
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 341-360 of 3943 results.
The puzzling dredge-up pattern in NGC 1978Lederer, M. T., Lebzelter, T., Cristallo, S., Straniero, O., Hinkle, K. H., and Aringer, B.2009-08Astronomy & AstrophysicsPHOENIXUS
Optical Spectroscopy and Velocity Dispersions of Galaxy Clusters from the SPT-SZ SurveyRuel, J., Bazin, G., Bayliss, M., Brodwin, M., Foley, R. J., Stalder, B., Aird, K. A., Armstrong, R., Ashby, M. L. N., Bautz, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Bocquet, S., Carlstrom, J. E., Chang, C. L., Chapman, S. C., Cho, H. M., Clocchiatti, A., Crawford, T. M., Crites, A. T., de Haan, T., Desai, S., Dobbs, M. A., Dudley, J. P., Forman, W. R., George, E. M., Gladders, M. D., Gonzalez, A. H., Halverson, N. W., Harrington, N. L., High, F. W., Holder, G. P., Holzapfel, W. L., Hrubes, J. D., Jones, C., Joy, M., Keisler, R., Knox, L., Lee, A. T., Leitch, E. M., Liu, J., Lueker, M., Luong-Van, D., Mantz, A., Marrone, D. P., McDonald, M., McMahon, J. J., Mehl, J., Meyer, S. S., Mocanu, L., Mohr, J. J., Montroy, T. E., Murray, S. S., Natoli, T., Nurgaliev, D., Padin, S., Plagge, T., Pryke, C., Reichardt, C. L., Rest, A., Ruhl, J. E., Saliwanchik, B. R., Saro, A., Sayre, J. T., Schaffer, K. K., Shaw, L., Shirokoff, E., Song, J., Šuhada, R., Spieler, H. G., Stanford, S. A., Staniszewski, Z., Starsk, A. A., Story, K., Stubbs, C. W., van Engelen, A., Vanderlinde, K., Vieira, J. D., Vikhlinin, A., Williamson, R., Zahn, O., Zenteno, A.2014-09The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Volumetric Rates of Luminous Red Novae and Intermediate-luminosity Red Transients with the Zwicky Transient Facility Karambelkar, Viraj R. ; Kasliwal, Mansi M. ; Blagorodnova, Nadejda ; Sollerman, Jesper ; Aloisi, Robert ; Anand, Shreya G. ; Andreoni, Igor ; Brink, Thomas G. ; Bruch, Rachel ; Cook, David ; Das, Kaustav Kashyap ; De, Kishalay ; Drake, Andrew ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Fremling, Christoffer ; Helou, George ; Ho, Anna ; Jencson, Jacob ; Jones, David ; Laher, Russ R. ; Masci, Frank J. ; Patra, Kishore C. ; Purdum, Josiah ; Reedy, Alexander ; Sit, Tawny ; Sharma, Yashvi ; Tzanidakis, Anastasios ; van der Walt, Stéfan J. ; Yao, Yuhan ; Zhang, Chaoran2023-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
An attempt to detect transient changes in Io's SO2 and NaCl atmosphereRoth, Lorenz; Boissier, Jeremie; Moullet, Arielle; Sánchez-Monge, Álvaro; de Kleer, Katherine; Yoneda, Mizuki; Hikida, Reina; Kita, Hajime; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Blöcker, Aljona; Gladstone, G. Randall; Grodent, Denis; Ivchenko, Nickolay; Lellouch, Emmanuel; Retherford, Kurt D.; Saur, Joachim; Schilke, Peter; Strobel, Darrell; Thorwirth, Sven2020-11IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Activity and Kinematics of Ultracool Dwarfs, Including an Amazing Flare ObservationSchmidt, S. J., Cruz, K. L., Bongiorno, B. J., Liebert, J., and Reid, I. N.2007-05The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUS
Thirty Years of SN 1980K: Evidence for Light EchoesSugerman, B. E. K., Andrews, J. E., Barlow, M. J., Clayton, G. C., Ercolano, B., Ghavamian, P., Kennicutt, R. C., Jr., Krause, O., Meixner, M., and Otsuka, M.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
High-resolution Images of Orbital Motion in the Orion Trapezium Cluster with the LBT AO SystemClose, L. M., Puglisi, A., Males, J. R., Arcidiacono, C., Skemer, A., Guerra, J. C., Busoni, L., Brusa, G., Pinna, E., Miller, D. L., Riccardi, A., McCarthy, D. W., Xompero, M., Kulesa, C., Quiros-Pacheco, F., Argomedo, J., Brynnel, J., Esposito, S., Mannucci, F., Boutsia, K., Fini, L., Thompson, D. J., Hill, J. M., Woodward, C. E., Briguglio, R., Rodigas, T. J., Briguglio, R., Stefanini, P., Agapito, G., Hinz, P., Follette, K., and Green, R.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
Deciphering the unusual stellar progenitor of GRB 210704A Becerra, R. L. ; Troja, E. ; Watson, A. M. ; O'Connor, B. ; Veres, P. ; Dichiara, S. ; Butler, N. R. ; De Colle, F. ; Sakamoto, T. ; López, K. O. C. ; Aoki, K. ; Fraija, N. ; Im, M. ; Kutyrev, A. S. ; Lee, W. H. ; Paek, G. S. H. ; Pereyra, M. ; Ravi, S. ; Urata, Y.2023-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/NIRIUS
Gliese 12 b: A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 pc Ideal for Atmospheric Transmission SpectroscopyKuzuhara, Masayuki; Fukui, Akihiko; Livingston, John H.; Caballero, José A.; de Leon, Jerome P.; Hirano, Teruyuki; Kasagi, Yui; Murgas, Felipe; Narita, Norio; Omiya, Masashi; Orell-Miquel, Jaume; Palle, Enric; Changeat, Quentin; Esparza-Borges, Emma; Harakawa, Hiroki; Hellier, Coel; Hori, Yasunori; Ikuta, Kai; Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Tako; Kodama, Takanori; Kotani, Takayuki; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Morales, Juan C.; Mori, Mayuko; Nagel, Evangelos; Parviainen, Hannu; Perdelwitz, Volker; Reiners, Ansgar; Ribas, Ignasi; Sanz-Forcada, Jorge; Sato, Bun'ei; Schweitzer, Andreas; Tabernero, Hugo M.; Takarada, Takuya; Uyama, Taichi; Watanabe, Noriharu; Zechmeister, Mathias; García, Néstor Abreu; Aoki, Wako; Beichman, Charles; Béjar, Víctor J. S.; Brandt, Timothy D.; Calatayud-Borras, Yéssica ; Carleo, Ilaria; Charbonneau, David; Collins, Karen A.; Currie, Thayne; Doty, John P. ; Dreizler, Stefan; Fernández-Rodríguez, Gareb; Fukuda, Izuru; Galán, Daniel; Geraldía-González, Samuel ; González-Garcia, Josafat ; Hayashi, Yuya; Hedges, Christina; Henning, Thomas; Hodapp, Klaus ; Ikoma, Masahiro; Isogai, Keisuke; Jacobson, Shane ; Janson, Markus; Jenkins, Jon M.; Kagetani, Taiki; Kambe, Eiji ; Kawai, Yugo; Kawauchi, Kiyoe; Kokubo, Eiichiro; Konishi, Mihoko; Korth, Judith; Krishnamurthy, Vigneshwaran; Kurokawa, Takashi ; Kusakabe, Nobuhiko; Kwon, Jungmi ; Laza-Ramos, Andrés; Libotte, Florence ; Luque, Rafael; Madrigal-Aguado, Alberto; Matsumoto, Yuji; Mawet, Dimitri; McElwain, Michael W.; Meni Gallardo, Pedro Pablo; Morello, Giuseppe; Torres, Sara Muñoz; Nishikawa, Jun; Nugroho, Stevanus K.; Ogihara, Masahiro; Peláez-Torres, Alberto; Rapetti, David; Sánchez-Benavente, Manuel; Schlecker, Martin; Seager, Sara; Serabyn, Eugene ; Serizawa, Takuma ; Stangret, Monika; Takahashi, Aoi; Teng, Huan-Yu; Tamura, Motohide; Terada, Yuka; Ueda, Akitoshi ; Usuda, Tomonori; Vanderspek, Roland; Vievard, Sébastien; Watanabe, David; Winn, Joshua N.; Zapatero Osorio, Maria Rosa2024-06The Astrophysical Journal LettersNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Global near-IR maps from Gemini-N and Keck in 2010, with a special focus on Janus Patera and Kanehekili Fluctusde Pater, Imke, Davies, Ashley Gerard, McGregor, Alistair, Trujillo, Chad, Ádámkovics, Máté, Veeder, Glenn J., Matson, Dennis L., Leone, Giovanni2014-11IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
A Spectroscopic Study of the Rich Supernova Remnant Population in M83Winkler, P. Frank, Blair, William P., Long, Knox S.2017-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Evidence for differentiation of the most primitive small bodiesCarry, B., Vernazza, P., Vachier, F., Neveu, M., Berthier, J., Hanuš, J., Ferrais, M., Jorda, L., Marsset, M., Viikinkoski, M., Bartczak, P., Behrend, R., Benkhaldoun, Z., Birlan, M., Castillo-Rogez, J., Cipriani, F., Colas, F., Drouard, A., Dudziński, G. P., Desmars, J., Dumas, C., Ďurech, J., Fetick, R., Fusco, T., Grice, J., Jehin, E., Kaasalainen, M., Kryszczynska, A., Lamy, P., Marchis, F., Marciniak, A., Michalowski, T., Michel, P., Pajuelo, M., Podlewska-Gaca, E., Rambaux, N., Santana-Ros, T., Storrs, A., Tanga, P., Vigan, A., Warner, B., Wieczorek, M., Witasse, O., Yang, B.2021-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIRI+ALTAIRUS
The enigmatic young brown dwarf binary FUTau: accretion and activityStelzer, B., Scholz, A., Argiroffi, C., and Micela, G.2010-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS
Two new, rare, high-effusion outburst eruptions at Rarog and Heno Paterae on Iode Pater, Imke, Davies, Ashley Gerard, Ádámkovics, Máté, Ciardi, David R.2014-11IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Detection of TiO and VO in the Atmosphere of WASP-121b and Evidence For its Temporal Variation Ouyang, Qinglin ; Wang, Wei ; Zhai, Meng ; Chen, Guo ; Rojo, Patricio ; Liu, Yujuan ; Zhao, Fei ; Huang, Jia-Sheng ; Zhao, Gang 2023-06Research in Astronomy and AstrophysicsGMOS-SUS
A Search for Mid-Infrared Emission from Hot Molecular Core CandidatesDe Buizer, J. M., Radomski, J. T., Telesco, C. M., and Piña, R. K.2003-12The Astrophysical JournalOSCIRUS
Gemini Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Luminous z ~ 6 Quasars: Chemical Abundances, Black Hole Masses, and Mg II AbsorptionJiang, L., Fan, X., Vestergaard, M., Kurk, J. D., Walter, F., Kelly, B. C., and Strauss, M. A.2007-09The Astronomical JournalNIRI/GNIRSUS
Near-infrared monitoring of Io and detection of a violent outburst on 29 August 2013de Kleer, Katherine, de Pater, Imke, Davies, Ashley Gerard, Ádámkovics, Máté2014-11IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
An Adaptive Optics Survey of M6.0-M7.5 Stars: Discovery of Three Very Low Mass Binary Systems Including Two Probable Hyades MembersSiegler, N., Close, L. M., Mamajek, E. E., and Freed, M.2003-12The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
New Spatially Resolved Mid-infrared Observations of the Transitional Disk TW Hya and Tentative Evidence for a Self-luminous CompanionArnold, T. J., Eisner, J. A., Monnier, J. D., and Tuthill, P.2012-05The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS

Gemini Observatory Participants