
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3161-3180 of 3908 results.
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: asymmetries in the HD 141569 discBiller, Beth A., Liu, Michael C., Rice, Ken, Wahhaj, Zahed, Nielsen, Eric, Hayward, Thomas, Kuchner, Marc J., Close, Laird M., Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Toomey, Douglas W.2015-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNICICA/GS/GT/UK/US
The Gemini NICI Planet-finding Campaign: Discovery of a Close Substellar Companion to the Young Debris Disk Star PZ TelBiller, B. A., Liu, M. C., Wahhaj, Z., Nielsen, E. L., Close, L. M., Dupuy, T. J., Hayward, T. L., Burrows, A., Chun, M., Ftaclas, C., Clarke, F., Hartung, M., Males, J., Reid, I. N., Shkolnik, E. L., Skemer, A., Tecza, M., Thatte, N., Alencar, S. H. P., Artymowicz, P., Boss, A., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E., Gregorio-Hetem, J., Ida, S., Kuchner, M. J., Lin, D., and Toomey, D.2010-09The Astrophysical JournalNICICA/AU/US/UK/GS
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: Discovery of a Multiple System Orbiting the Young A Star HD 1160Nielsen, E. L., Liu, M. C., Wahhaj, Z., Biller, B. A., Hayward, T. L., Boss, A., Bowler, B., Kraus, A., Shkolnik, E. L., Tecza, M., Chun, M., Clarke, F., Close, L. M., Ftaclas, C., Hartung, M., Males, J. R., Reid, I. N., Skemer, A. J., Alencar, S. H. P., Burrows, A., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E., Gregorio-Hetem, J., Kuchner, M., Thatte, N., and Toomey, D. W.2012-05The Astrophysical JournalNICIUS/CA/UK/AU/GS
The Gemini NICI Planet-finding Campaign: Discovery of a Substellar L Dwarf Companion to the Nearby Young M Dwarf CD-35 2722Wahhaj, Z., Liu, M. C., Biller, B. A., Clarke, F., Nielsen, E. L., Close, L. M., Hayward, T. L., Mamajek, E. E., Cushing, M., Dupuy, T., Tecza, M., Thatte, N., Chun, M., Ftaclas, C., Hartung, M., Reid, I. N., Shkolnik, E. L., Alencar, S. H. P., Artymowicz, P., Boss, A., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E., Gregorio-Hetem, J., Ida, S., Kuchner, M., Lin, D. N. C., and Toomey, D. W.2011-03The Astrophysical JournalNICICA/AU/US/UK/GS
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Companion Detection PipelineWahhaj, Zahed, Liu, Michael C., Biller, Beth A., Nielsen, Eric L., Close, Laird M., Hayward, Thomas L., Hartung, Markus, Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Toomey, Douglas W.2013-12The Astrophysical JournalNICICA/UK/GS/US/AU
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Frequency of Giant Planets around Young B and A StarsNielsen, Eric L., Liu, Michael C., Wahhaj, Zahed, Biller, Beth A., Hayward, Thomas L., Close, Laird M., Males, Jared R., Skemer, Andrew J., Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Alencar, Silvia H. P., Artymowicz, Pawel, Boss, Alan, Clarke, Fraser, de Gouveia Dal Pino, Elisabete, Gregorio-Hetem, Jane, Hartung, Markus, Ida, Shigeru, Kuchner, Marc, Lin, Douglas N. C., Reid, I. Neill, Shkolnik, Evgenya L., Tecza, Matthias, Thatte, Niranjan, Toomey, Douglas W.2013-10The Astrophysical JournalNICIUS/CA/UK/AU/GS
The Gemini NICI planet-finding campaign: The offset ring of HR 4796 AWahhaj, Zahed, Liu, Michael C., Biller, Beth A., Nielsen, Eric L., Hayward, Thomas L., Kuchner, Marc, Close, Laird M., Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Toomey, Douglas W.2014-07Astronomy & AstrophysicsNICIUK/US/GS/CA/AU
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Orbit of the Young Exoplanet β Pictoris bNielsen, Eric L., Liu, Michael C., Wahhaj, Zahed, Biller, Beth A., Hayward, Thomas L., Males, Jared R., Close, Laird M., Morzinski, Katie M., Skemer, Andrew J., Kuchner, Marc J., Rodigas, Timothy J., Hinz, Philip M., Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Toomey, Douglas W.2014-10The Astrophysical JournalNICIUK/US/GS/GT/CA
The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: Dynamical Mass of the Exoplanet β Pictoris b from Combined Direct Imaging and AstrometryNielsen, Eric L.; De Rosa, Robert J.; Wang, Jason J.; Sahlmann, Johannes; Kalas, Paul; Duchêne, Gaspard; Rameau, Julien; Marley, Mark S.; Saumon, Didier; Macintosh, Bruce; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.; Nguyen, Meiji M.; Ammons, S. Mark; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Barman, Travis; Bulger, Joanna; Chilcote, Jeffrey; Cotten, Tara; Doyon, Rene; Esposito, Thomas M. Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Follette, Katherine B.; Gerard, Benjamin L.; Goodsell, Stephen J.; Graham, James R.; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z.; Hibon, Pascale; Hung, Li-Wei; Ingraham, Patrick; Konopacky, Quinn; Larkin, James E.; Maire, Jérôme; Marchis, Franck; Marois, Christian; Metchev, Stanimir; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Patience, Jennifer; Perrin, Marshall; Poyneer, Lisa; Pueyo, Laurent; Rajan, Abhijith; Rantakyrö, Fredrik T.; Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste; Savransky, Dmitry; Schneider, Adam C.; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Song, Inseok; Soummer, Remi; Thomas, Sandrine; Wallace, J. Kent; Ward-Duong, Kimberly; Wiktorowicz, Sloane; Wolff, Schuyler2020-02The Astronomical JournalGPICA/US
The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: Giant Planet and Brown Dwarf Demographics From 10-100 AUNielsen, Eric L., De Rosa, Robert J., Macintosh, Bruce, Wang, Jason J., Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste, Chiang, Eugene, Marley, Mark S., Saumon, Didier, Savransky, Dmitry, Ammons, S. Mark, Bailey, Vanessa P., Barman, Travis, Blain, Celia, Bulger, Joanna, Chilcote, Jeffrey, Cotten, Tara, Czekala, Ian, Doyon, Rene, Duchene, Gaspard, Esposito, Thomas M., Fabrycky, Daniel, Fitzgerald, Michael P., Follette, Katherine B., Fortney, Jonathan J., Gerard, Benjamin L., Goodsell, Stephen J., Graham, James R., Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Hibon, Pascale, Hinkley, Sasha, Hirsch, Lea A., Hom, Justin, Hung, Li-Wei, Dawson, Rebekah Ilene, Ingraham, Patrick, Kalas, Paul, Konopacky, Quinn, Larkin, James E., Lee, Eve J., Lin, Jonathan W., Maire, Jerome, Marchis, Franck, Marois, Christian, Metchev, Stanimir, Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A., Morzinski, Katie M., Oppenheimer, Rebecca, Palmer, David, Patience, Jennifer, Perrin, Marshall, Poyneer, Lisa, Pueyo, Laurent, Rafikov, Roman R., Rajan, Abhijith, Rameau, Julien, Rantakyr o, Fredrik T., Ren, Bin, Schneider, Adam C., Sivaramakrishnan, Anand, Song, Inseok, Soummer, Remi, Tallis, Melisa, Thomas, Sandrine, Ward-Duong, Kimberly, Wolff, Schuyler2019-07The Astronomical JournalGPIUS
The Gemini Planet Imager View of the HD 32297 Debris DiskDuchêne, Gaspard; Rice, Malena; Hom, Justin; Zalesky, Joseph; Esposito, Thomas M.; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.; Ren, Bin; Kalas, Paul; Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Arriaga, Pauline; Bruzzone, Sebastian; Bulger, Joanna; Chen, Christine H.; Chiang, Eugene; Cotten, Tara; Czekala, Ian; De Rosa, Robert J.; Dong, Ruobing; Draper, Zachary H.; Follette, Katherine B. Graham, James R.; Hung, Li-Wei; Lopez, Ronald; Macintosh, Bruce; Matthews, Brenda C.; Mazoyer, Johan; Metchev, Stan; Patience, Jennifer; Perrin, Marshall D.; Rameau, Julien; Song, Inseok; Stahl, Kevin; Wang, Jason; Wolff, Schuyler; Zuckerman, Ben; Ammons, S. Mark; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Barman, Travis; Chilcote, Jeffrey; Doyon, Rene; Gerard, Benjamin L.; Goodsell, Stephen J.; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z.; Hibon, Pascale; Ingraham, Patrick; Konopacky, Quinn; Maire, Jérôme; Marchis, Franck; Marley, Mark S.; Marois, Christian; Nielsen, Eric L.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Poyneer, Lisa; Pueyo, Laurent; Rajan, Abhijith; Rantakyrö, Fredrik T.; Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste; Savransky, Dmitry; Schneider, Adam C.; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Soummer, Rémi; Thomas, Sandrine; Ward-Duong, Kimberley2020-06The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
The Gemini Planet-finding Campaign: The Frequency Of Giant Planets around Debris Disk StarsWahhaj, Z., Liu, M. C., Nielsen, E. L., Biller, B. A., Hayward, T. L., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Skemer, A., Ftaclas, C., Chun, M., Thatte, N., Tecza, M., Shkolnik, E. L., Kuchner, M., Reid, I. N., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M., Alencar, S. H. P., Gregorio-Hetem, J., Boss, A., Lin, D. N. C., and Toomey, D. W.2013-08The Astrophysical JournalNICICA/UK/GS/US/AU
The Gemini Spectral Library of Near-IR Late-Type Stellar Templates and Its Application for Velocity Dispersion MeasurementsWinge, C., Riffel, R. A., and Storchi-Bergmann, T.2009-11The Astrophysical JournalGNIRS/NIFS+ALTAIRBR/DD/SV
The Gemini-North Multi-Object Spectrograph: Performance in Imaging, Long-Slit, and Multi-Object Spectroscopic ModesHook, I. M., Jørgensen, I., Allington-Smith, J. R., Davies, R. L., Metcalfe, N., Murowinski, R. G., and Crampton, D.2004-05Publications of the Astronomical Society of the PacificGMOS-NOther
The Gemini/HST Cluster Project: Structural and Photometric Properties of Galaxies in Three z = 0.28-0.89 ClustersChiboucas, Kristin; Barr, Jordi; Flint, Kathleen; Jørgensen, Inger; Collobert, Maela; Davies, Roger2009-10The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NGS/UK
The Gemini/HST Galaxy Cluster Project: Environment Effects on the Stellar Populations in the Lynx Clusters at z = 1.27Jørgensen, Inger, Hunter, Laura C., O’Neill, Conor R., Chiboucas, Kristin, Cole, Ryan K., Toft, Sune, Schiavon, Ricardo P.2019-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NGS/DD
The Gemini/HST Galaxy Cluster Project: Redshift 0.2–1.0 Cluster Sample, X-Ray Data, and Optical Photometry CatalogJørgensen, Inger, Chiboucas, Kristin, Hibon, Pascale, Nielsen, Louise D., Takamiya, Marianne2018-04The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/GS/UK/US/SV/DD
The Gemini/Hubble Space Telescope Galaxy Cluster Project: Stellar Populations in the Low-redshift Reference Cluster GalaxiesJørgensen, Inger, Chiboucas, Kristin, Webb, Kristi, Woodrum, Charity2018-11The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NGS
The Gemini/NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Frequency of Planets around Young Moving Group StarsBiller, Beth A., Liu, Michael C., Wahhaj, Zahed, Nielsen, Eric L., Hayward, Thomas L., Males, Jared R., Skemer, Andrew, Close, Laird M., Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Clarke, Fraser, Thatte, Niranjan, Shkolnik, Evgenya L., Reid, I. Neill, Hartung, Markus, Boss, Alan, Lin, Douglas, Alencar, Silvia H. P., de Gouveia Dal Pino, Elisabete, Gregorio-Hetem, Jane, Toomey, Douglas2013-11The Astrophysical JournalNICICA/AU/US/UK/GS
The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS). I. A Pilot Study of the Stellar Populations in NGC 2298 and NGC 3201Monty, Stephanie, Puzia, Thomas H., Miller, Bryan W., Carrasco, Eleazar R., Simunovic, Mirko, Schirmer, Mischa, Stetson, Peter B., Cassisi, Santi, Venn, Kim A., Dotter, Aaron, Goudfrooij, Paul, Perina, Sibilla, Pessev, Peter, Sarajedini, Ata, Taylor, Matthew A.2018-10The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSGS/US/CL

Gemini Observatory Participants