
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 321-340 of 3943 results.
Vanadium oxide and a sharp onset of cold-trapping on a giant exoplanetPelletier, Stefan; Benneke, Björn; Ali-Dib, Mohamad ; Prinoth, Bibiana ; Kasper, David ; Seifahrt, Andreas ; Bean, Jacob L. ; Debras, Florian ; Klein, Baptiste ; Bazinet, Luc; Hoeijmakers, H. Jens ; Kesseli, Aurora Y. ; Lim, Olivia ; Carmona, Andres ; Pino, Lorenzo; Casasayas-Barris, Núria ; Hood, Thea; Stürmer, Julian search by orcid2023-07NatureMAROON-XCA/CFH
The host galaxy of FRB 20171020A revisitedLee-Waddell, Karen; James, Clancy W.; Ryder, Stuart D.; Mahony, Elizabeth K.; Bahramian, Arash; Koribalski, Bärbel S.; Kumar, Pravir; Marnoch, Lachlan; North-Hickey, Freya O.; Sadler, Elaine M.; Shannon, Ryan; Tejos, Nicolas; Thorne, Jessica E.; Wang, Jing; Wayth, Randall2023-07Publications of the Astronomical Society of AustraliaGMOS-SCL
Discovery of spectacular quasar-driven superbubbles in red quasarsShen, Lu ; Liu, Guilin ; He, Zhicheng ; Zakamska, Nadia L. ; Glikman, Eilat ; Greene, Jenny E. ; Hu, Weida ; Mou, Guobin ; Wylezalek, Dominika; Rupke, David S. N.2023-07Science AdvancesGMOS-NUS
CSS1603+19: a low-mass polar near the cataclysmic variable period minimumLiu, Yiqi; Hwang, Hsiang-Chih; Zakamska, Nadia L.; Thorstensen, John R.2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUS
WD J004917.14-252556.81: the most massive pulsating white dwarfKilic, Mukremin; Córsico, Alejandro H. ; Moss, Adam G. ; Jewett, Gracyn ; De Gerónimo, Francisco C. ; Althaus, Leandro G.2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SDD
The DIVING3D Survey - Deep IFS View of Nuclei of Galaxies - III. Analysis of the nuclear region of the early-type galaxies of the sampleRicci, T. V. ; Steiner, J. E. ; Menezes, R. B. ; Slodkowski Clerici, K. ; da Silva, M. D.2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SBR
Digging deeper into NGC 6868 I: Stellar populationBenedetti, João P. V.; Riffel, Rogério; Ricci, Tiago ; Trevisan, Marina ; Riffel, Rogemar A.; Pastoriza, Miriani ; Dahmer-Hahn, Luis G. ; Ruschel-Dutra, Daniel ; Rodríguez-Ardila, Alberto; Hernandez-Jimenez, Jose A.; Steiner, João2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
Ultracool dwarfs candidates based on 6 yr of the Dark Energy Survey data dal Ponte, M.; Santiago, B.; Carnero Rosell, A.; De Paris, L. ; Pace, A. B.; Bechtol, K. ; Abbott, T. M. C. ; Aguena, M. ; Allam, S. ; Alves, O. ; Bacon, D. ; Bertin, E. ; Bocquet, S. ; Brooks, D. ; Burke, D. L. ; Carrasco Kind, M. ; Carretero, J. ; Conselice, C. ; Costanzi, M.; Desai, S. ; De Vicente, J. ; Doel, P. ; Everett, S. ; Ferrero, I.; Flaugher, B. ; Frieman, J. ; García-Bellido, J. ; Gerdes, D. W. ; Gruendl, R. A. ; Gruen, D. ; Gutierrez, G. ; Hinton, S. R. ; Hollowood, D. L. ; James, D. J. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Marshall, J. L. ; Mena-Fernández, J. ; Menanteau, F. ; Miquel, R. ; Ogando, R. L. C. ; Palmese, A. ; Paz-Chinchón, F. ; Pereira, M. E. S. ; Plazas Malagón, A. A. ; Pieres, A.; Raveri, M. ; Rodriguez-Monroy, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. ; Smith, M. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M. E. C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; To, C. ; Weaverdyck, N. ; DES Collaboration2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR/US
A sub-Neptune transiting the young field star HD 18599 at 40 pc de Leon, J. P.; Livingston, J. H.; Jenkins, J. S.; Vines, J. I.; Wittenmyer, R. A.; Clark, J. T.; Winn, J. I. M.; Addison, B.; Ballard, S.; Bayliss, D.; Beichman, C.; Benneke, B.; Berardo, D. A.; Bowler, B. P. ; Brown, T. ; Bryant, E. M.; Christiansen, J.; Ciardi, D.; Collins, K. A.; Collins, K. I.; Crossfield, I.; Deming, D.; Dragomir, D.; Dressing, C. D.; Fukui, A.; Gan, T.; Giacalone, S.; Gill, S.; Gorjian, V.; González Alvarez, E. ; Hesse, K.; Horner, J.; Howell, S. B.; Jenkins, J. M. ; Kane, S. R.; Kendall, A. ; Kielkopf, J. F.; Kreidberg, L.; Latham, D. W.; Liu, H. ; Lund, M. B.; Matson, R.; Matthews, E.; Mengel, M. W.; Morales, F.; Mori, M.; Narita, N.; Nishiumi, T.; Okumura, J. ; Plavchan, P.; Quinn, S.; Rabus, M.; Ricker, G.; Rudat, A. ; Schlieder, J.; Schwarz, R. P.; Seager, S.; Shporer, A.; Smith, A. M. S. ; Stassun, K.; Tamura, M.; Tan, T. G.; Tinney, C.; Vanderspek, R.; Werner, M. W. ; West, R. G. ; Wright, D.; Zhang, H. ; Zhou, G.2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyZorroLP
Infrared spectroscopic confirmation of z 2 photometrically selected obscured quasars Ishikawa, Yuzo; Wang, Ben ; Zakamska, Nadia L.; Richards, Gordon T. ; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Rivera, Angelica B.2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUS
Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of YSOs in nearby star-forming regions - I. Eruptive YSOs Contreras Peña, Carlos; Herczeg, Gregory J. ; Ashraf, Mizna ; Jose, Jessy ; Lee, Ho-Gyu ; Johnstone, Doug; Lee, Jeong-Eun ; Zhou, Xing-yu ; Liu, Hanpu ; Yoon, Sung-Yong2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyFLAMINGOS-2CA/KR
The Infrared Colors of 51 Eridani b: Micrometeoroid Dust or Chemical Disequilibrium? Madurowicz, Alexander; Mukherjee, Sagnick; Batalha, Natasha; Macintosh, Bruce; Marley, Mark; Karalidi, Theodora2023-06The Astronomical JournalGPIOTHER
Multi-wavelength aperture polarimetry of debris disc host starsMarshall, Jonathan P.; Cotton, Daniel V.; Bott, Kimberly ; Bailey, Jeremy; Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna ; Brown, Emma L. 2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyVISITORDD
Updated Planetary Mass Constraints of the Young V1298 Tau System Using MAROON-X Sikora, James ; Rowe, Jason ; Barat, Saugata ; Bean, Jacob L. ; Brady, Madison ; Désert, Jean-Michel ; Feinstein, Adina D. ; Gilbert, Emily A. ; Henry, Gregory ; Kasper, David ; Lizotte, Déreck-Alexandre ; Matesic, Michael R. B. ; Panwar, Vatsal ; Seifahrt, Andreas ; Shivkumar, Hinna ; Stefánsson, Gudmundur ; Stürmer, Julian2023-06The Astronomical JournalMAROON-XCA
Revised Properties and Dynamical History for the HD 17156 System Kane, Stephen R. ; Hill, Michelle L. ; Dalba, Paul A. ; Fetherolf, Tara ; Henry, Gregory W. ; Fajardo-Acosta, Sergio B. ; Gnilka, Crystal L. ; Howard, Andrew W. ; Howell, Steve B. ; Isaacson, Howard2023-06The Astronomical JournalAlopekeLP
The Chemodynamical Nature of the Triangulum-Andromeda Overdensity search by orcid2023-06The Astrophysical JournalGRACESBR
Detection of TiO and VO in the Atmosphere of WASP-121b and Evidence For its Temporal Variation Ouyang, Qinglin ; Wang, Wei ; Zhai, Meng ; Chen, Guo ; Rojo, Patricio ; Liu, Yujuan ; Zhao, Fei ; Huang, Jia-Sheng ; Zhao, Gang 2023-06Research in Astronomy and AstrophysicsGMOS-SUS
Near-infrared and Optical Observations of Type Ic SN 2021krf: Luminous Late-time Emission and Dust Formation Ravi, Aravind P. ; Rho, Jeonghee ; Park, Sangwook ; Park, Seong Hyun ; Yoon, Sung-Chul ; Geballe, T. R. ; Vinkó, Jozsef ; Tinyanont, Samaporn ; Bostroem, K. Azalee ; Burke, Jamison ; Hiramatsu, Daichi ; Howell, D. Andrew ; McCully, Curtis ; Newsome, Megan ; Padilla Gonzalez, Estefania ; Pellegrino, Craig ; Cartier, Regis ; Pritchard, Tyler ; Andersen, Morten ; Blinnikov, Sergey ; Dong, Yize ; Blanchard, Peter ; Kilpatrick, Charles D. ; Hoeflich, Peter ; Valenti, Stefano ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Suntzeff, Nicholas B. ; Seok, Ji Yeon ; Könyves-Tóth, R. ; Foley, Ryan J. ; Siebert, Matthew R. ; Jones, David O.2023-06The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSKR
A Census of the TW Hya Association with Gaia Luhman, K. L.2023-06The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SCL/FT/US
A Search for Extragalactic Fast Blue Optical Transients in ZTF and the Rate of AT2018cow-like TransientsHo, Anna Y. Q. ; Perley, Daniel A. ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Lunnan, Ragnhild ; Sollerman, Jesper ; Schulze, Steve ; Das, Kaustav K. ; Dobie, Dougal ; Yao, Yuhan ; Fremling, Christoffer ; Adams, Scott ; Anand, Shreya ; Andreoni, Igor ; Bellm, Eric C. ; Bruch, Rachel J. ; Burdge, Kevin B. ; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J. ; Dahiwale, Aishwarya ; De, Kishalay ; Dekany, Richard ; Drake, Andrew J. ; Duev, Dmitry A. ; Graham, Matthew J. ; Helou, George ; Kaplan, David L. ; Karambelkar, Viraj ; Kasliwal, Mansi M. ; Kool, Erik C. ; Kulkarni, S. R. ; Mahabal, Ashish A. ; Medford, Michael S. ; Miller, A. A. ; Nordin, Jakob ; Ofek, Eran ; Petitpas, Glen ; Riddle, Reed ; Sharma, Yashvi ; Smith, Roger ; Stewart, Adam J. ; Taggart, Kirsty ; Tartaglia, Leonardo ; Tzanidakis, Anastasios ; Winters, Jan Martin2023-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS/LTP

Gemini Observatory Participants