
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2901-2920 of 3908 results.
Three new VHS-DES Quasars at 6.7 < z < 6.9 and Emission Line Properties at z > 6.5Reed, S. L., Banerji, M., Becker, G. D., Hewett, P. C., Martini, P., McMahon, R. G., Pons, E., Rauch, M., Abbott, T. M. C., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Cunha, C. E., D'Andrea, C. B., da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Evrard, A. E., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., Hoyle, B., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Lahav, O., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Plazas, A. A., Roodman, A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Smith, R. C., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Tucker, D. L., Vikram, V.2019-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-S/FLAMINGOS-2FT/US
Eight new luminous z ≥ 6 quasars discovered via SED model fitting of VISTA, WISE and Dark Energy Survey Year 1 observationsReed, S. L., McMahon, R. G., Martini, P., Banerji, M., Auger, M., Hewett, P. C., Koposov, S. E., Gibbons, S. L. J., Gonzalez-Solares, E., Ostrovski, F., Tie, S. S., Abdalla, F. B., Allam, S., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., da Costa, L. N., DePoy, D. L., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Evrard, A. E., Finley, D. A., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Goldstein, D. A., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gutierrez, G., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Miller, C. J., Miquel, R., Nord, B., Ogando, R., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, R. C., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, D. L., Walker, A. R., Wester, W.2017-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
A Close-in Puffy Neptune with Hidden Friends: The Enigma of TOI 620Reefe, Michael A., Luque, Rafael, Gaidos, Eric, Beard, Corey, Plavchan, Peter P., Cointepas, Marion, Cale, Bryson L., Palle, Enric, Parviainen, Hannu, Feliz, Dax L., Eastman, Jason, Stassun, Keivan, Gagné, Jonathan, Jenkins, Jon M., Boyd, Patricia T., Kidwell, Richard C., McDermott, Scott, Collins, Karen A., Fong, William, Guerrero, Natalia, Almenara-Villa, Jose-Manuel, Bean, Jacob, Beichman, Charles A., Berberian, John, Bieryla, Allyson, Bonfils, Xavier, Bouchy, François, Brady, Madison, Bryant, Edward M., Cacciapuoti, Luca, Cañas, Caleb I., Ciardi, David R., Collins, Kevin I., Crossfield, Ian J. M., Dressing, Courtney D., Eigmüller, Philipp, El Mufti, Mohammed, Esparza-Borges, Emma, Fukui, Akihiko, Gao, Peter, Geneser, Claire, Gnilka, Crystal L., Gonzales, Erica, Gupta, Arvind F., Halverson, Sam, Hearty, Fred, Howell, Steve B., Irwin, Jonathan, Kanodia, Shubham, Kasper, David, Kodama, Takanori, Kostov, Veselin, Latham, David W., Lendl, Monika, Lin, Andrea, Livingston, John H., Lubin, Jack, Mahadevan, Suvrath, Matson, Rachel, Matthews, Elisabeth, Murgas, Felipe, Narita, Norio, Newman, Patrick, Ninan, Joe, Osborn, Ares, Quinn, Samuel N., Robertson, Paul, Roy, Arpita, Schlieder, Joshua, Schwab, Christian, Seifahrt, Andreas, Smith, Gareth D., Sohani, Ahmad, Stefánsson, Guðmundur, Stevens, Daniel, Stürmer, Julian, Tanner, Angelle, Terrien, Ryan, Teske, Johanna, Vermilion, David, Wang, Sharon X., Wittrock, Justin, Wright, Jason T., Zechmeister, Mathias, Zohrabi, Farzaneh2022-06The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIR/MAROON-X/ZorroLP/UH
The GOGREEN survey: dependence of galaxy properties on halo mass at z > 1 and implications for environmental quenchingReeves, Andrew M. M., Balogh, Michael L., van der Burg, Remco F. J., Finoguenov, Alexis, Kukstas, Egidijus, McCarthy, Ian G., Webb, Kristi, Muzzin, Adam, McGee, Sean, Rudnick, Gregory, Biviano, Andrea, Cerulo, Pierluigi, Chan, Jeffrey C. C., Cooper, M. C., Demarco, Ricardo, Jablonka, Pascale, De Lucia, Gabriella, Vulcani, Benedetta, Wilson, Gillian, Yee, Howard K. C., Zaritsky, Dennis2021-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-S
Discovery of a Companion Candidate in the HD 169142 Transition Disk and the Possibility of Multiple Planet FormationReggiani, Maddalena, Quanz, Sascha P., Meyer, Michael R., Pueyo, Laurent, Absil, Olivier, Amara, Adam, Anglada, Guillem, Avenhaus, Henning, Girard, Julien H., Carrasco Gonzalez, Carlos, Graham, James, Mawet, Dimitri, Meru, Farzana, Milli, Julien, Osorio, Mayra, Wolff, Schuyler, Torrelles, Jose-Maria2014-09The Astrophysical Journal LettersGPIOTHER
Signatures of an eruptive phase before the explosion of the peculiar core-collapse SN 2013gcReguitti, Andrea; Pastorello, A.; Pignata, G.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; Turatto, M.; Agliozzo, C.; Bufano, F.; Morrell, N. I.; Olivares E., F.; Reichart, D. E.; Haislip, J. B.; Kouprianov, V.; Smartt, S. J.; Ciroi, S.2019-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SGS
Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the First 720 Square Degrees of the South Pole Telescope SurveyReichardt, C. L.; Stalder, B.; Bleem, L. E.; Montroy, T. E.; Aird, K. A.; Andersson, K.; Armstrong, R.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Bautz, M.; Bayliss, M.; Bazin, G.; Benson, B. A.; Brodwin, M.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Chang, C. L.; Cho, H. M.; Clocchiatti, A.; Crawford, T. M.; Crites, A. T.; de Haan, T.; Desai, S.; Dobbs, M. A.; Dudley, J. P.; Foley, R. J.; Forman, W. R.; George, E. M.; Gladders, M. D.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Halverson, N. W.; Harrington, N. L.; High, F. W.; Holder, G. P.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Hoover, S.; Hrubes, J. D.; Jones, C.; Joy, M.; Keisler, R.; Knox, L.; Lee, A. T.; Leitch, E. M.; Liu, J.; Lueker, M.; Luong-Van, D.; Mantz, A.; Marrone, D. P.; McDonald, M.; McMahon, J. J.; Mehl, J.; Meyer, S. S.; Mocanu, L.; Mohr, J. J.; Murray, S. S.; Natoli, T.; Padin, S.; Plagge, T.; Pryke, C.; Rest, A.; Ruel, J.; Ruhl, J. E.; Saliwanchik, B. R.; Saro, A.; Sayre, J. T.; Schaffer, K. K.; Shaw, L.; Shirokoff, E.; Song, J.; Spieler, H. G.; Staniszewski, Z.; Stark, A. A.; Story, K.; Stubbs, C. W.; Suhada, R.; van Engelen, A.; Vanderlinde, K.; Vieira, J. D.; Vikhlinin, A.; Williamson, R.; Zahn, O.; Zenteno, A.2013-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Meeting the Cool Neighbors. X. Ultracool Dwarfs from the 2MASS All-Sky Data ReleaseReid, I. N., Cruz, K. L., Kirkpatrick, J. D., Allen, P. R., Mungall, F., Liebert, J., Lowrance, P., and Sweet, A.2008-09The Astronomical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS/UK
IRAS 05436-0007 and the Emergence of MCNeil's NebulaReipurth, B. and Aspin, C.2004-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
V900 Mon and Thommes' Nebula: A New FUor in MonocerosReipurth, B., Aspin, C., and Herbig, G. H.2012-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/NIRI/MICHELLE/NIFSUH
V733 Cep (Persson's Star): A New FU Orionis Object in CepheusReipurth, B., Aspin, C., Beck, T., Brogan, C., Connelley, M. S., and Herbig, G. H.2007-03The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUH/GS
HH 222: A Giant Herbig-Haro Flow from the Quadruple System V380 OriReipurth, Bo, Bally, John, Aspin, Colin, Connelley, M. S., Geballe, T. R., Kraus, Stefan, Appenzeller, Immo, Burgasser, Adam2013-11The Astronomical JournalNIRI/GNIRSUH
The Giant Herbig–Haro Flow HH 212 and Associated Star FormationReipurth, Bo, Davis, C. J., Bally, John, Raga, A. C., Bowler, B. P., Geballe, T. R., Aspin, Colin, Chiang, Hsin-Fang2019-09The Astronomical JournalGNIRSUH
The Multiple Pre-main-sequence System PR Ori and the Associated HH 305 FlowReipurth, Bo, Herbig, G. H., Bally, J., Geballe, T. R., Bowler, B. P., Raga, A. C., Chiang, H.-F., Connelley, M. S., Aspin, C.2018-07The Astronomical JournalGNIRSUH
The HH 24 Complex: Jets, Multiple Star Formation, and Orphaned ProtostarsReipurth, Bo; Bally, J.; Yen, Hsi-Wei; Arce, H. G.; Rodríguez, L. -F.; Raga, A. C.; Geballe, T. R.; Rao, R.; Comerón, F.; Mikkola, S.; Aspin, C. A.; Walawender, J.2023-05The Astronomical JournalGMOS-N/GNIRS/NIRI+ALTAIRUH
Linking Signatures of Accretion with Magnetic Field Measurements–Line Profiles are not Significantly Different in Magnetic and Non-magnetic Herbig Ae/Be StarsReiter, Megan, Calvet, Nuria, Thanathibodee, Thanawuth, Kraus, Stefan, Cauley, P. Wilson, Monnier, John, Rubinstein, Adam, Aarnio, Alicia, Harries, Tim J.2018-01The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSUS
Disentangling the outflow and protostars in HH 900 in the Carina NebulaReiter, Megan, Smith, Nathan, Kiminki, Megan M., Bally, John, Anderson, Jay2015-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGSAOI+GeMSUS
The cluster of galaxies LCDCS-S001 - II. r' and i' photometry, morphological analysis and improved kinematic parametersRembold, S. B. and Pastoriza, M. G.2012-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
The cluster of galaxies LCDCS-S001: basic spectroscopic data and stellar populationRembold, S. B. and Pastoriza, M. G.2007-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
An Exo–Kuiper Belt with an Extended Halo around HD 191089 in Scattered LightRen, Bin, Choquet, Élodie, Perrin, Marshall D., Duchêne, Gaspard, Debes, John H., Pueyo, Laurent, Rice, Malena, Chen, Christine, Schneider, Glenn, Esposito, Thomas M., Poteet, Charles A., Wang, Jason J., Ammons, S. Mark, Ansdell, Megan, Arriaga, Pauline, Bailey, Vanessa P., Barman, Travis, Sebastián Bruzzone, Juan, Bulger, Joanna, Chilcote, Jeffrey, Cotten, Tara, De Rosa, Robert J., Doyon, Rene, Fitzgerald, Michael P., Follette, Katherine B., Goodsell, Stephen J., Gerard, Benjamin L., Graham, James R., Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Hagan, J. Brendan, Hibon, Pascale, Hines, Dean C., Hung, Li-Wei, Ingraham, Patrick, Kalas, Paul, Konopacky, Quinn, Larkin, James E., Macintosh, Bruce, Maire, Jérôme, Marchis, Franck, Marois, Christian, Mazoyer, Johan, Ménard, François, Metchev, Stanimir, Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A., Mittal, Tushar, Moerchen, Margaret, Nielsen, Eric L., N’Diaye, Mamadou, Oppenheimer, Rebecca, Palmer, David, Patience, Jennifer, Pinte, Christophe, Poyneer, Lisa, Rajan, Abhijith, Rameau, Julien, Rantakyrö, Fredrik T., Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste, Ryan, Dominic, Savransky, Dmitry, Schneider, Adam C., Sivaramakrishnan, Anand, Song, Inseok, Soummer, Rémi, Stark, Christopher, Thomas, Sandrine, Vigan, Arthur, Wallace, J. Kent, Ward-Duong, Kimberly, Wiktorowicz, Sloane, Wolff, Schuyler, Ygouf, Marie, Norman, Colin2019-09The Astrophysical JournalGPIOTHER

Gemini Observatory Participants