
Gemini Publications By Users

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Displaying 3921-3940 of 3943 results.
A resonant sextuplet of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright star HD 110067Luque, R.; Osborn, H. P. ; Leleu, A. ; Pallé, E.; Bonfanti, A.; Barragán, O. ; Wilson, T. G.; Broeg, C.; Cameron, A. Collier; Lendl, M. ; Maxted, P. F. L. ; Alibert, Y. ; Gandolfi, D.; Delisle, J. -B.; Hooton, M. J. ; Egger, J. A.; Nowak, G. ; Lafarga, M.; Rapetti, D.; Twicken, J. D.; Morales, J. C.; Carleo, I.; Orell-Miquel, J. ; Adibekyan, V.; Alonso, R.; Alqasim, A. ; Amado, P. J.; Anderson, D. R.; Anglada-Escudé, G. ; Bandy, T. ; Bárczy, T. ; Barrado Navascues, D.; Barros, S. C. C.; Baumjohann, W.; Bayliss, D.; Bean, J. L. ; Beck, M. ; Beck, T. ; Benz, W. ; Billot, N.; Bonfils, X. ; Borsato, L.; Boyle, A. W. ; Brandeker, A.; Bryant, E. M. ; Cabrera, J.; Carrazco-Gaxiola, S. ; Charbonneau, D. ; Charnoz, S.; Ciardi, D. R. ; Cochran, W. D.; Collins, K. A. ; Crossfield, I. J. M. ; Csizmadia, Sz.; Cubillos, P. E. ; Dai, F. ; Davies, M. B. ; Deeg, H. J.; Deleuil, M.; Deline, A. ; Delrez, L.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Demory, B. -O. ; Ehrenreich, D.; Erikson, A. ; Esparza-Borges, E.; Falk, B. ; Fortier, A. ; Fossati, L.; Fridlund, M. ; Fukui, A. ; Garcia-Mejia, J.; Gill, S. ; Gillon, M.; Goffo, E. ; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Güdel, M. ; Guenther, E. W.; Günther, M. N.; Hatzes, A. P.; Helling, Ch. ; Hesse, K. M. ; Howell, S. B. ; Hoyer, S. ; Ikuta, K. ; Isaak, K. G. ; Jenkins, J. M.; Kagetani, T. ; Kiss, L. L.; Kodama, T. ; Korth, J.; Lam, K. W. F. ; Laskar, J. ; Latham, D. W.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A. ; Leon, J. P. D. ; Livingston, J. H. ; Magrin, D.; Matson, R. A. ; Matthews, E. C.; Mordasini, C.; Mori, M.; Moyano, M. ; Munari, M. ; Murgas, F.; Narita, N.; Nascimbeni, V. ; Olofsson, G. ; Osborne, H. L. M. ; Ottensamer, R.; Pagano, I.; Parviainen, H.; Peter, G. ; Piotto, G.; Pollacco, D. ; Queloz, D.; Quinn, S. N. ; Quirrenbach, A. ; Ragazzoni, R. ; Rando, N. ; Ratti, F. ; Rauer, H. ; Redfield, S.; Ribas, I.; Ricker, G. R.; Rudat, A. ; Sabin, L. ; Salmon, S. ; Santos, N. C.; Scandariato, G.; Schanche, N. ; Schlieder, J. E. ; Seager, S.; Ségransan, D. ; Shporer, A. ; Simon, A. E.; Smith, A. M. S.; Sousa, S. G. ; Stalport, M. ; Szabó, Gy. M. ; Thomas, N. ; Tuson, A.; Udry, S.; Vanderburg, A. M. ; Van Eylen, V. ; Van Grootel, V.; Venturini, J.; Walter, I. ; Walton, N. A.; Watanabe, N. ; Winn, J. N.; Zingales, T.2023-11NatureAlopekeLP
A Transiting, Temperate Mini-Neptune Orbiting the M Dwarf TOI-1759 Unveiled by TESSEspinoza, Néstor, Pallé, Enric, Kemmer, Jonas, Luque, Rafael, Caballero, José A., Cifuentes, Carlos, Herrero, Enrique, Sánchez Béjar, Víctor J., Stock, Stephan, Molaverdikhani, Karan, Morello, Giuseppe, Kossakowski, Diana, Schlecker, Martin, Amado, Pedro J., Bluhm, Paz, Cortés-Contreras, Miriam, Henning, Thomas, Kreidberg, Laura, Kürster, Martin, Lafarga, Marina, Lodieu, Nicolas, Morales, Juan Carlos, Oshagh, Mahmoudreza, Passegger, Vera M., Pavlov, Alexey, Quirrenbach, Andreas, Reffert, Sabine, Reiners, Ansgar, Ribas, Ignasi, Rodríguez, Eloy, López, Cristina Rodríguez, Schweitzer, Andreas, Trifonov, Trifon, Chaturvedi, Priyanka, Dreizler, Stefan, Jeffers, Sandra V., Kaminski, Adrian, López-González, María José, Lillo-Box, Jorge, Montes, David, Nowak, Grzegorz, Pedraz, Santos, Vanaverbeke, Siegfried, Zapatero Osorio, Maria R., Zechmeister, Mathias, Collins, Karen A., Girardin, Eric, Guerra, Pere, Naves, Ramon, Crossfield, Ian J. M., Matthews, Elisabeth C., Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David R., Gonzales, Erica, Matson, Rachel A., Beichman, Charles A., Schlieder, Joshua E., Barclay, Thomas, Vezie, Michael, Villaseñor, Jesus Noel, Daylan, Tansu, Mireies, Ismael, Dragomir, Diana, Twicken, Joseph D., Jenkins, Jon, Winn, Joshua N., Latham, David, Ricker, George, Seager, Sara2022-03The Astronomical JournalAlopekeLP
A CHEOPS-enhanced view of the HD 3167 system,★Bourrier, V., Deline, A., Krenn, A., Egger, J. A., Petit, A. C., Malavolta, L., Cretignier, M., Billot, N., Broeg, C., Florén, H. -G., Queloz, D., Alibert, Y., Bonfanti, A., Bonomo, A. S., Delisle, J. -B., Demangeon, O. D. S., Demory, B. -O., Dumusque, X., Ehrenreich, D., Haywood, R. D., Howell, S. B., Lendl, M., Mortier, A., Nigro, G., Salmon, S., Sousa, S. G., Wilson, T. G., Adibekyan, V., Alonso, R., Anglada, G., Bárczy, T., Barrado y Navascues, D., Barros, S. C. C., Baumjohann, W., Beck, M., Benz, W., Biondi, F., Bonfils, X., Brandeker, A., Cabrera, J., Charnoz, S., Csizmadia, Sz., Collier Cameron, A., Damasso, M., Davies, M. B., Deleuil, M., Delrez, L., Di Fabrizio, L., Erikson, A., Fortier, A., Fossati, L., Fridlund, M., Gandolfi, D., Gillon, M., Güdel, M., Heng, K., Hoyer, S., Isaak, K. G., Kiss, L. L., Laskar, J., Lecavelier des Etangs, A., Lorenzi, V., Lovis, C., Magrin, D., Massa, A., Maxted, P. F. L., Nascimbeni, V., Olofsson, G., Ottensamer, R., Pagano, I., Pallé, E., Peter, G., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., Ragazzoni, R., Rando, N., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Santos, N. C., Scandariato, G., Ségransan, D., Simon, A. E., Smith, A. M. S., Steller, M., Szabó, Gy. M., Thomas, N., Udry, S., Van Grootel, V., Verrecchia, F., Walton, N., Beck, T., Buder, M., Ratti, F., Ulmer, B., Viotto, V.2022-12Astronomy & AstrophysicsAlopekeLP
TESS-Keck Survey. XIV. Two Giant Exoplanets from the Distant Giants SurveyVan Zandt, Judah, Petigura, Erik A., MacDougall, Mason, Gilbert, Gregory J., Lubin, Jack, Barclay, Thomas, Batalha, Natalie M., Crossfield, Ian J. M., Dressing, Courtney, Fulton, Benjamin, Howard, Andrew W., Huber, Daniel, Isaacson, Howard, Kane, Stephen R., Robertson, Paul, Roy, Arpita, Weiss, Lauren M., Behmard, Aida, Beard, Corey, Chontos, Ashley, Dai, Fei, Dalba, Paul A., Fetherolf, Tara, Giacalone, Steven, Henze, Christopher E., Hill, Michelle L., Hirsch, Lea A., Holcomb, Rae, Howell, Steve B., Jenkins, Jon M., Latham, David W., Mayo, Andrew, Mireles, Ismael, Močnik, Teo, Murphy, Joseph M. Akana, Pidhorodetska, Daria, Polanski, Alex S., Ricker, George R., Rosenthal, Lee J., Rubenzahl, Ryan A., Seager, S., Scarsdale, Nicholas, Turtelboom, Emma V., Vanderspek, Roland, Winn, Joshua N.2023-02The Astronomical JournalAlopekeLP
NEID Rossiter-McLaughlin Measurement of TOI-1268b: A Young Warm Saturn Aligned with Its Cool Host StarDong, Jiayin, Huang, Chelsea X., Zhou, George, Dawson, Rebekah I., Stefánsson, Gumundur K., Bender, Chad F., Blake, Cullen H., Ford, Eric B., Halverson, Samuel, Kanodia, Shubham, Mahadevan, Suvrath, McElwain, Michael W., Ninan, Joe P., Robertson, Paul, Roy, Arpita, Schwab, Christian, Stevens, Daniel J., Terrien, Ryan C., Vanderburg, Andrew, Kraus, Adam L., Douglas, Stephanie, Newton, Elisabeth, Rampalli, Rayna, Krolikowski, Daniel M., Collins, Karen A., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Feliz, Dax L., Srdoc, Gregor, Ziegler, Carl, Barkaoui, Khalid, Pozuelos, Francisco J., Jehin, Emmanuel, Michaël, C., Benkhaldoun, Zouhair, Lewin, Pablo, Forés-Toribio, Raquel, Muñoz, Jose A., McLeod, Kim K., Özyurt, Fiona Powers, Horta, Ferran Grau, Murgas, Felipe, Latham, David W., Quinn, Samuel N., Bieryla, Allyson, Howell, Steve B., Gnilka, Crystal L., Ciardi, David R., Lund, Michael B., Dressing, Courtney D., Giacalone, Steven, Savel, Arjun B., Strakhov, Ivan A., Belinski, Alexander A., Ricker, George R., Seager, S., Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Torres, Guillermo, Paegert, Martin2022-02The Astrophysical Journal LettersAlopekeUS
Confirmation of a Sub-Saturn-size Transiting Exoplanet Orbiting a G Dwarf: TOI-1194 b and a Very Low Mass Companion Star: TOI-1251 B from TESSWang, Jia-Qi; Jiang, Xiao-Jun ; Zheng, Jie; Kellermann, Hanna ; Riffeser, Arno ; Wang, Liang; Collins, Karen A. ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Buchhave, Lars A. ; Howell, Steve B. ; Furlan, Elise ; Girardin, Eric ; Gregorio, Joao ; Jensen, Eric ; Murgas, Felipe; Yilmaz, Mesut; Quinn, Sam ; Gao, Xing ; Zhou, Ruo-Yu ; Grupp, Frank ; Wang, Hui-Juan2024-03Research in Astronomy and AstrophysicsAlopekeUS
Planet Hunters TESS IV: a massive, compact hierarchical triple star system TIC 470710327Eisner, N. L., Johnston, C., Toonen, S., Frost, A. J., Janssens, S., Lintott, C. J., Aigrain, S., Sana, H., Abdul-Masih, M., Arellano-Córdova, K. Z., Beck, P. G., Bordier, E., Cannon, E., Escorza, A., Fabry, M., Hermansson, L., Howell, S. B., Miller, G., Sheyte, S., Alhassan, S., Baeten, E. M. L., Barnet, F., Bean, S. J., Bernau, M., Bundy, D. M., Di Fraia, M. Z., Emralino, F. M., Goodwin, B. L., Hermes, P., Hoffman, T., Huten, M., Janíček, R., Lee, S., Mazzucato, M. T., Rogers, D. J., Rout, M. P., Sejpka, J., Tanner, C., Terentev, I. A., Urvoy, D.2022-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyAlopekeLP
A multi-planetary system orbiting the early-M dwarf TOI-1238González-Álvarez, E., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Sanz-Forcada, J., Caballero, J. A., Reffert, S., Béjar, V. J. S., Hatzes, A. P., Herrero, E., Jeffers, S. V., Kemmer, J., López-González, M. J., Luque, R., Molaverdikhani, K., Morello, G., Nagel, E., Quirrenbach, A., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Schlecker, M., Schweitzer, A., Stock, S., Passegger, V. M., Trifonov, T., Amado, P. J., Baker, D., Boyd, P. T., Cadieux, C., Charbonneau, D., Collins, K. A., Doyon, R., Dreizler, S., Espinoza, N., Fűrész, G., Furlan, E., Hesse, K., Howell, S. B., Jenkins, J. M., Kidwell, R. C., Latham, D. W., McLeod, K. K., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., O'Dwyer, T., Pallé, E., Pedraz, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Quinn, S. N., Schnaible, C., Seager, S., Skinner, B., Smith, J. C., Schwarz, R. P., Shporer, A., Vanderspek, R., Winn, J. N.2022-02Astronomy & AstrophysicsAlopekeUS
V994 Herculis: a unique triply eclipsing sextuple star systemZasche, P., Borkovits, T., Jayaraman, R., Rappaport, S. A., Brož, M., Vokrouhlický, D., Bíró, I. B., Hegedüs, T., Kiss, Z. T., Uhlař, R., Schwengeler, H. M., Pál, A., Mašek, M., Howell, S. B., Dallaporta, S., Munari, U., Gagliano, R., Jacobs, T., Kristiansen, M. H., LaCourse, D., Omohundro, M., Terentev, I., Vanderburg, A., Henzl, Z., Powell, B. P., Kostov, V. B.2023-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyAlopekeLP
The TESS-Keck Survey. XII. A Dense 1.8 R ⊕ Ultra-short-period Planet Possibly Clinging to a High-mean-molecular-weight Atmosphere after the First Gigayear Rubenzahl, Ryan A.; Dai, Fei; Howard, Andrew W.; Lissauer, Jack J.; Van Zandt, Judah; Beard, Corey; Giacalone, Steven; Murphy, Joseph M. Akana; Chontos, Ashley; Lubin, Jack; Brinkman, Casey L.; Tyler, Dakotah; MacDougall, Mason G.; Rice, Malena; Dalba, Paul A.; Mayo, Andrew W.; Weiss, Lauren M.; Polanski, Alex S.; Blunt, Sarah; Yee, Samuel W.; Hill, Michelle L.; Angelo, Isabel; Turtelboom, Emma V.; Holcomb, Rae; Behmard, Aida; Pidhorodetska, Daria; Batalha, Natalie M.; Crossfield, Ian J. M. ; Dressing, Courtney; Fulton, Benjamin; Huber, Daniel; Isaacson, Howard; Kane, Stephen R.; Petigura, Erik A.; Robertson, Paul; Scarsdale, Nicholas; Mocnik, Teo; Fetherolf, Tara; Malavolta, Luca; Mortier, Annelies; Fiorenzano, Aldo; Pedani, Marco2024-04The Astronomical JournalAlopekeLP
Identifying Exoplanets with Deep Learning. II. Two New Super-Earths Uncovered by a Neural Network in K2 DataDattilo, Anne, Vanderburg, Andrew, Shallue, Christopher J., Mayo, Andrew W., Berlind, Perry, Bieryla, Allyson, Calkins, Michael L., Esquerdo, Gilbert A., Everett, Mark E., Howell, Steve B., Latham, David W., Scott, Nicholas J., Yu, Liang2019-05The Astronomical JournalAlopekeUS
Discovery and characterization of five new eclipsing AM CVn systemsvan Roestel, J., Kupfer, T., Green, M. J., Wong, T. L. S., Bildsten, L., Burdge, K., Prince, T., Marsh, T. R., Szkody, P., Fremling, C., Graham, M. J., Dhillon, V. S., Littlefair, S. P., Bellm, E. C., Coughlin, M., Duev, D. A., Goldstein, D. A., Laher, R. R., Rusholme, B., Riddle, R., Dekany, R., Kulkarni, S. R.2022-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyAlopekeFT/US
Charon's radius and atmospheric constraints from observations of a stellar occultationGulbis, A. A. S., Elliot, J. L., Person, M. J., Adams, E. R., Babcock, B. A., Emilio, M., Gangestad, J. W., Kern, S. D., Kramer, E. A., Osip, D. J., Pasachoff, J. M., Souza, S. P., and Tuvikene, T.2006-01NatureACQCAMUS
Star formation history of Canis Major R1. I. Wide-Field X-ray study of the young stellar populationGregorio-Hetem, J., Montmerle, T., Rodrigues, C. V., Marciotto, E., Preibisch, T., and Zinnecker, H.2009-11Astronomy & AstrophysicsACQCAMBR
Fast photometry of quiescent soft X-ray transients with the Acquisition Camera on Gemini-SouthHynes, R. I., Charles, P. A., Casares, J., Haswell, C. A., Zurita, C., and Shahbaz, T.2003-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyACQCAMUK
The host of GRB 030323 at z=3.372: A very high column density DLA system with a low metallicityVreeswijk, P. M., Ellison, S. L., Ledoux, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Møller, P., Henden, A., Hjorth, J., Masi, G., Rol, E., Jensen, B. L., Tanvir, N., Levan, A., Castro Cerón, J. M., Gorosabel, J., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Fruchter, A. S., Kouveliotou, C., Burud, I., Rhoads, J., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., Pian, E., Pedersen, H., Kaper, L., Gilmore, A., Kilmartin, P., Buckle, J. V., Seigar, M. S., Hartmann, D. H., Lindsay, K., and van den Heuvel, E. P. J.2004-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsACQCAMUS/UK
Probing a Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitor at a Redshift of z = 2: A Comprehensive Observing Campaign of the Afterglow of GRB 030226Klose, S.; Greiner, J.; Rau, A.; Henden, A. A.; Hartmann, D. H.; Zeh, A.; Ries, C.; Masetti, N.; Malesani, D.; Guenther, E.; Gorosabel, J.; Stecklum, B.; Antonelli, L. A.; Brinkworth, C.; Castro Cerón, J. M.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Covino, S.; Fruchter, A.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Ghisellini, G.; Hjorth, J.; Hudec, R.; Jelínek, M.; Kaper, L.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lindsay, K.; Maiorano, E.; Mannucci, F.; Nysewander, M.; Palazzi, E.; Pedersen, K.; Pian, E.; Reichart, D. E.; Rhoads, J.; Rol, E.; Smail, I.; Tanvir, N. R.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Vreeswijk, P. M.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; van den Heuvel, E. P. J.2004-11The Astronomical JournalACQCAMUS/UK
The MAVERIC Survey: Simultaneous Chandra and VLA observations of the transitional millisecond pulsar candidate NGC 6652BPaduano, Alessandro, Bahramian, Arash, Miller-Jones, James C. A., Kawka, Adela, Strader, Jay, Chomiuk, Laura, Heinke, Craig O., Maccarone, Thomas J., Britt, Christopher T., Plotkin, Richard M., Shaw, Aarran W., Shishkovsky, Laura, Tremou, Evangelia, Tudor, Vlad, Sivakoff, Gregory R.2021-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyACQCAMDD
The New Horizons Extended Mission Target: Arrokoth Search and DiscoveryBuie, Marc W.; Spencer, John R.; Porter, Simon B.; Benecchi, Susan D.; Parker, Alex H.; Stern, S. Alan; Belton, Michael; Binzel, Richard P.; Borncamp, David; DeMeo, Francesca; Fabbro, S.; Fuentes, Cesar; Furusawa, Hisanori; Fuse, Tetsuharu ; Gay, Pamela L. ; Gwyn, Stephen; Holman, Matthew J.; Karoji, H. ; Kavelaars, J. J.; Kinoshita, Daisuke ; Miyazaki, Satoshi; Mountain, Matt ; Noll, Keith S.; Osip, David J.; Petit, Jean-Marc; Reid, Neill I. ; Sheppard, Scott S.; Showalter, Mark; Steffl, Andrew J.; Sterner, Ray E. ; Tajitsu, Akito; Tholen, David J.; Trilling, David E.; Weaver, Harold A.; Verbiscer, Anne J.; Wasserman, Lawrence H. ; Yamashita, Takuji ; Yanagisawa, Toshifumi ; Yoshida, Fumi; Zangari, Amanda M.2024-09The Planetary Science JournalACQCAMDD
Charon's Radius and Density from the Combined Data Sets of the 2005 July 11 OccultationPerson, M. J., Elliot, J. L., Gulbis, A. A. S., Pasachoff, J. M., Babcock, B. A., Souza, S. P., and Gangestad, J.2006-10The Astronomical JournalACQCAMUS

Gemini Observatory Participants