
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2641-2660 of 3908 results.
BASS. XXIV. The BASS DR2 Spectroscopic Line Measurements and AGN DemographicsOh, Kyuseok, Koss, Michael J., Ueda, Yoshihiro, Stern, Daniel, Ricci, Claudio, Trakhtenbrot, Benny, Powell, Meredith C., den Brok, Jakob S., Lamperti, Isabella, Mushotzky, Richard, Ricci, Federica, Bär, Rudolf E., Rojas, Alejandra F., Ichikawa, Kohei, Riffel, Rogério, Treister, Ezequiel, Harrison, Fiona, Urry, C. Megan, Bauer, Franz E., Schawinski, Kevin2022-07The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGNIRS/GMOS-N/GMOS-SBR/CA/US/GS/AU/UH
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - III. An observed link between AGN Eddington ratio and narrow-emission-line ratiosOh, Kyuseok, Schawinski, Kevin, Koss, Michael, Trakhtenbrot, Benny, Lamperti, Isabella, Ricci, Claudio, Mushotzky, Richard, Veilleux, Sylvain, Berney, Simon, Crenshaw, D. Michael, Gehrels, Neil, Harrison, Fiona, Masetti, Nicola, Soto, Kurt T., Stern, Daniel, Treister, Ezequiel, Ueda, Yoshihiro2017-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUH/US
Mass Distribution in the Central Few Parsecs of our GalaxyOh, Seungkyung, Kim, Sungsoo S., Figer, Donald F.2009-04Journal of the Korean Astronomical SocietyHokupaaSV
Infrared and X-Ray Evidence of an AGN in the NGC 3256 Southern NucleusOhyama, Youichi, Terashima, Yuichi, Sakamoto, Kazushi2015-06The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
Hot and Diffuse Clouds near the Galactic Center Probed by Metastable H+31,Oka, T., Geballe, T. R., Goto, M., Usuda, T., and McCall, B. J.2005-10The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
The Central 300 pc of the Galaxy Probed by Infrared Spectra of H3+ and CO. III. Locations of Sgr B2 and Star IotaOka, Takeshi, Geballe, T. R.2022-03The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
The Central 300 pc of the Galaxy Probed by Infrared Spectra of H3+ and CO. II. Expansion and Morphology of the Warm Diffuse Gas Oka, Takeshi; Geballe, T. R.2020-10The Astrophysical JournalGNIRS/PHOENIX/FLAMINGOS-2US/GS
The Central 300 pc of the Galaxy Probed by Infrared Spectra of {{\rm{H}}}_{3}^{+} and CO. I. Predominance of Warm and Diffuse Gas and High H2 Ionization RateOka, Takeshi; Geballe, T. R.; Goto, Miwa; Usuda, Tomonori; Benjamin; McCall, J.; Indriolo, Nick2019-09The Astrophysical JournalGNIRS/PHOENIXUS/GS
The sudden appearance of CO emission in LHA 115-S 65Oksala, M. E., Kraus, M., Arias, M. L., Borges Fernandes, M., Cidale, L., Muratore, M. F., and Curé, M.2012-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyPHOENIXAR/BR/CL
NGC 6845: metallicity gradients and star formation in a complex compact groupOlave-Rojas, D., Torres-Flores, S., Carrasco, E. R., Mendes de Oliveira, C., de Mello, D. F., Scarano, S.2015-11Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCL
Resolved properties of a luminous hinge clump in the compact group of galaxies NGC 6845Olave-Rojas, Daniela E.; Hernandez-Jimenez, José A.; Torres-Flores, Sergio ; Mora, Marcelo D. ; Firpo, Veronica2024-07Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SCL
The GOGREEN survey: the environmental dependence of the star-forming galaxy main sequence at 1.0 < z < 1.5Old, Lyndsay J.; Balogh, Michael L.; van der Burg, Remco F. J.; Biviano, Andrea; Yee, Howard K. C.; Pintos-Castro, Irene; Webb, Kristi; Muzzin, Adam; Rudnick, Gregory; Vulcani, Benedetta; Poggianti, Bianca; Cooper, Michael; Zaritsky, Dennis; Cerulo, Pierluigi; Wilson, Gillian; Chan, Jeffrey C. C.; Lidman, Chris; McGee, Sean; Demarco, Ricardo; Forrest, Ben De Lucia, Gabriella; Gilbank, David; Kukstas, Egidijus; McCarthy, Ian G.; Jablonka, Pascale; Nantais, Julie; Noble, Allison; Reeves, Andrew M. M.; Shipley, Heath2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SLP/DD
The most massive galaxies in clusters are already fully grown at z ˜ 0.5Oldham, L. J., Houghton, R. C. W., Davies, Roger L.2017-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUK
Galaxy structure from multiple tracers - III. Radial variations in M87's IMFOldham, Lindsay, Auger, Matthew2018-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+LGSUS
Optical identification of the transient supersoft X-ray source RX J0527.8-6954, in the LMCOliveira, A. S., Steiner, J. E., Ricci, T. V., Menezes, R. B., and Borges, B. W.2010-07Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SBR
No signature of ejecta interaction with a stellar companion in three type Ia supernovaeOlling, Rob P., Mushotzky, Richard, Shaya, Edward J., Rest, Armin, Garnavich, Peter M., Tucker, Brad E., Kasen, Daniel, Margheim, Steve, Filippenko, Alexei V.2015-05NatureGMOS-NAU/US/GS
Stellar Crowding and the Science Case for Extremely Large TelescopesOlsen, K. A. G., Blum, R. D., and Rigaut, F.2003-07The Astronomical JournalHokupaaSV
The Star Formation Histories of the Bulge and Disk of M31 from Resolved Stars in the Near-InfraredOlsen, K. A. G., Blum, R. D., Stephens, A. W., Davidge, T. J., Massey, P., Strom, S. E., and Rigaut, F.2006-07The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRSV
"Beads-on-a-string" Star Formation Tied to One of the Most Powerful Active Galactic Nucleus Outbursts Observed in a Cool-core Galaxy ClusterOmoruyi, Osase; Tremblay, Grant R.; Combes, Francoise; Davis, Timothy A.; Gladders, Michael D.; Vikhlinin, Alexey; Nulsen, Paul; Kharb, Preeti; Baum, Stefi A.; O'Dea, Christopher P.; Sharon, Keren; Terrazas, Bryan A.; Nevin, Rebecca; Schechter, Aimee L.; Zuhone, John A.; McDonald, Michael; Dahle, Hakon; Bayliss, Matthew B.; Connor, Thomas; Florian, Michael; Rigby, Jane R.; Vaddi, Sravani2024-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
The Black Hole Mass of NGC 4151. II. Stellar Dynamical Measurement from Near-infrared Integral Field SpectroscopyOnken, Christopher A., Valluri, Monica, Brown, Jonathan S., McGregor, Peter J., Peterson, Bradley M., Bentz, Misty C., Ferrarese, Laura, Pogge, Richard W., Vestergaard, Marianne, Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa, Riffel, Rogemar A.2014-08The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRCA/US

Gemini Observatory Participants