
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3361-3380 of 3908 results.
Looking for prints of interaction processes in the globular cluster system of NGC 3640Ennis, A. I., Bassino, L. P., Caso, J. P.2022-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaGMOS-NAR
Molecular emission of CO in BI Cru with high resolution spectroscopyMarchiano, P. E., Kraus, M., Arias, M. L., Torres, A. F., Cidale, L. S., Vallverdú, R.2022-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaIGRINSAR
Molecular environment of the yellow hypergiant star HD 269953Kraus, M., Arias, M. L., Cidale, L. S., Torres, A. F., Kourniotis, M.2022-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaIGRINSAR
Convective storms in closed cyclones in Jupiter's South Temperate Belt: (I) observationsHueso, Ricardo, Iñurrigarro, Peio, Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín, Foster, Clyde R., Rogers, John H., Orton, Glenn S., Hansen, Candice, Eichstädt, Gerald, Ordonez-Etxeberria, Inaki, Rojas, Jose Felix, Brueshaber, Shawn R., Sanz-Requena, Jose Francisco, Pérez-Hoyos, Santiago, Wong, Michael H., Momary, Thomas W., Jónsson, Björn, Antuñano, Arrate, Baines, Kevin H., Dahl, Emma K., Mizumoto, Shinji, Go, Christopher, Anguiano-Arteaga, Asier2022-07IcarusNIRIUS
BASS. XXVI. DR2 Host Galaxy Stellar Velocity DispersionsKoss, Michael J., Trakhtenbrot, Benny, Ricci, Claudio, Oh, Kyuseok, Bauer, Franz E., Stern, Daniel, Caglar, Turgay, den Brok, Jakob S., Mushotzky, Richard, Ricci, Federica, Mejía-Restrepo, Julian E., Lamperti, Isabella, Treister, Ezequiel, Bär, Rudolf E., Harrison, Fiona, Powell, Meredith C., Privon, George C., Riffel, Rogério, Rojas, Alejandra F., Schawinski, Kevin, Urry, C. Megan2022-07The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGMOS-NUH
First discoveries and localizations of Fast Radio Bursts with MeerTRAP: real-time, commensal MeerKAT surveyRajwade, K. M., Bezuidenhout, M. C., Caleb, M., Driessen, L. N., Jankowski, F., Malenta, M., Morello, V., Sanidas, S., Stappers, B. W., Surnis, M. P., Barr, E. D., Chen, W., Kramer, M., Wu, J., Buchner, S., Serylak, M., Combes, F., Fong, W., Gupta, N., Jagannathan, P., Kilpatrick, C. D., Krogager, J. -K., Noterdaeme, P., Núnẽz, C., Prochaska, J. Xavier, Srianand, R., Tejos, N.2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCL
The Pristine survey - XVII. The C-19 stream is dynamically hot and more extended than previously thoughtYuan, Zhen, Martin, Nicolas F., Ibata, Rodrigo A., Caffau, Elisabetta, Bonifacio, Piercarlo, Mashonkina, Lyudmila I., Errani, Raphaël, Doliva-Dolinsky, Amandine, Starkenburg, Else, Venn, Kim A., Arentsen, Anke, Aguado, David S., Bellazzini, Michele, Famaey, Benoit, Fouesneau, Morgan, González Hernández, Jonay I., Jablonka, Pascale, Lardo, Carmela, Malhan, Khyati, Navarro, Julio F., Sánchez Janssen, Rubén, Sestito, Federico, Thomas, Guillaume F., Viswanathan, Akshara, Vitali, Sara2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGRACESLP
The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system: two 10-M mini-Neptunes transiting a 500-Myr-old, bright, and active K dwarfBarragán, O., Armstrong, D. J., Gandolfi, D., Carleo, I., Vidotto, A. A., Villarreal D'Angelo, C., Oklopčić, A., Isaacson, H., Oddo, D., Collins, K., Fridlund, M., Sousa, S. G., Persson, C. M., Hellier, C., Howell, S., Howard, A., Redfield, S., Eisner, N., Georgieva, I. Y., Dragomir, D., Bayliss, D., Nielsen, L. D., Klein, B., Aigrain, S., Zhang, M., Teske, J., Twicken, J. D., Jenkins, J., Esposito, M., Van Eylen, V., Rodler, F., Adibekyan, V., Alarcon, J., Anderson, D. R., Akana Murphy, J. M., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Benneke, B., Bouchy, F., Bryant, E. M., Butler, R. P., Burt, J., Cabrera, J., Casewell, S., Chaturvedi, P., Cloutier, R., Cochran, W. D., Crane, J., Crossfield, I., Crouzet, N., Collins, K. I., Dai, F., Deeg, H. J., Deline, A., Demangeon, O. D. S., Dumusque, X., Figueira, P., Furlan, E., Gnilka, C., Goad, M. R., Goffo, E., Gutiérrez-Canales, F., Hadjigeorghiou, A., Hartman, Z., Hatzes, A. P., Harris, M., Henderson, B., Hirano, T., Hojjatpanah, S., Hoyer, S., Kabáth, P., Korth, J., Lillo-Box, J., Luque, R., Marmier, M., Močnik, T., Muresan, A., Murgas, F., Nagel, E., Osborne, H. L. M., Osborn, A., Osborn, H. P., Palle, E., Raimbault, M., Ricker, G. R., Rubenzahl, R. A., Stockdale, C., Santos, N. C., Scott, N., Schwarz, R. P., Shectman, S., Raimbault, M., Seager, S., Ségransan, D., Serrano, L. M., Skarka, M., Smith, A. M. S., Šubjak, J., Tan, T. G., Udry, S., Watson, C., Wheatley, P. J., West, R., Winn, J. N., Wang, S. X., Wolfgang, A., Ziegler, C.2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyZorroLP
A 1.46-2.48 μm spectroscopic atlas of a T6 dwarf (1060 K) atmosphere with IGRINS: first detections of H2S and H2, and verification of H2O, CH4, and NH3 line listsTannock, Megan E., Metchev, Stanimir, Hood, Callie E., Mace, Gregory N., Fortney, Jonathan J., Morley, Caroline V., Jaffe, Daniel T., Lupu, Roxana2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyIGRINSCA
The spectroscopy and H-band imaging of Virgo cluster galaxies (SHIVir) survey: data catalogue and kinematic profilesOuellette, Nathalie N. -Q., Courteau, Stéphane, Holtzman, Jon A., McDonald, Michael, Cappellari, Michele, Roediger, Joel C., Côté, Patrick, Dalcanton, Julianne J., Dalla Bontà, Elena, Ferrarese, Laura, Tully, R. Brent, Stone, Connor, Peng, Eric W.2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCA/CL/US
TESS discovery of a sub-Neptune orbiting a mid-M dwarf TOI-2136Gan, Tianjun, Soubkiou, Abderahmane, Wang, Sharon X., Benkhaldoun, Zouhair, Mao, Shude, Artigau, Étienne, Fouqué, Pascal, Arnold, Luc, Giacalone, Steven, Theissen, Christopher A., Aganze, Christian, Burgasser, Adam, Collins, Karen A., Shporer, Avi, Barkaoui, Khalid, Ghachoui, Mourad, Howell, Steve B., Lamman, Claire, Demangeon, Olivier D. S., Burdanov, Artem, Cadieux, Charles, Chouqar, Jamila, Collins, Kevin I., Cook, Neil J., Delrez, Laetitia, Demory, Brice-Olivier, Doyon, René, Dransfield, Georgina, Dressing, Courtney D., Ducrot, Elsa, Fan, Jiahao, Garcia, Lionel, Gill, Holden, Gillon, Michaël, Gnilka, Crystal L., Gómez Maqueo Chew, Yilen, Günther, Maximilian N., Henze, Christopher E., Huang, Chelsea X., Jehin, Emmanuel, Jensen, Eric L. N., Lin, Zitao, Manset, Nadine, McCormac, James, Murray, Catriona A., Niraula, Prajwal, Pedersen, Peter P., Pozuelos, Francisco J., Queloz, Didier, Rackham, Benjamin V., Savel, Arjun B., Schanche, Nicole, Schwarz, Richard P., Sebastian, Daniel, Thompson, Samantha, Timmermans, Mathilde, Triaud, Amaury H. M. J., Vezie, Michael, Wells, Robert D., de Wit, Julien, Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland, Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M.2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyAlopekeLP
A 5 per cent measurement of the Hubble-Lemaître constant from Type II supernovaede Jaeger, T., Galbany, L., Riess, A. G., Stahl, B. E., Shappee, B. J., Filippenko, A. V., Zheng, W.2022-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS/CA/UK/CL
Determining Which Binary Component Hosts the TESS Transiting PlanetLester, Kathryn V., Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David R., Matson, Rachel A.2022-08The Astronomical JournalAlopeke/ZorroUS/LP
Synthesizing Stellar Populations in South Pole Telescope Galaxy Clusters. I. Ages of Quiescent Member Galaxies at 0.3 < z < 1.4Khullar, Gourav, Bayliss, Matthew B., Gladders, Michael D., Kim, Keunho J., Calzadilla, Michael S., Strazzullo, Veronica, Bleem, Lindsey E., Mahler, Guillaume, McDonald, Michael, Floyd, Benjamin, Reichardt, Christian L., Ruppin, Florian, Saro, Alexandro, Sharon, Keren, Somboonpanyakul, Taweewat, Stalder, Brian, Stark, Antony A.2022-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Combining Planck and SPT Cluster Catalogs: Cosmological Analysis and Impact on the Planck Scaling Relation CalibrationSalvati, L., Saro, A., Bocquet, S., Costanzi, M., Ansarinejad, B., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Calzadilla, M. S., Carlstrom, J. E., Chang, C. L., Chown, R., Crites, A. T., Haan, T. de, Dobbs, M. A., Everett, W. B., Floyd, B., Grandis, S., George, E. M., Halverson, N. W., Holder, G. P., Holzapfel, W. L., Hrubes, J. D., Lee, A. T., Luong-Van, D., McDonald, M., McMahon, J. J., Meyer, S. S., Millea, M., Mocanu, L. M., Mohr, J. J., Natoli, T., Omori, Y., Padin, S., Pryke, C., Reichardt, C. L., Ruhl, J. E., Ruppin, F., Schaffer, K. K., Schrabback, T., Shirokoff, E., Staniszewski, Z., Stark, A. A., Vieira, J. D., Williamson, R.2022-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SGS/US
Galactic Winds across the Gas-rich Merger Sequence. II. Lyα Emission and Highly Ionized O VI and N V Outflows in Ultraluminous Infrared GalaxiesLiu, Weizhe, Veilleux, Sylvain, Rupke, David S. N., Tripp, Todd M., Hamann, Frederick, Martin, Crystal2022-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS/UH/AR/DD
TOI-712: A System of Adolescent Mini-Neptunes Extending to the Habitable ZoneVach, Sydney, Quinn, Samuel N., Vanderburg, Andrew, Kane, Stephen R., Collins, Karen A., Kraus, Adam L., Zhou, George, Medina, Amber A., Schwarz, Richard P., Collins, Kevin I., Conti, Dennis M., Stockdale, Chris, Massey, Bob, Suarez, Olga, Guillot, Tristan, Mekarnia, Djamel, Abe, Lyu, Dransfield, Georgina, Crouzet, Nicolas, Triaud, Amaury H. M. J., Schmider, François-Xavier, Agabi, Abelkrim, Buttu, Marco, Hellier, Coel, Furlan, Elise, Gnilka, Crystal L., Howell, Steve B., Ziegler, Carl, Briceño, César, Law, Nicholas, Mann, Andrew W., Rudat, Alexander, Colon, Knicole D., Rose, Mark E., Kunimoto, Michelle, Günther, Maximilian N., Charbonneau, David, Ciardi, David R., Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland K., Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M.2022-08The Astronomical JournalZorroUS
The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. I. Ten TESS PlanetsYee, Samuel W., Winn, Joshua N., Hartman, Joel D., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Zhou, George, Quinn, Samuel N., Latham, David W., Bieryla, Allyson, Collins, Karen A., Addison, Brett C., Angelo, Isabel, Barkaoui, Khalid, Benni, Paul, Boyle, Andrew W., Brahm, Rafael, Butler, R. Paul, Ciardi, David R., Collins, Kevin I., Conti, Dennis M., Crane, Jeffrey D., Dai, Fei, Dressing, Courtney D., Eastman, Jason D., Essack, Zahra, Forés-Toribio, Raquel, Furlan, Elise, Gan, Tianjun, Giacalone, Steven, Gill, Holden, Girardin, Eric, Henning, Thomas, Henze, Christopher E., Hobson, Melissa J., Horner, Jonathan, Howard, Andrew W., Howell, Steve B., Huang, Chelsea X., Isaacson, Howard, Jenkins, Jon M., Jensen, Eric L. N., Jordán, Andrés, Kane, Stephen R., Kielkopf, John F., Lasota, Slawomir, Levine, Alan M., Lubin, Jack, Mann, Andrew W., Massey, Bob, McLeod, Kim K., Mengel, Matthew W., Muñoz, Jose A., Murgas, Felipe, Palle, Enric, Plavchan, Peter, Popowicz, Adam, Radford, Don J., Ricker, George R., Rowden, Pamela, Safonov, Boris S., Savel, Arjun B., Schwarz, Richard P., Seager, S., Sefako, Ramotholo, Shporer, Avi, Srdoc, Gregor, Strakhov, Ivan S., Teske, Johanna K., Tinney, C. G., Tyler, Dakotah, Wittenmyer, Robert A., Zhang, Hui, Ziegler, Carl2022-08The Astronomical JournalAlopeke/ZorroLP
Weak Mass Loss from the Red Supergiant Progenitor of the Type II SN 2021yjaHosseinzadeh, Griffin, Kilpatrick, Charles D., Dong, Yize, Sand, David J., Andrews, Jennifer E., Bostroem, K. Azalee, Janzen, Daryl, Jencson, Jacob E., Lundquist, Michael, Meza Retamal, Nicolas E., Pearson, Jeniveve, Valenti, Stefano, Wyatt, Samuel, Burke, Jamison, Hiramatsu, Daichi, Howell, D. Andrew, McCully, Curtis, Newsome, Megan, Gonzalez, Estefania Padilla, Pellegrino, Craig, Terreran, Giacomo, Auchettl, Katie, Davis, Kyle W., Foley, Ryan J., Miao, Hao-Yu, Pan, Yen-Chen, Rest, Armin, Siebert, Matthew R., Taggart, Kirsty, Tucker, Brad E., Cyrus Leung, Feng Lin, Swift, Jonathan J., Yang, Grace, Anderson, Joseph P., Ashall, Chris, Benetti, Stefano, Brown, Peter J., Cartier, Régis, Chen, Ting-Wan, Valle, Massimo Della, Galbany, Lluís, Gomez, Sebastian, Gromadzki, Mariusz, Haislip, Joshua, Hsiao, Eric Y., Inserra, Cosimo, Jha, Saurabh W., Killestein, Thomas L., Kouprianov, Vladimir, Kozyreva, Alexandra, Müller-Bravo, Tomás E., Nicholl, Matt, Paraskeva, Emmy, Reichart, Daniel E., Ryder, Stuart, Shahbandeh, Melissa, Shappee, Ben, Smith, Nathan, Young, David R.2022-08The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSUS
Resolving the Core of R136 in the OpticalKalari, Venu M., Horch, Elliott P., Salinas, Ricardo, Vink, Jorick S., Andersen, Morten, Bestenlehner, Joachim M., Rubio, Monica2022-08The Astrophysical JournalZorroDD

Gemini Observatory Participants