
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3921-3940 of 3943 results.
Detection of a Red Supergiant Progenitor Star of a Type II-Plateau SupernovaSmartt, S. J., Maund, J. R., Hendry, M. A., Tout, C. A., Gilmore, G. F., Mattila, S., and Benn, C. R.2004-01ScienceGMOS-NSV
Real-time detection of an extreme scattering event: Constraints on Galactic plasma lensesBannister, Keith W., Stevens, Jamie, Tuntsov, Artem V., Walker, Mark A., Johnston, Simon, Reynolds, Cormac, Bignall, Hayley2016-01ScienceGMOS-SDD
A triple-star system with a misaligned and warped circumstellar disk shaped by disk tearing Kraus, Stefan; Kreplin, Alexander; Young, Alison K.; Bate, Matthew R.; Monnier, John D.; Harries, Tim J.; Avenhaus, Henning; Kluska, Jacques; Laws, Anna S. E.; Rich, Evan A.; Willson, Matthew; Aarnio, Alicia N.; Adams, Fred C.; Andrews, Sean M.; Anugu, Narsireddy; Bae, Jaehan; ten Brummelaar, Theo; Calvet, Nuria; Curé, Michel; Davies, Claire L. Ennis, Jacob; Espaillat, Catherine; Gardner, Tyler; Hartmann, Lee; Hinkley, Sasha; Labdon, Aaron; Lanthermann, Cyprien; LeBouquin, Jean-Baptiste; Schaefer, Gail H.; Setterholm, Benjamin R.; Wilner, David; Zhu, Zhaohuan2020-09ScienceGPILP
A compositional link between rocky exoplanets and their host starsAdibekyan, Vardan, Dorn, Caroline, Sousa, Sérgio G., Santos, Nuno C., Bitsch, Bertram, Israelian, Garik, Mordasini, Christoph, Barros, Susana C. C., Delgado Mena, Elisa, Demangeon, Olivier D. S., Faria, João P., Figueira, Pedro, Hakobyan, Artur A., Oshagh, Mahmoudreza, Soares, Bárbara M. T. B., Kunitomo, Masanobu, Takeda, Yoichi, Jofré, Emiliano, Petrucci, Romina, Martioli, Eder2021-10ScienceGRACESFT/AR
A hot and fast ultra-stripped supernova that likely formed a compact neutron star binaryDe, K., Kasliwal, M. M., Ofek, E. O., Moriya, T. J., Burke, J., Cao, Y., Cenko, S. B., Doran, G. B., Duggan, G. E., Fender, R. P., Fransson, C., Gal-Yam, A., Horesh, A., Kulkarni, S. R., Laher, R. R., Lunnan, R., Manulis, I., Masci, F., Mazzali, P. A., Nugent, P. E., Perley, D. A., Petrushevska, T., Piro, A. L., Rumsey, C., Sollerman, J., Sullivan, M., Taddia, F.2018-10ScienceGMOS-NLP
PTF 11kx: A Type Ia Supernova with a Symbiotic Nova ProgenitorDilday, B., Howell, D. A., Cenko, S. B., Silverman, J. M., Nugent, P. E., Sullivan, M., Ben-Ami, S., Bildsten, L., Bolte, M., Endl, M., Filippenko, A. V., Gnat, O., Horesh, A., Hsiao, E., Kasliwal, M. M., Kirkman, D., Maguire, K., Marcy, G. W., Moore, K., Pan, Y., Parrent, J. T., Podsiadlowski, P., Quimby, R. M., Sternberg, A., Suzuki, N., Tytler, D. R., Xu, D., Bloom, J. S., Gal-Yam, A., Hook, I. M., Kulkarni, S. R., Law, N. M., Ofek, E. O., Polishook, D., and Poznanski, D.2012-08ScienceGMOS-NUS
An unusual white dwarf star may be a surviving remnant of a subluminous Type Ia supernovaVennes, S., Nemeth, P., Kawka, A., Thorstensen, J. R., Khalack, V., Ferrario, L., Alper, E. H.2017-08ScienceGRACESCA/FT
GJ 367b: A dense, ultrashort-period sub-Earth planet transiting a nearby red dwarf starLam, Kristine W. F., Csizmadia, Szilárd, Astudillo-Defru, Nicola, Bonfils, Xavier, Gandolfi, Davide, Padovan, Sebastiano, Esposito, Massimiliano, Hellier, Coel, Hirano, Teruyuki, Livingston, John, Murgas, Felipe, Smith, Alexis M. S., Collins, Karen A., Mathur, Savita, Garcia, Rafael A., Howell, Steve B., Santos, Nuno C., Dai, Fei, Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland, Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Albrecht, Simon, Almenara, Jose M., Artigau, Etienne, Barragán, Oscar, Bouchy, François, Cabrera, Juan, Charbonneau, David, Chaturvedi, Priyanka, Chaushev, Alexander, Christiansen, Jessie L., Cochran, William D., De Meideiros, José R., Delfosse, Xavier, Díaz, Rodrigo F., Doyon, René, Eigmüller, Philipp, Figueira, Pedro, Forveille, Thierry, Fridlund, Malcolm, Gaisné, Guillaume, Goffo, Elisa, Georgieva, Iskra, Grziwa, Sascha, Guenther, Eike, Hatzes, Artie P., Johnson, Marshall C., Kabáth, Petr, Knudstrup, Emil, Korth, Judith, Lewin, Pablo, Lissauer, Jack J., Lovis, Christophe, Luque, Rafael, Melo, Claudio, Morgan, Edward H., Morris, Robert, Mayor, Michel, Narita, Norio, Osborne, Hannah L. M., Palle, Enric, Pepe, Francesco, Persson, Carina M., Quinn, Samuel N., Rauer, Heike, Redfield, Seth, Schlieder, Joshua E., Ségransan, Damien, Serrano, Luisa M., Smith, Jeffrey C., Šubjak, Ján, Twicken, Joseph D., Udry, Stéphane, Van Eylen, Vincent, Vezie, Michael2021-12ScienceZorroLP
A dust-enshrouded tidal disruption event with a resolved radio jet in a galaxy mergerMattila, S., Pérez-Torres, M., Efstathiou, A., Mimica, P., Fraser, M., Kankare, E., Alberdi, A., Aloy, M. Á., Heikkilä, T., Jonker, P. G., Lundqvist, P., Martí-Vidal, I., Meikle, W. P. S., Romero-Cañizales, C., Smartt, S. J., Tsygankov, S., Varenius, E., Alonso-Herrero, A., Bondi, M., Fransson, C., Herrero-Illana, R., Kangas, T., Kotak, R., Ramírez-Olivencia, N., Väisänen, P., Beswick, R. J., Clements, D. L., Greimel, R., Harmanen, J., Kotilainen, J., Nandra, K., Reynolds, T., Ryder, S., Walton, N. A., Wiik, K., Östlin, G.2018-08ScienceNIRI+LGSAU
The Disappearance of the Progenitors of Supernovae 1993J and 2003gdMaund, J. R. and Smartt, S. J.2009-04ScienceGMOS-NUS/SV
The Dust Grains from 9P/Tempel 1 Before and After the Encounter with Deep ImpactHarker, D. E., Woodward, C. E., and Wooden, D. H.2005-10ScienceMICHELLEUS
Geographic Control of Titan's Mid-Latitude CloudsRoe, H. G., Brown, M. E., Schaller, E. L., Bouchez, A. H., and Trujillo, C. A.2005-10ScienceNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Quasar quartet embedded in giant nebula reveals rare massive structure in distant universeHennawi, Joseph F., Prochaska, J. Xavier, Cantalupo, Sebastiano, Arrigoni-Battaia, Fabrizio2015-05ScienceNIRI/GMOS-SUS
Direct imaging and astrometric detection of a gas giant planet orbiting an accelerating starCurrie, Thayne; Brandt, G. Mirek ; Brandt, Timothy D.; Lacy, Brianna; Burrows, Adam; Guyon, Olivier; Tamura, Motohide; Liu, Ranger Y.; Sagynbayeva, Sabina ; Tobin, Taylor; Chilcote, Jeffrey ; Groff, Tyler ; Marois, Christian; Thompson, William ; Murphy, Simon J.; Kuzuhara, Masayuki; Lawson, Kellen; Lozi, Julien; Deo, Vincent; Vievard, Sebastien; Skaf, Nour; Uyama, Taichi; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Martinache, Frantz; Kasdin, N. Jeremy; Kudo, Tomoyuki ; McElwain, Michael; Janson, Markus; Wisniewski, John; Hodapp, Klaus ; Nishikawa, Jun; Hełminiak, Krzysztof; Kwon, Jungmi; Hayashi, Masahiko2023-04ScienceNIRIGS
An Earth-Sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Cool StarQuintana, Elisa V., Barclay, Thomas, Raymond, Sean N., Rowe, Jason F., Bolmont, Emeline, Caldwell, Douglas A., Howell, Steve B., Kane, Stephen R., Huber, Daniel, Crepp, Justin R., Lissauer, Jack J., Ciardi, David R., Coughlin, Jeffrey L., Everett, Mark E., Henze, Christopher E., Horch, Elliott, Isaacson, Howard, Ford, Eric B., Adams, Fred C., Still, Martin, Hunter, Roger C., Quarles, Billy, Selsis, Franck2014-04ScienceDSSIUS
A nearby transiting rocky exoplanet that is suitable for atmospheric investigation Trifonov, T.; Caballero, J. A.; Morales, J. C.; Seifahrt, A.; Ribas, I.; Reiners, A.; Bean, J. L.; Luque, R.; Parviainen, H.; Pallé, E.; Stock, S.; Zechmeister, M.; Amado, P. J.; Anglada-Escudé, G.; Azzaro, M.; Barclay, T.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Bluhm, P.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Cifuentes, C. Collins, K. A.; Collins, K. I.; Cortés-Contreras, M.; de Leon, J.; Dreizler, S.; Dressing, C. D.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Espinoza, N.; Fausnaugh, M.; Fukui, A.; Hatzes, A. P.; Hellier, C.; Henning, Th.; Henze, C. E.; Herrero, E.; Jeffers, S. V.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jensen, E. L. N.; Kaminski, A.; Kasper, D.; Kossakowski, D.; Kürster, M.; Lafarga, M.; Latham, D. W.; Mann, A. W.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Montes, D.; Montet, B. T.; Murgas, F.; Narita, N.; Oshagh, M.; Passegger, V. M.; Pollacco, D.; Quinn, S. N.; Quirrenbach, A.; Ricker, G. R.; Rodríguez López, C.; Sanz-Forcada, J.; Schwarz, R. P.; Schweitzer, A.; Seager, S.; Shporer, A.; Stangret, M.; Stürmer, J.; Tan, T. G.; Tenenbaum, P.; Twicken, J. D.; Vanderspek, R.; Winn, J. N.2021-03ScienceMAROON-XUS
An Extremely Luminous Panchromatic Outburst from the Nucleus of a Distant GalaxyLevan, A. J.; Tanvir, N. R.; Cenko, S. B.; Perley, D. A.; Wiersema, K.; Bloom, J. S.; Fruchter, A. S.; Postigo, A. de Ugarte; O'Brien, P. T.; Butler, N.; van der Horst, A. J.; Leloudas, G.; Morgan, A. N.; Misra, K.; Bower, G. C.; Farihi, J.; Tunnicliffe, R. L.; Modjaz, M.; Silverman, J. M.; Hjorth, J.; Thöne, C.; Cucchiara, A.; Cerón, J. M. Castro; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Arnold, J. A.; Bremer, M.; Brodie, J. P.; Carroll, T.; Cooper, M. C.; Curran, P. A.; Cutri, R. M.; Ehle, J.; Forbes, D.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Graham, J.; Hoffman, D. I.; Guziy, S.; Jakobsson, P.; Kamble, A.; Kerr, T.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Kocevski, D.; Law, N. M.; Nugent, P. E.; Ofek, E. O.; Poznanski, D.; Quimby, R. M.; Rol, E.; Romanowsky, A. J.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Schulze, S.; Singh, N.; van Spaandonk, L.; Starling, R. L. C.; Strom, R. G.; Tello, J. C.; Vaduvescu, O.; Wheatley, P. J.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Winters, J. M.; Xu, D.2011-07ScienceGMOS-NUS
Discovery and spectroscopy of the young jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet ImagerMacintosh, B., Graham, J. R., Barman, T., De Rosa, R. J., Konopacky, Q., Marley, M. S., Marois, C., Nielsen, E. L., Pueyo, L., Rajan, A., Rameau, J., Saumon, D., Wang, J. J., Patience, J., Ammons, M., Arriaga, P., Artigau, E., Beckwith, S., Brewster, J., Bruzzone, S., Bulger, J., Burningham, B., Burrows, A. S., Chen, C., Chiang, E., Chilcote, J. K., Dawson, R. I., Dong, R., Doyon, R., Draper, Z. H., Duchêne, G., Esposito, T. M., Fabrycky, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Follette, K. B., Fortney, J. J., Gerard, B., Goodsell, S., Greenbaum, A. Z., Hibon, P., Hinkley, S., Cotten, T. H., Hung, L.-W., Ingraham, P., Johnson-Groh, M., Kalas, P., Lafreniere, D., Larkin, J. E., Lee, J., Line, M., Long, D., Maire, J., Marchis, F., Matthews, B. C., Max, C. E., Metchev, S., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Mittal, T., Morley, C. V., Morzinski, K. M., Murray-Clay, R., Oppenheimer, R., Palmer, D. W., Patel, R., Perrin, M. D., Poyneer, L. A., Rafikov, R. R., Rantakyrö, F. T., Rice, E. L., Rojo, P., Rudy, A. R., Ruffio, J.-B., Ruiz, M. T., Sadakuni, N., Saddlemyer, L., Salama, M., Savransky, D., Schneider, A. C., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Song, I., Soummer, R., Thomas, S., Vasisht, G., Wallace, J. K., Ward-Duong, K., Wiktorowicz, S. J., Wolff, S. G., Zuckerman, B.2015-10ScienceGPIGS
Visible-wavelength spectroscopy of subkilometer-sized near-Earth asteroids with a low delta-vKuroda, Daisuke, Ishiguro, Masateru, Takato, Naruhisa, Hasegawa, Sunao, Abe, Masanao, Tsuda, Yuichi, Sugita, Seiji, Usui, Fumihiko, Hattori, Takashi, Iwata, Ikuru, Imanishi, Masatoshi, Terada, Hiroshi, Choi, Young-Jun, Watanabe, Sei-ichiro, Yoshikawa, Makoto2014-06 GMOS-N/GMOS-SDD
First light of the Gemini Planet ImagerMacintosh, B., Graham, J. R., Ingraham, P., Konopacky, Q., Marois, C., Perrin, M., Poyneer, L., Bauman, B., Barman, T., Burrows, A. S., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erikson, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Gavel, D., Goodsell, S., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Kalas, P., Larkin, J., Maire, J., Marchis, F., Marley, M. S., McBride, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Morzinski, K., Norton, A., Oppenheimer, B. R., Palmer, D., Patience, J., Pueyo, L., Rantakyro, F., Sadakuni, N., Saddlemyer, L., Savransky, D., Serio, A., Soummer, R., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Song, I., Thomas, S., Wallace, J. K., Wiktorowicz, S., Wolff, S.2014-09 GPIOTHER

Gemini Observatory Participants