
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 561-580 of 3908 results.
Episodic bright and dark spots on UranusSromovsky, L. A., Hammel, H. B., de Pater, I., Fry, P. M., Rages, K. A., Showalter, M. R., Merline, W. J., Tamblyn, P., Neyman, C., Margot, J.-L., Fang, J., Colas, F., Dauvergne, J.-L., Gómez-Forrellad, J. M., Hueso, R., Sánchez-Lavega, A., and Stallard, T.2012-07IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Direct Evidence for an Enhancement of Helium in Giant Stars in Omega CentauriDupree, A. K., Strader, J., and Smith, G. H.2011-02The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
The Continued Optical to Mid-Infrared Evolution of V838 MonocerotisLoebman, S. R., Wisniewski, J. P., Schmidt, S. J., Kowalski, A. F., Barry, R. K., Bjorkman, K. S., Hammel, H. B., Hawley, S. L., Hebb, L., Kasliwal, M. M., Lynch, D. K., Russell, R. W., Sitko, M. L., Szkody, P.2015-01The Astronomical JournalTRECSUS
Ionized gas kinematics within the inner kiloparsec of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1365Lena, Davide, Robinson, Andrew, Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa, Couto, Guilherme S., Schnorr-Müller, Allan, Riffel, Rogemar A.2016-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
A Survey for Planetary-mass Brown Dwarfs in the Chamaeleon I Star-forming RegionEsplin, T. L., Luhman, K. L., Faherty, J. K., Mamajek, E. E., Bochanski, J. J.2017-08The Astronomical JournalFLAMINGOS-2US
High-Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy of HD~100546: IV. Orbiting Companion Disappears on ScheduleBrittain, Sean D., Najita, Joan R., Carr, John S.2019-09 PHOENIXUS
Mapping the zonal winds of Jupiter's stratospheric equatorial oscillationBenmahi, B., Cavalié, T., Greathouse, T. K., Hue, V., Giles, R., Guerlet, S., Spiga, A., Cosentino, R.2021-08Astronomy & AstrophysicsTEXESUS
Retrieving planet formation parameters of WASP-77Ab using SimAbKhorshid, N. ; Min, M. ; Désert, J. M.2023-07Astronomy & AstrophysicsIGRINSUS
Post-equinox dynamics and polar cloud structure on UranusSromovsky, L. A., Fry, P. M., Hammel, H. B., de Pater, I., and Rages, K. A.2012-08IcarusNIRIUS
A New Class of Changing-Look LINERsFrederick, Sara, Gezari, Suvi, Graham, Matthew J., Cenko, S. Bradley, van Velzen, Sjoert, Stern, Daniel, Blagorodnova, Nadejda, Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., Yan, Lin, De, Kishalay, Fremling, U. Christoffer, Hung, Tiara, Kara, Erin, Shupe, David L., Ward, Charlotte, Bellm, Eric C., Dekany, Richard, Duev, Dmitry A., Feindt, Ulrich, Giomi, Matteo, Kupfer, Thomas, Laher, Russ R., Masci, Frank J., Miller, Adam A., Neill, James D., Ngeow, Chow-Choong, Patterson, Maria T., Porter, Michael, Rusholme, Ben, Sollerman, Jesper, Walters, Richard2019-09 GMOS-NUS
On the Ortho:Para Ratio of H+ 3 in Diffuse Molecular CloudsCrabtree, K. N., Indriolo, N., Kreckel, H., Tom, B. A., and McCall, B. J.2011-03The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
Star Formation at z = 2.481 in the Lensed Galaxy SDSS J1110 = 6459. I. Lens Modeling and Source ReconstructionJohnson, Traci L., Sharon, Keren, Gladders, Michael D., Rigby, Jane R., Bayliss, Matthew B., Wuyts, Eva, Whitaker, Katherine E., Florian, Michael, Murray, Katherine T.2017-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Spatially Resolving the Kinematics of the ≲100 μas Quasar Broad-line Region Using Spectroastrometry. II. The First Tentative Detection in a Luminous Quasar at z = 2.3Bosco, Felix, Hennawi, Joseph F., Stern, Jonathan, Pott, Jörg-Uwe2021-09The Astrophysical JournalGNIRS+ALTAIRUS
M giants with IGRINS. II. Chemical evolution of fluorine at high metallicities Nandakumar, G. ; Ryde, N. ; Mace, G. 2023-08Astronomy & AstrophysicsIGRINSUS
Magnetic Field Measurements of T Tauri Stars in the Orion Nebula ClusterYang, H. and Johns-Krull, C. M.2011-03The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXUS
A Minor Merger Caught in the Act of Fueling the Active Galactic Nucleus in Mrk 509Fischer, T. C., Crenshaw, D. M., Kraemer, S. B., Schmitt, H. R., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Riffel, R. A.2015-02The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRUS
Host galaxies of high-redshift extremely red and obscured quasarsZakamska, Nadia L., Sun, Ai-Lei, Strauss, Michael A., Alexandroff, Rachael M., Brandt, W. N., Chiaberge, Marco, Greene, Jenny E., Hamann, Fred, Liu, Guilin, Perrotta, Serena, Ross, Nicholas P., Wylezalek, Dominika2019-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUS
Spatially Resolved Mid-Infrared Imaging of the SR 21 Transition DiskEisner, J. A., Monnier, J. D., Tuthill, P., and Lacour, S.2009-06The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
Pushing the Boundaries of Conventional Core-collapse Supernovae: The Extremely Energetic Supernova SN 2003maRest, A.; Foley, R. J.; Gezari, S.; Narayan, G.; Draine, B.; Olsen, K.; Huber, M. E.; Matheson, T.; Garg, A.; Welch, D. L.; Becker, A. C.; Challis, P.; Clocchiatti, A.; Cook, K. H.; Damke, G.; Meixner, M.; Miknaitis, G.; Minniti, D.; Morelli, L.; Nikolaev, S.; Pignata, G.; Prieto, J. L.; Smith, R. C.; Stubbs, C.; Suntzeff, N. B.; Walker, A. R.; Wood-Vasey, W. M.; Zenteno, A.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Udalski, A.; Szymanski, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; Poleski, R.2011-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Mass Calibration and Cosmological Analysis of the SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample Using Velocity Dispersion σ v and X-Ray Y X MeasurementsBocquet, S., Saro, A., Mohr, J. J., Aird, K. A., Ashby, M. L. N., Bautz, M., Bayliss, M., Bazin, G., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Brodwin, M., Carlstrom, J. E., Chang, C. L., Chiu, I., Cho, H. M., Clocchiatti, A., Crawford, T. M., Crites, A. T., Desai, S., de Haan, T., Dietrich, J. P., Dobbs, M. A., Foley, R. J., Forman, W. R., Gangkofner, D., George, E. M., Gladders, M. D., Gonzalez, A. H., Halverson, N. W., Hennig, C., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Holder, G. P., Holzapfel, W. L., Hrubes, J. D., Jones, C., Keisler, R., Knox, L., Lee, A. T., Leitch, E. M., Liu, J., Lueker, M., Luong-Van, D., Marrone, D. P., McDonald, M., McMahon, J. J., Meyer, S. S., Mocanu, L., Murray, S. S., Padin, S., Pryke, C., Reichardt, C. L., Rest, A., Ruel, J., Ruhl, J. E., Saliwanchik, B. R., Sayre, J. T., Schaffer, K. K., Shirokoff, E., Spieler, H. G., Stalder, B., Stanford, S. A., Staniszewski, Z., Stark, A. A., Story, K., Stubbs, C. W., Vanderlinde, K., Vieira, J. D., Vikhlinin, A., Williamson, R., Zahn, O., Zenteno, A.2015-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS

Gemini Observatory Participants