ; Higashimura, Hiro search by orcid ; Hyogo, Michiharu search by orcid ; Jałowiczor, Peter A. search by orcid ; Jonkeren, Alexander search by orcid ; Kabatnik, Martin search by orcid ; Kiwy, Frank search by orcid ; Martin, David W. ; Michaels, Marianne N. search by orcid ; Pendrill, William ; Machado, Celso Pessanha ; Pumphrey, Benjamin search by orcid ; Rothermich, Austin search by orcid ; Russwurm, Rebekah ; Sainio, Arttu search by orcid ; Sanchez, John ; Sapelkin-Tambling, Fyodor Theo ; Schümann, Jörg search by orcid ; Selg-Mann, Karl ; Singh, Harshdeep ; Stenner, Andres ; Sun, Guoyou search by orcid ; Tanner, Christopher ; Thévenot, Melina search by orcid ; Ventura, Maurizio ; Voloshin, Nikita V. ; Walla, Jim ; Wędracki, Zbigniew ; Adorno, Jose I. ; Aganze, Christian search by orcid ; Allers, Katelyn N. search by orcid ; Brooks, Hunter search by orcid ; Burgasser, Adam J. search by orcid ; Calamari, Emily search by orcid ; Connor, Thomas search by orcid ; Costa, Edgardo search by orcid ; Eisenhardt, Peter R. ; Gagné, Jonathan search by orcid ; Gerasimov, Roman search by orcid ; Gonzales, Eileen C. search by orcid ; Hsu, Chih-Chun search by orcid ; Kiman, Rocio search by orcid ; Li, Guodong search by orcid ; Low, Ryan search by orcid ; Mamajek, Eric search by orcid ; Pantoja, Blake M. ; Popinchalk, Mark search by orcid ; Rees, Jon M. search by orcid ; Stern, Daniel search by orcid ; Suárez, Genaro search by orcid ; Theissen, Christopher search by orcid ; Tsai, Chao-Wei search by orcid ; Vos, Johanna M. search by orcid ; Zurek, David ; Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration 2024-04The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesFLAMINGOS-2US
The Structure and Stellar Content of the Central Region of M33Stephens, A. W. and Frogel, J. A.2002-10The Astronomical JournalHokupaaUS
Infrared contamination in Galactic X-ray novaeReynolds, M. T., Callanan, P. J., Robinson, E. L., and Froning, C. S.2008-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRIUS
The density of dark matter haloes of early-type galaxies in low-density environmentsCorsini, E. M., Wegner, G. A., Thomas, J., Saglia, R. P., Bender, R.2017-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRI+LGSUS
The Early Detection and Follow-up of the Highly Obscured Type II Supernova 2016ija/DLT16amTartaglia, L., Sand, D. J., Valenti, S., Wyatt, S., Anderson, J. P., Arcavi, I., Ashall, C., Botticella, M. T., Cartier, R., Chen, T.-W., Cikota, A., Coulter, D., Della Valle, M., Foley, R. J., Gal-Yam, A., Galbany, L., Gall, C., Haislip, J. B., Harmanen, J., Hosseinzadeh, G., Howell, D. A., Hsiao, E. Y., Inserra, C., Jha, S. W., Kankare, E., Kilpatrick, C. D., Kouprianov, V. V., Kuncarayakti, H., Maccarone, T. J., Maguire, K., Mattila, S., Mazzali, P. A., McCully, C., Melandri, A., Morrell, N., Phillips, M. M., Pignata, G., Piro, A. L., Prentice, S., Reichart, D. E., Rojas-Bravo, C., Smartt, S. J., Smith, K. W., Sollerman, J., Stritzinger, M. D., Sullivan, M., Taddia, F., Young, D. R.2018-01The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSUS
A High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Study of Jupiter's Mid-infrared Auroral Emissions and Their Response to a Solar Wind CompressionSinclair, James A.; Greathouse, Thomas K.; Giles, Rohini S.; Lacy, John; Moses, Julianne; Hue, Vincent; Grodent, Denis; Bonfond, Bertrand; Tao, Chihiro; Cavalié, Thibault; Dahl, Emma K.; Orton, Glenn S.; Fletcher, Leigh N.; Irwin, Patrick G. J.2023-04The Planetary Science JournalTEXESUS
Io's Loki Patera: Modeling of three brightening events in 2013-2016de Kleer, Katherine, de Pater, Imke2017-06IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Linking Signatures of Accretion with Magnetic Field Measurements–Line Profiles are not Significantly Different in Magnetic and Non-magnetic Herbig Ae/Be StarsReiter, Megan, Calvet, Nuria, Thanathibodee, Thanawuth, Kraus, Stefan, Cauley, P. Wilson, Monnier, John, Rubinstein, Adam, Aarnio, Alicia, Harries, Tim J.2018-01The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSUS
Strong Lensing Model of SPT-CL J0356-5337, a Major Merger Candidate at Redshift 1.0359 Mahler, Guillaume; Sharon, Keren; Gladders, Michael D.; Bleem, Lindsey; Bayliss, Matthew B.; Calzadilla, Michael S.; Floyd, Benjamin; Khullar, Gourav; McDonald, Michael; Remolina González, Juan D.; Schrabback, Tim; Stark, Antony A.; van den Busch, Jan Luca2020-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Mid-Infrared Detection of a Hot Molecular Core in G29.96-0.02De Buizer, J. M., Watson, A. M., Radomski, J. T., Piña, R. K., and Telesco, C. M.2002-01The Astrophysical JournalOSCIRUS
Observations of feedback from radio-quiet quasars - I. Extents and morphologies of ionized gas nebulaeLiu, G., Zakamska, N. L., Greene, J. E., Nesvadba, N. P. H., and Liu, X.2013-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS
Spectral models for early time SN 2011fe observationsBaron, E., Hoeflich, P., Friesen, Brian, Sullivan, M., Hsiao, E., Ellis, R. S., Gal-Yam, A., Howell, D. A., Nugent, P. E., Dominguez, I., Krisciunas, K., Phillips, M. M., Suntzeff, N., Wang, L., Thomas, R. C.2015-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUS
Nebular-phase spectra of nearby Type Ia SupernovaeGraham, M. L., Kumar, S., Hosseinzadeh, G., Hiramatsu, D., Arcavi, I., Howell, D. A., Valenti, S., Sand, D. J., Parrent, J. T., McCully, C., Filippenko, A. V.2017-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
The Detection and Characterization of Be+sdO Binaries from HST/STIS FUV SpectroscopyWang, Luqian, Gies, Douglas R., Peters, Geraldine J., Götberg, Ylva, Chojnowski, S. Drew, Lester, Kathryn V., Howell, Steve B.2021-05The Astronomical JournalAlopekeUS
On the gravitational lensing interpretation of three gravitational wave detections in the mass gap by LIGO and VirgoBianconi, Matteo; Smith, Graham P.; Nicholl, Matt; Ryczanowski, Dan; Richard, Johan; Jauzac, Mathilde; Massey, Richard; Robertson, Andrew; Sharon, Keren; Ridley, Evan2023-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS

Gemini Observatory Participants