
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 761-780 of 3943 results.
The nuclear region of NGC 613 - II. Kinematics and stellar archaeology da Silva, Patrícia; Menezes, R. B.; Steiner, J. E.; Fraga, Luciano2020-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
Protoplanetary disks of T Tauri binary systems in the Orion nebula clusterDaemgen, S., Correia, S., and Petr-Gotzens, M. G.2012-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIFSUH
Discovery of Nine New Companions to Nearby Young M Stars with the Altair AO SystemDaemgen, S., Siegler, N., Reid, I. N., and Close, L. M.2007-01The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Sub-stellar Companions and Stellar Multiplicity in the Taurus Star-forming RegionDaemgen, Sebastian, Bonavita, Mariangela, Jayawardhana, Ray, Lafrenière, David, Janson, Markus2015-02The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRCA
Slow decline and rise of the broad [O III] emission line in globular cluster black hole candidate RZ2109Dage, Kristen C., Zepf, Stephen E., Bahramian, Arash, Strader, Jay, Maccarone, Thomas J., Peacock, Mark B., Kundu, Arunav, Steele, Matthew M., Britt, Christopher T.2019-11Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
Time Delay Measurements for the Cluster-lensed Sextuple Quasar SDSS J2222+2745Dahle, H., Gladders, M. D., Sharon, K., Bayliss, M. B., Rigby, J. R.2015-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NFT/US
The Young Cluster NGC 2362Dahm, S. E.2005-10The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUH
Spitzer Observations of NGC 2362: Primordial Disks at 5 MyrDahm, S. E. and Hillenbrand, L. A.2007-05The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUH
The T Tauri Star Population of the Young Cluster NGC 2264Dahm, S. E. and Simon, T.2005-02The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUH
Stellar populations in local AGNs: evidence for enhanced star formation in the inner 100 pcDahmer-Hahn, L. G., Riffel, R., Rodríguez-Ardila, A., Riffel, R. A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Marinello, M., Davies, R. I., Burtscher, L., Ruschel-Dutra, D., Rosario, D. J.2022-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SBR/US
A decade of near-infrared variability in NGC4388: insights into the AGN structureDahmer-Hahn, Luis G. ; Rodríguez-Ardila, Alberto ; Bianchin, Marina ; Riffel, Rogemar A. ; Riffel, Rogério ; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Hao, Lei2023-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRS/NIFS+ALTAIRBR/CA/US
A panchromatic spatially resolved study of the inner 500pc of NGC1052 -- II: Gas excitation and kinematicsDahmer-Hahn, Luis G., Riffel, Rogério, Ricci, Tiago V., Steiner, João E., Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa, Riffel, Rogemar A., Menezes, Roberto B., Dametto, Natacha Z., Diniz, Marlon R., Motter, Juliana C., Ruschel-Dutra, Daniel2019-11Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIR/GMOS-SBR
A panchromatic spatially resolved study of the inner 500 pc of NGC 1052 - I: Stellar populationDahmer-Hahn, Luis Gabriel, Riffel, Rogério, Steiner, João Evangelista, André Riffel, Rogemar, Bertoldo Menezes, Roberto, Ricci, Tiago Vecchi, Dametto, Natacha Zanon, Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa, Diniz, Marlon Rodrigo2019-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-S/NIFS+ALTAIRBR
A Mini-Neptune Orbiting the Metal-poor K Dwarf BD+29 2654Dai, Fei ; Schlaufman, Kevin C. ; Reggiani, Henrique ; Bouma, Luke ; Howard, Andrew W. ; Chontos, Ashley ; Pidhorodetska, Daria ; Van Zandt, Judah ; Akana Murphy, Joseph M. ; Rubenzahl, Ryan A. ; Polanski, Alex S. ; Lubin, Jack ; Beard, Corey ; Giacalone, Steven ; Holcomb, Rae ; Batalha, Natalie M. ; Crossfield, Ian ; Dressing, Courtney ; Fulton, Benjamin ; Huber, Daniel ; Isaacson, Howard ; Kane, Stephen R. ; Petigura, Erik A. ; Robertson, Paul ; Weiss, Lauren M. ; Belinski, Alexander A. ; Boyle, Andrew W. ; Burke, Christopher J. ; Castro-González, Amadeo ; Ciardi, David R. ; Daylan, Tansu ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Gill, Holden ; Guerrero, Natalia M. ; Hellier, Coel ; Howell, Steve B. ; Lillo-Box, Jorge ; Murgas, Felipe ; Narita, Norio ; Pallé, Enric ; Rodriguez, David R. ; Savel, Arjun B. ; Shporer, Avi ; Stassun, Keivan G. ; Striegel, Stephanie ; Caldwell, Douglas A. ; Jenkins, Jon M. ; Ricker, George R. ; Seager, Sara ; Vanderspek, Roland ; Winn, Joshua N.2023-08The Astronomical JournalAlopekeLP
TKS X: Confirmation of TOI-1444b and a Comparative Analysis of the Ultra-short-period Planets with Hot NeptunesDai, Fei, Howard, Andrew W., Batalha, Natalie M., Beard, Corey, Behmard, Aida, Blunt, Sarah, Brinkman, Casey L., Chontos, Ashley, Crossfield, Ian J. M., Dalba, Paul A., Dressing, Courtney, Fulton, Benjamin, Giacalone, Steven, Hill, Michelle L., Huber, Daniel, Isaacson, Howard, Kane, Stephen R., Lubin, Jack, Mayo, Andrew, Močnik, Teo, Akana Murphy, Joseph M., Petigura, Erik A., Rice, Malena, Robertson, Paul, Rosenthal, Lee, Roy, Arpita, Rubenzahl, Ryan A., Weiss, Lauren M., Zandt, Judah Van, Beichman, Charles, Ciardi, David, Collins, Karen A., Gonzales, Erica, Howell, Steve B., Matson, Rachel A., Matthews, Elisabeth C., Schlieder, Joshua E., Schwarz, Richard P., Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland, Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Caldwell, Douglas A., Colon, Knicole D., Dragomir, Diana, Lund, Michael B., McLean, Brian, Rudat, Alexander, Shporer, Avi2021-08The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRLP
TOI-1136 is a Young, Coplanar, Aligned Planetary System in a Pristine Resonant ChainDai, Fei, Masuda, Kento, Beard, Corey, Robertson, Paul, Goldberg, Max, Batygin, Konstantin, Bouma, Luke, Lissauer, Jack J., Knudstrup, Emil, Albrecht, Simon, Howard, Andrew W., Knutson, Heather A., Petigura, Erik A., Weiss, Lauren M., Isaacson, Howard, Kristiansen, Martti Holst, Osborn, Hugh, Wang, Songhu, Wang, Xian-Yu, Behmard, Aida, Greklek-McKeon, Michael, Vissapragada, Shreyas, Batalha, Natalie M., Brinkman, Casey L., Chontos, Ashley, Crossfield, Ian, Dressing, Courtney, Fetherolf, Tara, Fulton, Benjamin, Hill, Michelle L., Huber, Daniel, Kane, Stephen R., Lubin, Jack, MacDougall, Mason, Mayo, Andrew, Močnik, Teo, Akana Murphy, Joseph M., Rubenzahl, Ryan A., Scarsdale, Nicholas, Tyler, Dakotah, Zandt, Judah Van, Polanski, Alex S., Schwengeler, Hans Martin, Terentev, Ivan A., Benni, Paul, Bieryla, Allyson, Ciardi, David, Falk, Ben, Furlan, E., Girardin, Eric, Guerra, Pere, Hesse, Katharine M., Howell, Steve B., Lillo-Box, J., Matthews, Elisabeth C., Twicken, Joseph D., Villaseñor, Joel, Latham, David W., Jenkins, Jon M., Ricker, George R., Seager, Sara, Vanderspek, Roland, Winn, Joshua N.2023-02The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRLP
Ultracool dwarfs candidates based on 6 yr of the Dark Energy Survey data dal Ponte, M.; Santiago, B.; Carnero Rosell, A.; De Paris, L. ; Pace, A. B.; Bechtol, K. ; Abbott, T. M. C. ; Aguena, M. ; Allam, S. ; Alves, O. ; Bacon, D. ; Bertin, E. ; Bocquet, S. ; Brooks, D. ; Burke, D. L. ; Carrasco Kind, M. ; Carretero, J. ; Conselice, C. ; Costanzi, M.; Desai, S. ; De Vicente, J. ; Doel, P. ; Everett, S. ; Ferrero, I.; Flaugher, B. ; Frieman, J. ; García-Bellido, J. ; Gerdes, D. W. ; Gruendl, R. A. ; Gruen, D. ; Gutierrez, G. ; Hinton, S. R. ; Hollowood, D. L. ; James, D. J. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Marshall, J. L. ; Mena-Fernández, J. ; Menanteau, F. ; Miquel, R. ; Ogando, R. L. C. ; Palmese, A. ; Paz-Chinchón, F. ; Pereira, M. E. S. ; Plazas Malagón, A. A. ; Pieres, A.; Raveri, M. ; Rodriguez-Monroy, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. ; Smith, M. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M. E. C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; To, C. ; Weaverdyck, N. ; DES Collaboration2023-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR/US
The TESS-Keck Survey. VIII. Confirmation of a Transiting Giant Planet on an Eccentric 261 Day Orbit with the Automated Planet Finder TelescopeDalba, Paul A., Kane, Stephen R., Dragomir, Diana, Villanueva, Steven, Collins, Karen A., Jacobs, Thomas Lee, LaCourse, Daryll M., Gagliano, Robert, Kristiansen, Martti H., Omohundro, Mark, Schwengeler, Hans M., Terentev, Ivan A., Vanderburg, Andrew, Fulton, Benjamin, Isaacson, Howard, Van Zandt, Judah, Howard, Andrew W., Thorngren, Daniel P., Howell, Steve B., Batalha, Natalie M., Chontos, Ashley, Crossfield, Ian J. M., Dressing, Courtney D., Huber, Daniel, Petigura, Erik A., Robertson, Paul, Roy, Arpita, Weiss, Lauren M., Behmard, Aida, Beard, Corey, Brinkman, Casey L., Giacalone, Steven, Hill, Michelle L., Lubin, Jack, Mayo, Andrew W., Močnik, Teo, Akana Murphy, Joseph M., Polanski, Alex S., Rice, Malena, Rosenthal, Lee J., Rubenzahl, Ryan A., Scarsdale, Nicholas, Turtelboom, Emma V., Tyler, Dakotah, Benni, Paul, Boyce, Pat, Esposito, Thomas M., Girardin, E., Laloum, Didier, Lewin, Pablo, Mann, Christopher R., Marchis, Franck, Schwarz, Richard P., Srdoc, Gregor, Steuer, Jana, Sivarani, Thirupathi, Unni, Athira, Eisner, Nora L., Fetherolf, Tara, Li, Zhexing, Yao, Xinyu, Pepper, Joshua, Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland, Latham, David W., Seager, S., Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Burke, Christopher J., Eastman, Jason D., Lund, Michael B., Rodriguez, David R., Rowden, Pamela, Ting, Eric B., Villaseñor, Jesus Noel2022-02The Astronomical JournalAlopekeUS
Speckle Imaging Characterization of Radial Velocity Exoplanet SystemsDalba, Paul A.; Kane, Stephen R.; Howell, Steve B.; Horch, Elliott P.; Li, Zhexing; Hirsch, Lea A.; Burt, Jennifer; Brandt, Timothy D.; Močnik, Teo; Henry, Gregory W.; Everett, Mark E.; Rosenthal, Lee J.; Howard, Andrew W.2021-03The Astronomical JournalDSSIUS
GeMS/GSAOI Photometric and Astrometric Performance in Dense Stellar FieldsDalessandro, E., Saracino, S., Origlia, L., Marchetti, E., Ferraro, F. R., Lanzoni, B., Geisler, D., Cohen, R. E., Mauro, F., Villanova, S.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSCL

Gemini Observatory Participants