
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2761-2780 of 3908 results.
New Fe I Level Energies and Line Identifications from Stellar Spectra. III. Initial Results from UV, Optical, and Infrared SpectraPeterson, Ruth C., Kurucz, Robert L.2022-06The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesbHROSUS/BR
Four Sub-Saturns with Dissimilar Densities: Windows into Planetary Cores and EnvelopesPetigura, Erik A., Sinukoff, Evan, Lopez, Eric D., Crossfield, Ian J. M., Howard, Andrew W., Brewer, John M., Fulton, Benjamin J., Isaacson, Howard T., Ciardi, David R., Howell, Steve B., Everett, Mark E., Horch, Elliott P., Hirsch, Lea A., Weiss, Lauren M., Schlieder, Joshua E.2017-04The Astronomical JournalDSSILP
The Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey—Full Data Release: The Orbital Structure of the Kuiper BeltPetit, J.-M., Kavelaars, J. J., Gladman, B. J., Jones, R. L., Parker, J. W., Van Laerhoven, C., Nicholson, P., Mars, G., Rousselot, P., Mousis, O., Marsden, B., Bieryla, A., Taylor, M., Ashby, M. L. N., Benavidez, P., Campo Bagatin, A., and Bernabeu, G.2011-10The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NCA
The Canada–France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS)—High-latitude ComponentPetit, J.-M., Kavelaars, J. J., Gladman, B. J., Jones, R. L., Parker, J. Wm., Bieryla, A., Van Laerhoven, C., Pike, R. E., Nicholson, P., Ashby, M. L. N., Lawler, S. M.2017-05The Astronomical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/DD
The Extreme Kuiper Belt Binary 2001 QW322Petit, J.-M., Kavelaars, J. J., Gladman, B. J., Margot, J. L., Nicholson, P. D., Jones, R. L., Parker, J. W., Ashby, M. L. N., Campo Bagatin, A., Benavidez, P., Coffey, J., Rousselot, P., Mousis, O., and Taylor, P. A.2008-10ScienceGMOS-SCA
Carnegie Supernova Project-II: Extending the Near-infrared Hubble Diagram for Type Ia Supernovae to z ∼ 0.1Phillips, M. M., Contreras, Carlos, Hsiao, E. Y., Morrell, Nidia, Burns, Christopher R., Stritzinger, Maximilian, Ashall, C., Freedman, Wendy L., Hoeflich, P., Persson, S. E., Piro, Anthony L., Suntzeff, Nicholas B., Uddin, Syed A., Anais, Jorge, Baron, E., Busta, Luis, Campillay, Abdo, Castellón, Sergio, Corco, Carlos, Diamond, T., Gall, Christa, Gonzalez, Consuelo, Holmbo, Simon, Krisciunas, Kevin, Roth, Miguel, Serón, Jacqueline, Taddia, F., Torres, Simón, Anderson, J. P., Baltay, C., Folatelli, Gastón, Galbany, L., Goobar, A., Hadjiyska, Ellie, Hamuy, Mario, Kasliwal, Mansi, Lidman, C., Nugent, Peter E., Perlmutter, S., Rabinowitz, David, Ryder, Stuart D., Schmidt, Brian P., Shappee, B. J., Walker, Emma S.2019-01Publications of the Astronomical Society of the PacificGNIRS/FLAMINGOS-2US/AR
1991T-like SupernovaePhillips, M. M.; Ashall, C.; Brown, Peter J.; Galbany, L.; Tucker, M. A.; Burns, Christopher R.; Contreras, Carlos; Hoeflich, P.; Hsiao, E. Y.; Kumar, S.; Morrell, Nidia; Uddin, Syed A.; Baron, E.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Krisciunas, Kevin; Persson, S. E.; Piro, Anthony L.; Shappee, B. J.; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Chakraborty, Sudeshna; Kirshner, R. P.; Lu, J.; Marion, G. H.; Polin, Abigail; Shahbandeh, M.2024-07The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGNIRS/FLAMINGOS-2US/AR
The Carbon-to-oxygen Ratio in Cool Brown Dwarfs and Giant Exoplanets. I. The Benchmark Late-T Dwarfs GJ 570D, HD 3651B, and Ross 458CPhillips, Mark W.; Liu, Michael C.; Zhang, Zhoujian2024-02The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSUH/FT
Spectroscopic identification of r-process nucleosynthesis in a double neutron-star mergerPian, E., D’Avanzo, P., Benetti, S., Branchesi, M., Brocato, E., Campana, S., Cappellaro, E., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Fynbo, J. P. U., Getman, F., Ghirlanda, G., Ghisellini, G., Grado, A., Greco, G., Hjorth, J., Kouveliotou, C., Levan, A., Limatola, L., Malesani, D., Mazzali, P. A., Melandri, A., Møller, P., Nicastro, L., Palazzi, E., Piranomonte, S., Rossi, A., Salafia, O. S., Selsing, J., Stratta, G., Tanaka, M., Tanvir, N. R., Tomasella, L., Watson, D., Yang, S., Amati, L., Antonelli, L. A., Ascenzi, S., Bernardini, M. G., Boër, M., Bufano, F., Bulgarelli, A., Capaccioli, M., Casella, P., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Chassande-Mottin, E., Ciolfi, R., Copperwheat, C. M., Dadina, M., De Cesare, G., di Paola, A., Fan, Y. Z., Gendre, B., Giuffrida, G., Giunta, A., Hunt, L. K., Israel, G. L., Jin, Z.-P., Kasliwal, M. M., Klose, S., Lisi, M., Longo, F., Maiorano, E., Mapelli, M., Masetti, N., Nava, L., Patricelli, B., Perley, D., Pescalli, A., Piran, T., Possenti, A., Pulone, L., Razzano, M., Salvaterra, R., Schipani, P., Spera, M., Stamerra, A., Stella, L., Tagliaferri, G., Testa, V., Troja, E., Turatto, M., Vergani, S. D., Vergani, D.2017-11NatureGMOS-SDD
A new extended main-sequence turnoff star cluster in the Large Magellanic CloudPiatti, A. E.2013-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SGS/US/CA
Accurate radial velocity and metallicity of the Large Magellanic Cloud old globular clusters NGC 1928 and NGC 1939Piatti, A. E., Hwang, N., Cole, A. A., Angelo, M. S., Emptage, B.2018-11Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SAR/CA
Bruck 88: a young star cluster with an old age resemblance in the outskirts of the Small Magellanic CloudPiatti, Andrés E.2014-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SAR
A genuine Large Magellanic Cloud age gap star clusterPiatti, Andrés E.2022-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society LettersGMOS-SFT/AR
Extended main sequence turn-offs in low mass intermediate-age clustersPiatti, Andrés E., Bastian, Nate2016-05Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SAR
An Analysis of the Population of Extended Main Sequence Turn-off Clusters in the Large Magellanic CloudPiatti, Andrés E., Bastian, Nate2016-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SGS/US/CA/AR/AU
Gemini/GMOS photometry of intermediate-age star clusters in the Large Magellanic CloudPiatti, Andrés E., Keller, Stefan C., Mackey, A. Dougal, Da Costa, Gary S.2014-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SAU
A likely runaway star cluster in the outer disc of the Large Magellanic CloudPiatti, Andrés E., Salinas, Ricardo, Grebel, Eva K.2019-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SFT/US
Statistical redshift of the very-high-energy blazar S5 0716+714Pichel, A.; Donzelli, C.; Muriel, H.; Rovero, A. C.; Rosa González, D.; Vega, O.; Aretxaga, I.; Becerra González, J. ; Terlevich, E.; Terlevich, R.; Méndez-Abreu, J.2023-12Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-NAR
New Observations with Gemini and GTC of the VHE Blazar KUV 00311-1938: About Its Redshift and EnvironmentPichel, A.; Donzelli, C.; Rosa-Gonzalez, D.; Fernandez Alonso, M.; Rovero, A. C.; Muriel, H.; Mayya, Y. D.; Aretxaga, I.; Becerra González, J.; Carramiñana, A.; Mendez-Abreu, J.; Vega, O.; Terlevich, E.; Terlevich, R. J.2021-01Publications of the Astronomical Society of the PacificGMOS-SAR
Gemini/GMOS spectra of globular clusters in the Leo group elliptical NGC 3379Pierce, M., Beasley, M. A., Forbes, D. A., Bridges, T., Gebhardt, K., Faifer, F. R., Forte, J. C., Zepf, S. E., Sharples, R., Hanes, D. A., and Proctor, R.2006-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NAU/UK/CA/US

Gemini Observatory Participants