
Gemini Publications By Users

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

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Displaying 3201-3220 of 3908 results.
The Hawaii trails project: comet-hunting in the main asteroid beltHsieh, H. H.2009-10Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-NUH
The HD 93963 A transiting system: A 1.04 d super-Earth and a 3.65 d sub-Neptune discovered by TESS and CHEOPSSerrano, L. M., Gandolfi, D., Hoyer, S., Brandeker, A., Hooton, M. J., Sousa, S., Murgas, F., Ciardi, D. R., Howell, S. B., Benz, W., Billot, N., Florén, H. -G., Bekkelien, A., Bonfanti, A., Krenn, A., Mustill, A. J., Wilson, T. G., Osborn, H., Parviainen, H., Heidari, N., Pallé, E., Fridlund, M., Adibekyan, V., Fossati, L., Deleuil, M., Knudstrup, E., Collins, K. A., Lam, K. W. F., Grziwa, S., Salmon, S., Albrecht, S. H., Alibert, Y., Alonso, R., Anglada-Escudé, G., Bárczy, T., Barrado y Navascues, D., Barros, S. C. C., Baumjohann, W., Beck, M., Beck, T., Bieryla, A., Bonfils, X., Boyd, P. T., Broeg, C., Cabrera, J., Charnoz, S., Chazelas, B., Christiansen, J. L., Collier Cameron, A., Cortés-Zuleta, P., Csizmadia, Sz., Davies, M. B., Deline, A., Delrez, L., Demangeon, O. D. S., Demory, B. -O., Dunlavey, A., Ehrenreich, D., Erikson, A., Fortier, A., Fukui, A., Garai, Z., Gillon, M., Güdel, M., Hébrard, G., Heng, K., Huang, C. X., Isaak, K. G., Jenkins, J. M., Kiss, L. L., Laskar, J., Latham, D. W., Lecavelier des Etangs, A., Lendl, M., Levine, A. M., Lovis, C., Lund, M. B., Magrin, D., Maxted, P. F. L., Narita, N., Nascimbeni, V., Olofsson, G., Ottensamer, R., Pagano, I., Pessanha, A. C. S. V., Peter, G., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Ragazzoni, R., Rando, N., Ratti, F., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Ricker, G., Rowden, P., Santos, N. C., Scandariato, G., Seager, S., Ségransan, D., Simon, A. E., Smith, A. M. S., Steller, M., Szabó, Gy. M., Thomas, N., Twicken, J. D., Udry, S., Ulmer, B., Van Grootel, V., Vanderspek, R., Viotto, V., Walton, N.2022-11Astronomy & AstrophysicsAlopekeLP
The helium-rich cataclysmic variable SBSS 1108+574Carter, P. J., Steeghs, D., de Miguel, E., Goff, W., Koff, R. A., Krajci, T., Marsh, T. R., Gänsicke, B. T., Breedt, E., Groot, P. J., Nelemans, G., Roelofs, G. H. A., Rau, A., Koester, D., and Kupfer, T.2013-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUK
The HH 24 Complex: Jets, Multiple Star Formation, and Orphaned ProtostarsReipurth, Bo; Bally, J.; Yen, Hsi-Wei; Arce, H. G.; Rodríguez, L. -F.; Raga, A. C.; Geballe, T. R.; Rao, R.; Comerón, F.; Mikkola, S.; Aspin, C. A.; Walawender, J.2023-05The Astronomical JournalGMOS-N/GNIRS/NIRI+ALTAIRUH
The host galaxies and explosion sites of long-duration gamma ray bursts: Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared imagingLyman, J. D., Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Fynbo, J. P. U., McGuire, J. T. W., Perley, D. A., Angus, C. R., Bloom, J. S., Conselice, C. J., Fruchter, A. S., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Starling, R. L. C.2017-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUH/UK/US/CA/AU/GS/CL
The Host Galaxies and Progenitors of Fast Radio Bursts Localized with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Bhandari, Shivani; Sadler, Elaine M.; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Simha, Sunil; Ryder, Stuart D.; Marnoch, Lachlan; Bannister, Keith W.; Macquart, Jean-Pierre; Flynn, Chris; Shannon, Ryan M.; Tejos, Nicolas; Corro-Guerra, Felipe; Day, Cherie K.; Deller, Adam T.; Ekers, Ron; Lopez, Sebastian; Mahony, Elizabeth K.; Nuñez, Consuelo; Phillips, Chris2020-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCL
The Host Galaxies of Hybrid Morphology Radio SourcesStroe, Andra, Catlett, Victoria, Harwood, Jeremy J., Vernstrom, Tessa, Mingo, Beatriz2022-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
The Host Galaxies of Short-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts: Luminosities, Metallicities, and Star-Formation RatesBerger, E.2009-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCA/CL/UK/US
The Host Galaxies of Swift Dark Gamma-ray Bursts: Observational Constraints on Highly Obscured and Very High Redshift GRBsPerley, D. A., Cenko, S. B., Bloom, J. S., Chen, H.-W., Butler, N. R., Kocevski, D., Prochaska, J. X., Brodwin, M., Glazebrook, K., Kasliwal, M. M., Kulkarni, S. R., Lopez, S., Ofek, E. O., Pettini, M., Soderberg, A. M., and Starr, D.2009-12The Astronomical JournalNIRIAU/CA/UK/US
The host galaxies of Type Ia supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient FactoryPan, Y.-C., Sullivan, M., Maguire, K., Hook, I. M., Nugent, P. E., Howell, D. A., Arcavi, I., Botyanszki, J., Cenko, S. B., DeRose, J., Fakhouri, H. K., Gal-Yam, A., Hsiao, E., Kulkarni, S. R., Laher, R. R., Lidman, C., Nordin, J., Walker, E. S., Xu, D.2014-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK/US
The Host Galaxy and Redshift of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102Tendulkar, S. P., Bassa, C. G., Cordes, J. M., Bower, G. C., Law, C. J., Chatterjee, S., Adams, E. A. K., Bogdanov, S., Burke-Spolaor, S., Butler, B. J., Demorest, P., Hessels, J. W. T., Kaspi, V. M., Lazio, T. J. W., Maddox, N., Marcote, B., McLaughlin, M. A., Paragi, Z., Ransom, S. M., Scholz, P., Seymour, A., Spitler, L. G., van Langevelde, H. J., Wharton, R. S.2017-01The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-NDD
The Host Galaxy and the Extended Emission-Line Region of the Radio Galaxy 3C 79Fu, H. and Stockton, A.2008-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUH
The host galaxy of FRB 20171020A revisitedLee-Waddell, Karen; James, Clancy W.; Ryder, Stuart D.; Mahony, Elizabeth K.; Bahramian, Arash; Koribalski, Bärbel S.; Kumar, Pravir; Marnoch, Lachlan; North-Hickey, Freya O.; Sadler, Elaine M.; Shannon, Ryan; Tejos, Nicolas; Thorne, Jessica E.; Wang, Jing; Wayth, Randall2023-07Publications of the Astronomical Society of AustraliaGMOS-SCL
The host galaxy of the short GRB 111117A at z = 2.211. Impact on the short GRB redshift distribution and progenitor channelsSelsing, J., Krühler, T., Malesani, D., D'Avanzo, P., Schulze, S., Vergani, S. D., Palmerio, J., Japelj, J., Milvang-Jensen, B., Watson, D., Jakobsson, P., Bolmer, J., Cano, Z., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gomboc, A., Heintz, K. E., Kaper, L., Levan, A. J., Piranomonte, S., Pugliese, G., Sánchez-Ramírez, R., Sparre, M., Tanvir, N. R., Thöne, C. C., Wiersema, K.2018-08Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-NAU/GS
The Host Galaxy of the Super-luminous SN 2010gx and Limits on Explosive 56Ni ProductionChen, T.-W., Smartt, S. J., Bresolin, F., Pastorello, A., Kudritzki, R.-P., Kotak, R., McCrum, M., Fraser, M., and Valenti, S.2013-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK/UH
The host of GRB 030323 at z=3.372: A very high column density DLA system with a low metallicityVreeswijk, P. M., Ellison, S. L., Ledoux, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Møller, P., Henden, A., Hjorth, J., Masi, G., Rol, E., Jensen, B. L., Tanvir, N., Levan, A., Castro Cerón, J. M., Gorosabel, J., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Fruchter, A. S., Kouveliotou, C., Burud, I., Rhoads, J., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., Pian, E., Pedersen, H., Kaper, L., Gilmore, A., Kilmartin, P., Buckle, J. V., Seigar, M. S., Hartmann, D. H., Lindsay, K., and van den Heuvel, E. P. J.2004-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsACQCAMUS/UK
The host of GRB 060206: kinematics of a distant galaxyThöne, C. C., Wiersema, K., Ledoux, C., Starling, R. L. C., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Levan, A. J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Curran, P. A., Gorosabel, J., van der Horst, A. J., Llorente, A., Rol, E., Tanvir, N. R., Vreeswijk, P. M., Wijers, R. A. M. J., and Kewley, L. J.2008-10Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-NUH
The host-galaxy response to the afterglow of GRB 100901AHartoog, O. E., Wiersema, K., Vreeswijk, P. M., Kaper, L., Tanvir, N. R., Savaglio, S., Berger, E., Chornock, R., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Flores, H., Fynbo, J. P. U., Goldoni, P., Gomboc, A., Melandri, A., Pozanenko, A., Schaye, J., Postigo, A. d. U., and Wijers, R. A. M. J.2013-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NAU/US/GS/UK
The hot Jupiter of the magnetically active weak-line T Tauri star V830 TauDonati, J.-F., Yu, L., Moutou, C., Cameron, A. C., Malo, L., Grankin, K., Hébrard, E., Hussain, G. A. J., Vidotto, A. A., Alencar, S. H. P., Haywood, R. D., Bouvier, J., Petit, P., Takami, M., Herczeg, G. J., Gregory, S. G., Jardine, M. M., Morin, J., MaTYSSE Collaboration2017-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGRACESDD
The HST See Change Program. I. Survey Design, Pipeline, and Supernova DiscoveriesHayden, Brian, Rubin, David, Boone, Kyle, Aldering, Greg, Nordin, Jakob, Brodwin, Mark, Deustua, Susana, Dixon, Sam, Fagrelius, Parker, Fruchter, Andy, Eisenhardt, Peter, Gonzalez, Anthony, Gupta, Ravi, Hook, Isobel, Lidman, Chris, Luther, Kyle, Muzzin, Adam, Raha, Zachary, Ruiz-Lapuente, Pilar, Saunders, Clare, Sofiatti, Caroline, Stanford, Adam, Suzuki, Nao, Webb, Tracy, Williams, Steven C., Wilson, Gillian, Yen, Mike, Amanullah, Rahman, Barbary, Kyle, Böhringer, Hans, Chappell, Greta, Cunha, Carlos, Currie, Miles, Fassbender, Rene, Gladders, Michael, Goobar, Ariel, Hildebrandt, Hendrik, Hoekstra, Henk, Huang, Xiaosheng, Huterer, Dragan, Jee, M. James, Kim, Alex, Kowalski, Marek, Linder, Eric, Meyers, Joshua E., Pain, Reynald, Perlmutter, Saul, Richard, Johan, Rosati, Piero, Rozo, Eduardo, Rykoff, Eli, Santos, Joana, Spadafora, Anthony, Stern, Daniel, Wechsler, Risa, The Supernova Cosmology Project2021-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SAU/US

Gemini Observatory Participants