
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3661-3680 of 3908 results.
Spectral variability of a sample of extreme variability quasars and implications for the Mg II broad-line regionYang, Qian; Shen, Yue; Chen, Yu-Ching; Liu, Xin; Annis, James; Avila, Santiago; Bertin, Emmanuel; Brooks, David; Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth; Carnero Rosell, Aurelio; Carrasco Kind, Matias; Carretero, Jorge; da Costa, Luiz; Desai, Shantanu; Thomas Diehl, H.; Doel, Peter; Frieman, Josh; Garcia-Bellido, Juan; Gaztanaga, Enrique; Gerdes, David Gruen, Daniel; Gruendl, Robert; Gschwend, Julia; Gutierrez, Gaston; Hollowood, Devon L.; Honscheid, Klaus; Hoyle, Ben; James, David; Krause, Elisabeth; Kuehn, Kyler; Lidman, Christopher; Lima, Marcos; Maia, Marcio; Marshall, Jennifer; Martini, Paul; Menanteau, Felipe; Miquel, Ramon; Plazas Malagón, Andrés; Sanchez, Eusebio; Scarpine, Vic; Schindler, Rafe; Schubnell, Michael; Serrano, Santiago; Sevilla, Ignacio; Smith, Mathew; Soares-Santos, Marcelle; Sobreira, Flavia; Suchyta, Eric; Swanson, Molly; Tarle, Gregory; Vikram, Vinu; Walker, Alistair2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
Convective storms in closed cyclones in Jupiter's South Temperate Belt: (I) observationsHueso, Ricardo, Iñurrigarro, Peio, Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín, Foster, Clyde R., Rogers, John H., Orton, Glenn S., Hansen, Candice, Eichstädt, Gerald, Ordonez-Etxeberria, Inaki, Rojas, Jose Felix, Brueshaber, Shawn R., Sanz-Requena, Jose Francisco, Pérez-Hoyos, Santiago, Wong, Michael H., Momary, Thomas W., Jónsson, Björn, Antuñano, Arrate, Baines, Kevin H., Dahl, Emma K., Mizumoto, Shinji, Go, Christopher, Anguiano-Arteaga, Asier2022-07IcarusNIRIUS
The Rotating Nuclear Star Cluster in NGC 4244Seth, A. C., Blum, R. D., Bastian, N., Caldwell, N., and Debattista, V. P.2008-11The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+LGSUS
Two ten-billion-solar-mass black holes at the centres of giant elliptical galaxiesMcConnell, N. J., Ma, C.-P., Gebhardt, K., Wright, S. A., Murphy, J. D., Lauer, T. R., Graham, J. R., and Richstone, D. O.2011-12NatureGMOS-NUS
Near-infrared Spectra and Intrinsic Luminosities of Candidate Type II Quasars at 2 < z < 3.4Greene, Jenny E., Alexandroff, Rachael, Strauss, Michael A., Zakamska, Nadia L., Lang, Dustin, Liu, Guilin, Pattarakijwanich, Petchara, Hamann, Frederick, Ross, Nicholas P., Myers, Adam D., Brandt, W. Niel, York, Donald, Schneider, Donald P.2014-06The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSUS
A Reverse Shock in GRB 160509ALaskar, Tanmoy, Alexander, Kate D., Berger, Edo, Fong, Wen-fai, Margutti, Raffaella, Shivvers, Isaac, Williams, Peter K. G., Kopač, Drejc, Kobayashi, Shiho, Mundell, Carole, Gomboc, Andreja, Zheng, WeiKang, Menten, Karl M., Graham, Melissa L., Filippenko, Alexei V.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Progenitor and close-in circumstellar medium of type II supernova 2020fqv from high-cadence photometry and ultra-rapid UV spectroscopyTinyanont, Samaporn, Ridden-Harper, R., Foley, R. J., Morozova, V., Kilpatrick, C. D., Dimitriadis, G., DeMarchi, L., Gagliano, A., Jacobson-Galán, W. V., Messick, A., Pierel, J. D. R., Piro, A. L., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Siebert, M. R., Chambers, K. C., Clever, K. E., Coulter, D. A., De, K., Hankins, M., Hung, T., Jha, S. W., Jimenez Angel, C. E., Jones, D. O., Kasliwal, M. M., Lin, C. -C., Marques-Chaves, R., Margutti, R., Moore, A., Pérez-Fournon, I., Poidevin, F., Rest, A., Shirley, R., Smith, C. S., Strasburger, E., Swift, J. J., Wainscoat, R. J., Wang, Q., Zenati, Y.2022-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS
Measuring the Obliquities of the TRAPPIST-1 Planets with MAROON-XBrady, Madison, Bean, Jacob L., Seifahrt, Andreas, Kasper, David, Luque, Rafael, Reiners, Ansgar, Benneke, Björn, Stefánsson, Gudmundur, Stürmer, Julian2023-03The Astronomical JournalMAROON-XUS
Pisces VII/Triangulum III - M33's second dwarf satellite galaxyCollins, Michelle L. M.; Karim, Noushin; Martinez-Delgado, David ; Monelli, Matteo ; Tollerud, Erik J. ; Donatiello, Giuseppe ; Navabi, Mahdieh ; Charles, Emily; Boschin, Walter2024-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS
Quasars Probing Quasars. I. Optically Thick Absorbers near Luminous QuasarsHennawi, J. F., Prochaska, J. X., Burles, S., Strauss, M. A., Richards, G. T., Schlegel, D. J., Fan, X., Schneider, D. P., Zakamska, N. L., Oguri, M., Gunn, J. E., Lupton, R. H., and Brinkmann, J.2006-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Double-Peaked Oxygen Lines Are Not Rare in Nebular Spectra of Core-Collapse SupernovaeModjaz, M., Kirshner, R. P., Blondin, S., Challis, P., and Matheson, T.2008-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
An Extremely Luminous Panchromatic Outburst from the Nucleus of a Distant GalaxyLevan, A. J.; Tanvir, N. R.; Cenko, S. B.; Perley, D. A.; Wiersema, K.; Bloom, J. S.; Fruchter, A. S.; Postigo, A. de Ugarte; O'Brien, P. T.; Butler, N.; van der Horst, A. J.; Leloudas, G.; Morgan, A. N.; Misra, K.; Bower, G. C.; Farihi, J.; Tunnicliffe, R. L.; Modjaz, M.; Silverman, J. M.; Hjorth, J.; Thöne, C.; Cucchiara, A.; Cerón, J. M. Castro; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Arnold, J. A.; Bremer, M.; Brodie, J. P.; Carroll, T.; Cooper, M. C.; Curran, P. A.; Cutri, R. M.; Ehle, J.; Forbes, D.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Graham, J.; Hoffman, D. I.; Guziy, S.; Jakobsson, P.; Kamble, A.; Kerr, T.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Kocevski, D.; Law, N. M.; Nugent, P. E.; Ofek, E. O.; Poznanski, D.; Quimby, R. M.; Rol, E.; Romanowsky, A. J.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Schulze, S.; Singh, N.; van Spaandonk, L.; Starling, R. L. C.; Strom, R. G.; Tello, J. C.; Vaduvescu, O.; Wheatley, P. J.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Winters, J. M.; Xu, D.2011-07ScienceGMOS-NUS
The triaxial ellipsoid size, density, and rotational pole of asteroid (16) Psyche from Keck and Gemini AO observations 2004-2015Drummond, Jack D., Merline, William J., Carry, Benoit, Conrad, Al, Reddy, Vishnu, Tamblyn, Peter, Chapman, Clark R., Enke, Brian L., Pater, Imke de, Kleer, Katherine de, Christou, Julian, Dumas, Christophe2018-05IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
A High-resolution Mid-infrared Survey of Water Emission from Protoplanetary DisksSalyk, Colette, Lacy, John, Richter, Matt, Zhang, Ke, Pontoppidan, Klaus, Carr, John S., Najita, Joan R., Blake, Geoffrey A.2019-03The Astrophysical JournalMICHELLE/TEXESUS
Linking compact dwarf starburst galaxies in the RESOLVE survey to downsized blue nuggetsPalumbo, Michael L., III; Kannappan, Sheila J.; Frazer, Elaine M.; Eckert, Kathleen D.; Norman, Dara J.; Fraga, Luciano; Quint, Bruno C.; Amram, Philippe; Mendes de Oliveira, Claudia; Bittner, Ashley S.; Moffett, Amanda J.; Stark, David V.; Norris, Mark A.; Cleaves, Nathaniel T.; Carr, Derrick S.2020-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
A Study of H2 Emission in Three Bipolar Proto-planetary Nebulae: IRAS 16594-4656, Hen 3-401, and Rob 22Hrivnak, B. J., Smith, N., Su, K. Y. L., and Sahai, R.2008-11The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
Binary Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae Discovered Through Photometric Variability. V. The Central Stars of HaTr 7 and ESO 330-9Hillwig, Todd C., Frew, David J., Reindl, Nicole, Rotter, Hannah, Webb, Andrew, Margheim, Steve2017-01The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SUS
Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Bulge as Derived from High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of K and M Red GiantsCunha, K. and Smith, V. V.2006-11The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
Three Gravitational Lenses for the Price of One: Enhanced Strong Lensing through Galaxy ClusteringFassnacht, C. D., McKean, J. P., Koopmans, L. V. E., Treu, T., Blandford, R. D., Auger, M. W., Jeltema, T. E., Lubin, L. M., Margoniner, V. E., and Wittman, D.2006-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Gemini Near Infrared Field Spectrograph Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 573: In Situ Acceleration of Ionized and Molecular Gas off Fueling FlowsFischer, Travis C., Machuca, C., Diniz, M. R., Crenshaw, D. M., Kraemer, S. B., Riffel, R. A., Schmitt, H. R., Baron, F., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Straughn, A. N., Revalski, M., Pope, C. L.2017-01The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRUS

Gemini Observatory Participants