
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3541-3560 of 3908 results.
A Multi-wavelength View of the Central Kiloparsec Region in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 1614Herrero-Illana, Rubén, Pérez-Torres, Miguel Á., Alonso-Herrero, Almudena, Alberdi, Antxon, Colina, Luis, Efstathiou, Andreas, Hernández-García, Lorena, Miralles-Caballero, Daniel, Väisänen, Petri, Packham, Christopher C., Rajpaul, Vinesh, Zijlstra, Albert A.2014-05The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
Age Determination in Upper Scorpius with Eclipsing BinariesDavid, Trevor J., Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Gillen, Edward, Cody, Ann Marie, Howell, Steve B., Isaacson, Howard T., Livingston, John H.2019-02The Astrophysical JournalDSSIUS
Has the dust clump in the debris disc of Beta Pictoris moved?Han, Y., Wyatt, M. C., Dent, W. R. F.2023-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyTRECSUS
Dynamical Mass Estimates for Incomplete Orbits: Young Multiple Stars in Taurus and OphiuchusSchaefer, G. H., Simon, M., Beck, T. L., Nelan, E., and Prato, L.2006-12The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Ion-Ion Equilibration and Particle Distributions in a 3000 km s-1 Shock in SN 1006Raymond, J. C., Winkler, P. F., Blair, W. P., Laming, J. M.2017-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
The infrared view of dust and molecules around V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object): a 20-yr retrospectiveEvans, A.; Gehrz, R. D.; Woodward, C. E.; Banerjee, D. P. K.; Geballe, T. R.; Clayton, G. C.; Sarre, P. J.; Starrfield, S.; Hinkle, K.; Joyce, R. R.; Lykou, Foteini; Helton, L. A.; Eyres, S. P. S.; Worters, H.; Montiel, E. J.; Liimets, T.; Zijlstra, A.; Richter, M.; Krautter, J.2020-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Quantifying the dust in SN 2012aw and iPTF14hls with ORBYTSNiculescu-Duvaz, Maria, Barlow, M. J., Dunn, William, Bevan, Antonia, Ahmed, Omar, Arkless, David, Barker, Jon, Bartolotta, Sidney, Brockway, Liam, Browne, Daniel, Esmail, Ubaid, Garner, Max, Guz, Wiktoria, King, Scarlett, Kose, Hayri, Lampstaes-Capes, Madeline, Magen, Joseph, Morrison, Nicole, Oo, Kyaw, Paik, Balvinder, Primrose, Joanne, Quick, Danny, Radeka, Anais, Rodney, Anthony, Sandeman, Eleanor, Sheikh, Fawad, Stansfield, Camron, Symister, Delayne, Taylor, Joshua, Wilshere, William, Wesson, R., De Looze, I., Clayton, G. C., Krafton, K., Matsuura, M.2023-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS
A Combined Ground-based and JWST Atmospheric Retrieval Analysis: Both IGRINS and NIRSpec Agree that the Atmosphere of WASP-77A b Is Metal-poorSmith, Peter C. B.; Line, Michael R.; Bean, Jacob L.; Brogi, Matteo; August, Prune; Welbanks, Luis; Desert, Jean-Michel; Lunine, Jonathan; Sanchez, Jorge; Mansfield, Megan; Pino, Lorenzo; Rauscher, Emily; Kempton, Eliza; Zalesky, Joseph; Fowler, Martin2024-03The Astronomical JournalIGRINSUS
A Significant Population of Very Luminous Dust-Obscured Galaxies at Redshift z ~ 2Dey, A., Soifer, B. T., Desai, V., Brand, K., Le Floc'h, E., Brown, M. J. I., Jannuzi, B. T., Armus, L., Bussmann, S., Brodwin, M., Bian, C., Eisenhardt, P., Higdon, S. J., Weedman, D., and Willner, S. P.2008-04The Astrophysical JournalNIRIUS
The Dusty Nova V1065 Centauri (Nova Cen 2007): a Spectroscopic Analysis of Abundances and Dust PropertiesHelton, L. A., Woodward, C. E., Walter, F. M., Vanlandingham, K., Schwarz, G. J., Evans, A., Ness, J.-U., Geballe, T. R., Gehrz, R. D., Greenhouse, M., Krautter, J., Liller, W., Lynch, D. K., Rudy, R. J., Shore, S. N., Starrfield, S., and Truran, J.2010-11The Astronomical JournalGNIRSUS
The Diffuse Source at the Center of LMC SNR 0509–67.5 is a Background Galaxy at z = 0.031Pagnotta, Ashley, Walker, Emma S., Schaefer, Bradley E.2014-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Measuring the Mass of the Central Black Hole in the Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 4395 from Gas Dynamical Modelingden Brok, Mark, Seth, Anil C., Barth, Aaron J., Carson, Daniel J., Neumayer, Nadine, Cappellari, Michele, Debattista, Victor P., Ho, Luis C., Hood, Carol E., McDermid, Richard M.2015-08The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+LGSUS
Surfaces of (Nearly) Dormant Comets and the Recent History of the Quadrantid Meteor Shower Kareta, Theodore; Hergenrother, Carl; Reddy, Vishnu; Harris, Walter M.2021-02The Planetary Science JournalGMOS-SUS
Spectacular X-ray Tails, Intracluster Star Formation, and ULXs in A3627Sun, M., Donahue, M., Roediger, E., Nulsen, P. E. J., Voit, G. M., Sarazin, C., Forman, W., and Jones, C.2010-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
The Combined Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-infrared Light Curves of the Kilonova Associated with the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817: Unified Data Set, Analytic Models, and Physical ImplicationsVillar, V. A., Guillochon, J., Berger, E., Metzger, B. D., Cowperthwaite, P. S., Nicholl, M., Alexander, K. D., Blanchard, P. K., Chornock, R., Eftekhari, T., Fong, W., Margutti, R., Williams, P. K. G.2017-12The Astrophysical Journal LettersFLAMINGOS-2/GMOS-SUS
The long-lived Type IIn SN 2015da: Infrared echoes and strong interaction within an extended massive shellTartaglia, L.; Pastorello, A.; Sollerman, J.; Fransson, C.; Mattila, S.; Fraser, M.; Taddia, F.; Tomasella, L.; Turatto, M.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Lundqvist, P.; Harmanen, J.; Reynolds, T.; Cappellaro, E.; Barbarino, C.; Nyholm, A.; Kool, E.; Ofek, E.; Gao, X. Jin, Z.; Tan, H.; Sand, D. J.; Ciabattari, F.; Wang, X.; Zhang, J.; Huang, F.; Li, W.; Mo, J.; Rui, L.; Xiang, D.; Zhang, T.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D. A.; McCully, C.; Valenti, S.; Benetti, S.; Callis, E.; Carracedo, A. S.; Fremling, C.; Kangas, T.; Rubin, A.; Somero, A.; Terreran, G.2020-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsGNIRSUS
PASSAGES: The Wide-ranging, Extreme Intrinsic Properties of Planck-selected, Lensed Dusty Star-forming GalaxiesKamieneski, Patrick S.; Yun, Min S.; Harrington, Kevin C.; Lowenthal, James D.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Frye, Brenda L.; Jiménez-Andrade, Eric F.; Vishwas, Amit; Cooper, Olivia; Pascale, Massimo; Foo, Nicholas; Berman, Derek; Englert, Anthony; Garcia Diaz, Carlos2024-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Closing in on a Short-Hard Burst Progenitor: Constraints from Early-Time Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy of a Possible Host Galaxy of GRB 050509bBloom, J. S., Prochaska, J. X., Pooley, D., Blake, C. H., Foley, R. J., Jha, S., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Granot, J., Filippenko, A. V., Sigurdsson, S., Barth, A. J., Chen, H.-W., Cooper, M. C., Falco, E. E., Gal, R. R., Gerke, B. F., Gladders, M. D., Greene, J. E., Hennanwi, J., Ho, L. C., Hurley, K., Koester, B. P., Li, W., Lubin, L., Newman, J., Perley, D. A., Squires, G. K., and Wood-Vasey, W. M.2006-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Quiescent H2 Emission From Pre-Main-Sequence Stars in Chamaeleon IBary, J. S., Weintraub, D. A., Shukla, S. J., Leisenring, J. M., and Kastner, J. H.2008-05The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
The 10830 Å Helium Line Among Evolved Stars in the Globular Cluster M4Strader, Jay, Dupree, A. K., Smith, Graeme H.2015-08The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS

Gemini Observatory Participants