
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 521-540 of 3908 results.
PSR J1903+0327: A Unique Millisecond Pulsar with a Main-sequence Companion StarKhargharia, J., Stocke, J. T., Froning, C. S., Gopakumar, A., and Joshi, B. C.2012-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
The Black Hole in the Most Massive Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxy M59-UCD3Ahn, Christopher P., Seth, Anil C., Cappellari, Michele, Krajnović, Davor, Strader, Jay, Voggel, Karina T., Walsh, Jonelle L., Bahramian, Arash, Baumgardt, Holger, Brodie, Jean, Chilingarian, Igor, Chomiuk, Laura, den Brok, Mark, Frank, Matthias, Hilker, Michael, McDermid, Richard M., Mieske, Steffen, Neumayer, Nadine, Nguyen, Dieu D., Pechetti, Renuka, Romanowsky, Aaron J., Spitler, Lee2018-05The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+LGSAU/US
In Search of Short Gamma-Ray Burst Optical Counterparts with the Zwicky Transient FacilityAhumada, Tomás, Anand, Shreya, Coughlin, Michael W., Andreoni, Igor, Kool, Erik C., Kumar, Harsh, Reusch, Simeon, Sagués-Carracedo, Ana, Stein, Robert, Cenko, S. Bradley, Kasliwal, Mansi M., Singer, Leo P., Dunwoody, Rachel, Mangan, Joseph, Bhalerao, Varun, Bulla, Mattia, Burns, Eric, Graham, Matthew J., Kaplan, David L., Perley, Daniel, Almualla, Mouza, Bloom, Joshua S., Cunningham, Virginia, De, Kishalay, Gatkine, Pradip, Ho, Anna Y. Q., Karambelkar, Viraj, Kong, Albert K. H., Yao, Yuhan, Anupama, G. C., Barway, Sudhanshu, Ghosh, Shaon, Itoh, Ryosuke, McBreen, Sheila, Bellm, Eric C., Fremling, Christoffer, Laher, Russ R., Mahabal, Ashish A., Riddle, Reed L., Rosnet, Philippe, Rusholme, Ben, Smith, Roger, Sollerman, Jesper, Bissaldi, Elisabetta, Fletcher, Corinne, Hamburg, Rachel, Mailyan, Bagrat, Malacaria, Christian, Roberts, Oliver2022-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Discovery of Two Supernovae in the Nuclear Regions of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy IC 883Kankare, E., Mattila, S., Ryder, S., Väisänen, P., Alberdi, A., Alonso-Herrero, A., Colina, L., Efstathiou, A., Kotilainen, J., Melinder, J., Pérez-Torres, M.-A., Romero-Cañizales, C., and Takalo, A.2012-01The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+LGSAU
Discovery of the Lensed Quasar System DES J0408-5354Lin, H., Buckley-Geer, E., Agnello, A., Ostrovski, F., McMahon, R. G., Nord, B., Kuropatkin, N., Tucker, D. L., Treu, T., Chan, J. H. H., Suyu, S. H., Diehl, H. T., Collett, T., Gill, M. S. S., More, A., Amara, A., Auger, M. W., Courbin, F., Fassnacht, C. D., Frieman, J., Marshall, P. J., Meylan, G., Rusu, C. E., Abbott, T. M. C., Abdalla, F. B., Allam, S., Banerji, M., Bechtol, K., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Crocce, M., D'Andrea, C. B., da Costa, L. N., Desai, S., Dietrich, J. P., Eifler, T. F., Finley, D. A., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Goldstein, D. A., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Lahav, O., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Marshall, J. L., Martini, P., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Schindler, R., Schubnell, M., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Smith, R. C., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Walker, A. R.2017-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SLP
An L Band Spectrum of the Coldest Brown DwarfMorley, Caroline V., Skemer, Andrew J., Allers, Katelyn N., Marley, Mark. S., Faherty, Jacqueline K., Visscher, Channon, Beiler, Samuel A., Miles, Brittany E., Lupu, Roxana, Freedman, Richard S., Fortney, Jonathan J., Geballe, Thomas R., Bjoraker, Gordon L.2018-05The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSFT/US
A Quasar Shedding Its Dust Cocoon at Redshift 2Yi, Weimin, Brandt, W. N., Ni, Q., Ho, Luis C., Luo, Bin, Yan, Wei, Schneider, D. P., Paul, Jeremiah D., Plotkin, Richard M., Yang, Jinyi, Wang, Feige, He, Zhicheng, Chen, Chen, Wu, Xue-Bing, Bai, Jin-Ming2022-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GNIRSFT/US
How do Most Planets Form?—Constraints on Disk Instability from Direct ImagingJanson, M., Bonavita, M., Klahr, H., and Lafrenière, D.2012-01The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRCA/UK/US/GS
Polarized Disk Emission from Herbig Ae/Be Stars Observed Using Gemini Planet Imager: HD 144432, HD 150193, HD 163296, and HD 169142Monnier, John D., Harries, Tim J., Aarnio, Alicia, Adams, Fred C., Andrews, Sean, Calvet, Nuria, Espaillat, Catherine, Hartmann, Lee, Hinkley, Sasha, Kraus, Stefan, McClure, Melissa, Oppenheimer, Rebecca, Perrin, Marshall, Wilner, David2017-03The Astrophysical JournalGPIUS
Unburned Material in the Ejecta of Type Ia SupernovaeFolatelli, G., Phillips, M. M., Morrell, N., Tanaka, M., Maeda, K., Nomoto, K., Stritzinger, M., Burns, C. R., Hamuy, M., Mazzali, P., Boldt, L., Campillay, A., Contreras, C., González, S., Roth, M., Salgado, F., Freedman, W. L., Madore, B. F., Persson, S. E., and Suntzeff, N. B.2012-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCL
Fundamental Parameters and Spectral Energy Distributions of Young and Field Age Objects with Masses Spanning the Stellar to Planetary RegimeFilippazzo, Joseph C., Rice, Emily L., Faherty, Jacqueline, Cruz, Kelle L., Van Gordon, Mollie M., Looper, Dagny L.2015-09The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-S/GNIRS/NIRIUS/UK/UH/AU/GS
Red and Reddened: Ultraviolet through Near-infrared Observations of Type Ia Supernova 2017erpBrown, Peter J., Hosseinzadeh, Griffin, Jha, Saurabh W., Sand, David, Vieira, Ethan, Wang, Xiaofeng, Dai, Mi, Dettman, Kyle G., Mould, Jeremy, Uddin, Syed, Wang, Lifan, Arcavi, Iair, Bento, Joao, Burns, Chris R., Diamond, Tiara, Hiramatsu, Daichi, Howell, D. Andrew, Hsiao, E. Y., Marion, G. H., McCully, Curtis, Milne, Peter A., Mirzaqulov, Davron, Ruiter, Ashley J., Valenti, Stefano, Xiang, Danfeng2019-06The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2/GMOS-SUS
PSR J2030+4415's Remarkable Bow Shock, PWN, and Filament Vries, Martijn de; Romani, Roger W.2020-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NFT/US
Identifying Changing-look AGNs Using Variability CharacteristicsWang, Shu; Woo, Jong-Hak; Gallo, Elena; Guo, Hengxiao; Son, Donghoon; Kong, Minzhi ; Mandal, Amit Kumar; Cho, Hojin; Kim, Changseok; Shin, Jaejin2024-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NFT/KR
Investigating the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate in the Galactic Diffuse Interstellar Medium through Observations of H+ 3Indriolo, N. and McCall, B. J.2012-01The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
Nearby Early-type Galactic Nuclei at High Resolution: Dynamical Black Hole and Nuclear Star Cluster Mass MeasurementsNguyen, Dieu D., Seth, Anil C., Neumayer, Nadine, Kamann, Sebastian, Voggel, Karina T., Cappellari, Michele, Picotti, Arianna, Nguyen, Phuong M., Böker, Torsten, Debattista, Victor, Caldwell, Nelson, McDermid, Richard, Bastian, Nathan, Ahn, Christopher C., Pechetti, Renuka2018-05The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRGS/US/SV
The Host Galaxies and Progenitors of Fast Radio Bursts Localized with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Bhandari, Shivani; Sadler, Elaine M.; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Simha, Sunil; Ryder, Stuart D.; Marnoch, Lachlan; Bannister, Keith W.; Macquart, Jean-Pierre; Flynn, Chris; Shannon, Ryan M.; Tejos, Nicolas; Corro-Guerra, Felipe; Day, Cherie K.; Deller, Adam T.; Ekers, Ron; Lopez, Sebastian; Mahony, Elizabeth K.; Nuñez, Consuelo; Phillips, Chris2020-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCL
Morpho-kinematic Modeling of the Expanding Ejecta of the Extremely Slow Nova V1280 ScorpiiNaito, Hiroyuki, Tajitsu, Akito, Ribeiro, Valério A. R. M., Arai, Akira, Maehara, Hiroyuki, Kouzuma, Shinjirou, Iijima, Takashi, Okazaki, Atsuo T., Watanabe, Makoto, Takagi, Seiko, Watanabe, Fumitake, Sakon, Itsuki, Sadakane, Kozo2022-06The Astrophysical JournalTRECSJP
Early-type Galaxies at z ~ 1.3. IV. Scaling Relations in Different EnvironmentsRaichoor, A., Mei, S., Stanford, S. A., Holden, B. P., Nakata, F., Rosati, P., Shankar, F., Tanaka, M., Ford, H., Huertas-Company, M., Illingworth, G., Kodama, T., Postman, M., Rettura, A., Blakeslee, J. P., Demarco, R., Jee, M. J., and White, R. L.2012-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
A Detection of Water in the Transmission Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter WASP-12b and Implications for Its Atmospheric CompositionKreidberg, Laura, Line, Michael R., Bean, Jacob L., Stevenson, Kevin B., Désert, Jean-Michel, Madhusudhan, Nikku, Fortney, Jonathan J., Barstow, Joanna K., Henry, Gregory W., Williamson, Michael H., Showman, Adam P.2015-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS

Gemini Observatory Participants