
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 621-640 of 3908 results.
Discovery of a 0.15" Binary Brown Dwarf, 2MASS J1426316+155701, with Gemini/Hokupa'a Adaptive OpticsClose, L. M., Potter, D., Brandner, W., Lloyd-Hart, M., Liebert, J., Burrows, A., and Siegler, N.2002-02The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
High-resolution Images of Orbital Motion in the Orion Trapezium Cluster with the LBT AO SystemClose, L. M., Puglisi, A., Males, J. R., Arcidiacono, C., Skemer, A., Guerra, J. C., Busoni, L., Brusa, G., Pinna, E., Miller, D. L., Riccardi, A., McCarthy, D. W., Xompero, M., Kulesa, C., Quiros-Pacheco, F., Argomedo, J., Brynnel, J., Esposito, S., Mannucci, F., Boutsia, K., Fini, L., Thompson, D. J., Hill, J. M., Woodward, C. E., Briguglio, R., Rodigas, T. J., Briguglio, R., Stefanini, P., Agapito, G., Hinz, P., Follette, K., and Green, R.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
Detection of Nine M8.0-L0.5 Binaries: The Very Low Mass Binary Population and Its Implications for Brown Dwarf and Very Low Mass Star FormationClose, L. M., Siegler, N., Freed, M., and Biller, B.2003-04The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
An Adaptive Optics Survey of M8-M9 Stars: Discovery of Four Very Low Mass Binaries with at Least One System Containing a Brown Dwarf CompanionClose, L. M., Siegler, N., Potter, D., Brandner, W., and Liebert, J.2002-03The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
High-Resolution Images of Orbital Motion in the Trapezium Cluster: First Scientific Results from the Multiple Mirror Telescope Deformable Secondary Mirror Adaptive Optics SystemClose, L. M., Wildi, F., Lloyd-Hart, M., Brusa, G., Fisher, D., Miller, D., Riccardi, A., Salinari, P., McCarthy, D. W., Angel, R., Allen, R., Martin, H. M., Sosa, R. G., Montoya, M., Rademacher, M., Rascon, M., Curley, D., Siegler, N., and Duschl, W. J.2003-12The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
The Wide Brown Dwarf Binary Oph 1622-2405 and Discovery of a Wide, Low-Mass Binary in Ophiuchus (Oph 1623-2402): A New Class of Young Evaporating Wide Binaries?Close, L. M., Zuckerman, B., Song, I., Barman, T., Marois, C., Rice, E. L., Siegler, N., Macintosh, B., Becklin, E. E., Campbell, R., Lyke, J. E., Conrad, A., and Le Mignant, D.2007-05The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRDD
TOI-1634 b: An Ultra-short-period Keystone Planet Sitting inside the M-dwarf Radius ValleyCloutier, Ryan, Charbonneau, David, Stassun, Keivan G., Murgas, Felipe, Mortier, Annelies, Massey, Robert, Lissauer, Jack J., Latham, David W., Irwin, Jonathan, Haywood, Raphaëlle D., Guerra, Pere, Girardin, Eric, Giacalone, Steven A., Bosch-Cabot, Pau, Bieryla, Allyson, Winn, Joshua, Watson, Christopher A., Vanderspek, Roland, Udry, Stéphane, Tamura, Motohide, Sozzetti, Alessandro, Shporer, Avi, Ségransan, Damien, Seager, Sara, Savel, Arjun B., Sasselov, Dimitar, Rose, Mark, Ricker, George, Rice, Ken, Quintana, Elisa V., Quinn, Samuel N., Piotto, Giampaolo, Phillips, David, Pepe, Francesco, Pedani, Marco, Parviainen, Hannu, Palle, Enric, Narita, Norio, Molinari, Emilio, Micela, Giuseppina, McDermott, Scott, Mayor, Michel, Matson, Rachel A., Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo F., Lovis, Christophe, López-Morales, Mercedes, Kusakabe, Nobuhiko, Jensen, Eric L. N., Jenkins, Jon M., Huang, Chelsea X., Howell, Steve B., Harutyunyan, Avet, Fűrész, Gábor, Fukui, Akihiko, Esquerdo, Gilbert A., Esparza-Borges, Emma, Dumusque, Xavier, Dressing, Courtney D., Fabrizio, Luca Di, Collins, Karen A., Cameron, Andrew Collier, Christiansen, Jessie L., Cecconi, Massimo, Buchhave, Lars A., Boschin, Walter, Andreuzzi, Gloria2021-08The Astronomical JournalAlopekeUS
A Pair of TESS Planets Spanning the Radius Valley around the Nearby Mid-M Dwarf LTT 3780 Cloutier, Ryan; Eastman, Jason D.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Astudillo-Defru, Nicola; Bonfils, Xavier; Mortier, Annelies; Watson, Christopher A.; Stalport, Manu; Pinamonti, Matteo; Lienhard, Florian; Harutyunyan, Avet; Damasso, Mario; Latham, David W.; Collins, Karen A.; Massey, Robert; Irwin, Jonathan; Winters, Jennifer G.; Charbonneau, David; Ziegler, Carl; Matthews, Elisabeth Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Kreidberg, Laura; Quinn, Samuel N.; Ricker, George; Vanderspek, Roland; Seager, Sara; Winn, Joshua; Jenkins, Jon M.; Vezie, Michael; Udry, Stéphane; Twicken, Joseph D.; Tenenbaum, Peter; Sozzetti, Alessandro; Ségransan, Damien; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Santos, Nuno C.; Rice, Ken; Rackham, Benjamin V.; Poretti, Ennio; Piotto, Giampaolo; Phillips, David; Pepe, Francesco; Molinari, Emilio; Mignon, Lucile; Micela, Giuseppina; Melo, Claudio; de Medeiros, José R.; Mayor, Michel; Matson, Rachel A.; Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo F.; Mann, Andrew W.; Magazzú, Antonio; Lovis, Christophe; López-Morales, Mercedes; Lopez, Eric; Lissauer, Jack J.; Lépine, Sébastien; Law, Nicholas; Kielkopf, John F.; Johnson, John A.; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Howell, Steve B.; Gonzales, Erica; Ghedina, Adriano; Forveille, Thierry; Figueira, Pedro; Dumusque, Xavier; Dressing, Courtney D.; Doyon, René; Díaz, Rodrigo F.; Fabrizio, Luca Di; Delfosse, Xavier; Cosentino, Rosario; Conti, Dennis M.; Collins, Kevin I.; Cameron, Andrew Collier; Ciardi, David; Caldwell, Douglas A.; Burke, Christopher; Buchhave, Lars; Briceño, César; Boyd, Patricia; Bouchy, François; Beichman, Charles; Artigau, Étienne; Almenara, Jose M.2020-07The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRLP
TOI-1235 b: A Keystone Super-Earth for Testing Radius Valley Emergence Models around Early M DwarfsCloutier, Ryan; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Irwin, Jonathan; Charbonneau, David; Stassun, Keivan G.; Mortier, Annelies; Latham, David W.; Isaacson, Howard; Howard, Andrew W.; Udry, Stéphane; Wilson, Thomas G.; Watson, Christopher A.; Pinamonti, Matteo; Lienhard, Florian; Giacobbe, Paolo; Guerra, Pere; Collins, Karen A.; Beiryla, Allyson; Esquerdo, Gilbert A.; Matthews, Elisabeth Matson, Rachel A.; Howell, Steve B.; Furlan, Elise; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Winters, Jennifer G.; Nava, Chantanelle; Ment, Kristo; Lopez, Eric D.; Ricker, George; Vanderspek, Roland; Seager, Sara; Jenkins, Jon M.; Ting, Eric B.; Tenenbaum, Peter; Sozzetti, Alessandro; Sha, Lizhou; Ségransan, Damien; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Roy, Arpita; Robertson, Paul; Rice, Ken; Poretti, Ennio; Piotto, Giampaolo; Phillips, David; Pepper, Joshua; Pepe, Francesco; Molinari, Emilio; Mocnik, Teo; Micela, Giuseppina; Mayor, Michel; Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo F.; Mallia, Franco; Lubin, Jack; Lovis, Christophe; López-Morales, Mercedes; Kosiarek, Molly R.; Kielkopf, John F.; Kane, Stephen R.; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Isopi, Giovanni; Huber, Daniel; Hill, Michelle L.; Harutyunyan, Avet; Gonzales, Erica; Giacalone, Steven; Ghedina, Adriano; Ercolino, Andrea; Dumusque, Xavier; Dressing, Courtney D.; Damasso, Mario; Dalba, Paul A.; Cosentino, Rosario; Conti, Dennis M.; Colón, Knicole D.; Collins, Kevin I.; Cameron, Andrew Collier; Ciardi, David; Christiansen, Jessie; Chontos, Ashley; Cecconi, Massimo; Caldwell, Douglas A.; Burke, Christopher; Buchhave, Lars; Beichman, Charles; Behmard, Aida; Beard, Corey; Akana Murphy, Joseph M.2020-07The Astronomical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRLP
Mid-infrared imaging and modelling of the dust shell around post-AGB star HD 187885 (IRAS 19500-1709)Clube, K. L. and Gledhill, T. M.2004-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyOSCIRUH
Kinematics of C IV and [O III] emission in luminous high-redshift quasarsCoatman, Liam, Hewett, Paul C., Banerji, Manda, Richards, Gordon T., Hennawi, Joseph F., Prochaska, J. Xavier2019-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRS/NIRIUS
Correcting C IV-based virial black hole massesCoatman, Liam, Hewett, Paul C., Banerji, Manda, Richards, Gordon T., Hennawi, Joseph F., Prochaska, J. Xavier2017-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRS/NIRIUS
Discovery of SN 2009nz Associated with GRB 091127Cobb, B. E., Bloom, J. S., Perley, D. A., Morgan, A. N., Cenko, S. B., and Filippenko, A. V.2010-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SAU/CA/CL/UK/GS/US
Simultaneous J-, H-, K- and L-band spectroscopic observations of galactic Be stars. I. IR atlasCochetti, Y. R., Arias, M. L., Cidale, L. S., Granada, A., Torres, A. F.2022-09Astronomy & AstrophysicsGNIRSAR/GS
Intriguing detection of 12CO molecular emission in a classical Be star Cochetti, Y. R.; Arias, M. L.; Kraus, M.; Cidale, L. S.; Torres, A. F.; Granada, A.; Maryeva, O. V.2021-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsGNIRSAR
Near-infrared Characterization of Four Massive Stars in Transition Phases Cochetti, Yanina R.; Kraus, Michaela; Arias, María L.; Cidale, Lydia S.; Eenmäe, Tõnis; Liimets, Tiina; Torres, Andrea F.; Djupvik, Anlaug A.2020-10The Astronomical JournalGNIRSAR
Further Definition of the Mass-Metallicity Relation in Globular Cluster Systems Around Brightest Cluster GalaxiesCockcroft, R., Harris, W. E., Wehner, E. M. H., Whitmore, B. C., and Rothberg, B.2009-09The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SCA
A Continuum of Accretion Burst Behavior in Young Stars Observed by K2Cody, Ann Marie, Hillenbrand, Lynne A., David, Trevor J., Carpenter, John M., Everett, Mark E., Howell, Steve B.2017-02The Astrophysical JournalDSSIUS
An analysis of the composite stellar population in M32Coelho, P., Mendes de Oliveira, C., and Cid Fernandes, R.2009-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NBR
Searching for jet rotation in Class 0/I sources observed with GEMINI/GNIRSCoffey, D., Bacciotti, F., Chrysostomou, A., Nisini, B., and Davis, C.2011-02Astronomy & AstrophysicsGNIRSUK

Gemini Observatory Participants