
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2621-2640 of 3908 results.
A Gemini ground-based transmission spectrum of WASP-29b: a featureless spectrum from 515 to 720 nmGibson, N. P., Aigrain, S., Barstow, J. K., Evans, T. M., Fletcher, L. N., and Irwin, P. G. J.2013-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUK
Discovery of Three Pulsating, Mixed-atmosphere, Extremely Low-mass White Dwarf PrecursorsGianninas, A., Curd, Brandon, Fontaine, G., Brown, Warren R., Kilic, Mukremin2016-05The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-NCA/US
Validation of 13 Hot and Potentially Terrestrial TESS PlanetsGiacalone, Steven, Dressing, Courtney D., Hedges, Christina, Kostov, Veselin B., Collins, Karen A., Jensen, Eric L. N., Yahalomi, Daniel A., Bieryla, Allyson, Ciardi, David R., Howell, Steve B., Lillo-Box, Jorge, Barkaoui, Khalid, Winters, Jennifer G., Matthews, Elisabeth, Livingston, John H., Quinn, Samuel N., Safonov, Boris S., Cadieux, Charles, Furlan, E., Crossfield, Ian J. M., Mandell, Avi M., Gilbert, Emily A., Kruse, Ethan, Quintana, Elisa V., Ricker, George R., Seager, S., Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Duffy Adkins, Britt, Baker, David, Barclay, Thomas, Barrado, David, Batalha, Natalie M., Belinski, Alexander A., Benkhaldoun, Zouhair, Buchhave, Lars A., Cacciapuoti, Luca, Charbonneau, David, Chontos, Ashley, Christiansen, Jessie L., Cloutier, Ryan, Collins, Kevin I., Conti, Dennis M., Cutting, Neil, Dixon, Scott, Doyon, René, Mufti, Mohammed El, Esparza-Borges, Emma, Essack, Zahra, Fukui, Akihiko, Gan, Tianjun, Gary, Kaz, Ghachoui, Mourad, Gillon, Michaël, Girardin, Eric, Glidden, Ana, Gonzales, Erica J., Guerra, Pere, Horch, Elliott P., Hełminiak, Krzysztof G., Howard, Andrew W., Huber, Daniel, Irwin, Jonathan M., Isopi, Giovanni, Jehin, Emmanuël, Kagetani, Taiki, Kane, Stephen R., Kawauchi, Kiyoe, Kielkopf, John F., Lewin, Pablo, Luker, Lindy, Lund, Michael B., Mallia, Franco, Mao, Shude, Massey, Bob, Matson, Rachel A., Mireles, Ismael, Mori, Mayuko, Murgas, Felipe, Narita, Norio, O'Dwyer, Tanner, Petigura, Erik A., Polanski, Alex S., Pozuelos, Francisco J., Palle, Enric, Parviainen, Hannu, Plavchan, Peter P., Relles, Howard M., Robertson, Paul, Rose, Mark E., Rowden, Pamela, Roy, Arpita, Savel, Arjun B., Schlieder, Joshua E., Schnaible, Chloe, Schwarz, Richard P., Sefako, Ramatholo, Selezneva, Aleksandra, Skinner, Brett, Stockdale, Chris, Strakhov, Ivan A., Tan, Thiam-Guan, Torres, Guillermo, Tronsgaard, René, Twicken, Joseph D., Vermilion, David, Waite, Ian A., Walter, Bradley, Wang, Gavin, Ziegler, Carl, Zou, Yujie2022-02The Astronomical JournalAlopeke/Zorro/DSSILP/US
New temperature and metallicity scale of cool giants from K-band spectra Ghosh, Supriyo; Ojha, D. K.; Ninan, J. P.2021-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+LGSUS/CA/UH
Measurements of the Isotopic Ratio 6Li/7Li in Stars with PlanetsGhezzi, L., Cunha, K., Smith, V. V., Margheim, S., Schuler, S., de Araújo, F. X., and de la Reza, R.2009-06The Astrophysical JournalbHROSUS/BR
GALEX Detection of Shock Breakout in Type IIP Supernova PS1-13arp: Implications for the Progenitor Star WindGezari, S., Jones, D. O., Sanders, N. E., Soderberg, A. M., Hung, T., Heinis, S., Smartt, S. J., Rest, A., Scolnic, D., Chornock, R., Berger, E., Foley, R. J., Huber, M. E., Price, P., Stubbs, C. W., Riess, A. G., Kirshner, R. P., Smith, K., Wood-Vasey, W. M., Schiminovich, D., Martin, D. C., Burgett, W. S., Chambers, K. C., Flewelling, H., Kaiser, N., Tonry, J. L., Wainscoat, R.2015-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
GMOS IFU observations of the stellar and gaseous kinematics in the centre of NGC 1068Gerssen, J., Allington-Smith, J., Miller, B. W., Turner, J. E. H., and Walker, A.2006-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NOther
TOI-733 b: A planet in the small-planet radius valley orbiting a Sun-like star Georgieva, Iskra Y. ; Persson, Carina M. ; Goffo, Elisa ; Acuña, Lorena ; Aguichine, Artyom ; Serrano, Luisa M. ; Lam, Kristine W. F. ; Gandolfi, Davide ; Collins, Karen A. ; Howell, Steven B. ; Dai, Fei ; Fridlund, Malcolm ; Korth, Judith ; Deleuil, Magali ; Barragán, Oscar ; Cochran, William D. ; Csizmadia, Szilárd ; Deeg, Hans J. ; Guenther, Eike ; Hatzes, Artie P. ; Jenkins, Jon M. ; Livingston, John ; Luque, Rafael ; Mousis, Olivier ; Osborne, Hannah L. M. ; Palle, Enric ; Redfield, Seth ; Van Eylen, Vincent ; Twicken, Joseph D. ; Winn, Joshua N. ; Alqasim, Ahlam ; Collins, Kevin I. ; Gnilka, Crystal L. ; Latham, David W. ; Lewis, Hannah M. ; Relles, Howard M. ; Ricker, George R. ; Rowden, Pamela ; Seager, Sara ; Shporer, Avi ; Tan, Thiam-Guan ; Vanderburg, Andrew ; Vanderspek, Roland2023-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsZorroUS
Hot planets around cool stars - two short-period mini-Neptunes transiting the late K-dwarf TOI-1260Georgieva, I. Y., Persson, C. M., Barragán, O., Nowak, G., Fridlund, M., Locci, D., Palle, E., Luque, R., Carleo, I., Gandolfi, D., Kane, S. R., Korth, J., Stassun, K. G., Livingston, J., Matthews, E. C., Collins, K. A., Howell, S. B., Serrano, L. M., Albrecht, S., Bieryla, A., Brasseur, C. E., Ciardi, D., Cochran, W. D., Colon, K. D., Crossfield, I. J. M., Csizmadia, Sz, Deeg, H. J., Esposito, M., Furlan, E., Gan, T., Goffo, E., Gonzales, E., Grziwa, S., Guenther, E. W., Guerra, P., Hirano, T., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Kabáth, P., Knudstrup, E., Lam, K. W. F., Latham, D. W., Levine, A. M., Matson, R. A., McDermott, S., Osborne, H. L. M., Paegert, M., Quinn, S. N., Redfield, S., Ricker, G. R., Schlieder, J. E., Scott, N. J., Seager, S., Smith, A. M. S., Tenenbaum, P., Twicken, J. D., Vanderspek, R., Van Eylen, V., Winn, J. N.2021-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRI+ALTAIR/AlopekeLP/US
New insights into the star formation histories of candidate intermediate-age early-type galaxies from K'-band imaging of globular clustersGeorgiev, I. Y., Goudfrooij, P., and Puzia, T. H.2012-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRIUS
The Stellar Cusp around the Supermassive Black Hole in the Galactic CenterGenzel, R., Schödel, R., Ott, T., Eisenhauer, F., Hofmann, R., Lehnert, M., Eckart, A., Alexander, T., Sternberg, A., Lenzen, R., Clénet, Y., Lacombe, F., Rouan, D., Renzini, A., and Tacconi-Garman, L. E.2003-09The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaSV
Evidence for Wide-spread Active Galactic Nucleus-driven Outflows in the Most Massive z ~ 1-2 Star-forming Galaxies Genzel, R., N. M. Förster Schreiber, D. Rosario, P. Lang, D. Lutz, E. Wisnioski, E. Wuyts, S. Wuyts, K. Bandara, R. Bender, S. Berta, J. Kurk, J. T. Mendel, L. J. Tacconi, D. Wilman, A. Beifiori, G. Brammer, A. Burkert, P. Buschkamp, J. Chan, C.M. Carollo, R. Davies, F. Eisenhauer, M. Fabricius, M. Fossati, M. Kriek, S. Kulkarni, S. J. Lilly, C. Mancini, I. Momcheva, T. Naab, E. J. Nelson, A. Renzini, R. Saglia, R. M. Sharples, A. Sternberg, S. Tacchella, P. van Dokkum2014-11The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSCL/US
Massive unseen companions to hot faint underluminous stars from SDSS (MUCHFUSS). Analysis of seven close subdwarf B binariesGeier, S., Maxted, P. F. L., Napiwotzki, R., Østensen, R. H., Heber, U., Hirsch, H., Kupfer, T., Müller, S., Tillich, A., Barlow, B. N., Oreiro, R., Ottosen, T. A., Copperwheat, C., Gänsicke, B. T., and Marsh, T. R.2011-02Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-NUK
The catalogue of radial velocity variable hot subluminous stars from the MUCHFUSS projectGeier, S., Kupfer, T., Heber, U., Schaffenroth, V., Barlow, B. N., Østensen, R. H., O'Toole, S. J., Ziegerer, E., Heuser, C., Maxted, P. F. L., Gänsicke, B. T., Marsh, T. R., Napiwotzki, R., Brünner, P., Schindewolf, M., Niederhofer, F.2015-05Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK/AU
NGC 770: A Counterrotating Core in a Low-Luminosity Elliptical GalaxyGeha, M., Guhathakurta, P., and van der Marel, R. P.2005-06The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NCA
The Black Hole Mass in M87 from Gemini/NIFS Adaptive Optics ObservationsGebhardt, K., Adams, J., Richstone, D., Lauer, T. R., Faber, S. M., Gültekin, K., Murphy, J., and Tremaine, S.2011-03The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+LGSUS
The motion and distribution of the gas in the central 300 pc of the galaxy as revealed by spectra of H3+Geballe, T. R.; Oka, T.; Goto, M.2019-09Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society AGNIRS/PHOENIXUS/GS
Infrared Spectroscopy of the Recent Outburst in V1047 Cen (Nova Centauri 2005)Geballe, T. R.; Banerjee, D. P. K.; Evans, A.; Gehrz, R. D.; Woodward, C. E.; Mróz, P.; Udalski, A.; Munari, U.; Starrfield, S.; Page, K. L.; Sokolovsky, K.; Hambsch, F. -J.; Myers, G.; Aydi, E.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Walter, F.; Wagner, R. M.2019-11The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2DD
Spectroscopic Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Two Late-Type T DwarfsGeballe, T. R., Saumon, D., Golimowski, D. A., Leggett, S. K., Marley, M. S., and Noll, K. S.2009-04The Astrophysical JournalNIRIGS
A Bow Shock of Heated Dust Surrounding Galactic Center Source IRS 8Geballe, T. R., Rigaut, F., Roy, J.-R., and Draine, B. T.2004-02The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaSV

Gemini Observatory Participants