
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 801-820 of 3943 results.
Circumnuclear star formation in Mrk 42 mapped with Gemini Near-infrared Integral Field SpectrographHennig, Moiré G., Riffel, Rogemar A., Dors, O. L., Riffel, Rogerio, Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa, Colina, Luis2018-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR
Launching the asymmetric bipolar jet of DO TauErkal, J., Dougados, C., Coffey, D., Cabrit, S., Bacciotti, F., Garcia-Lopez, R., Fedele, D., Chrysostomou, A.2021-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIFS+ALTAIRUK
Feeding versus feedback in NGC4151 probed with Gemini NIFS - II. KinematicsStorchi-Bergmann, T., Lopes, R. D. S., McGregor, P. J., Riffel, R. A., Beck, T., and Martini, P.2010-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRAU
Extended Structure and Fate of the Nucleus in Henize 2-10Nguyen, Dieu D., Seth, Anil C., Reines, Amy E., den Brok, Mark, Sand, David, McLeod, Brian2014-10The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRJP
Near-infrared dust and line emission from the central region of Mrk1066: constraints from Gemini NIFSRiffel, R. A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., and Nagar, N. M.2010-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR
Turbulent mixing layers in supersonic protostellar outflows, with application to DG TauriWhite, M. C., Bicknell, G. V., Sutherland, R. S., Salmeron, R., McGregor, P. J.2016-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRAU/SV
Disk-mediated accretion burst in a high-mass young stellar objectCaratti O Garatti, A., Stecklum, B., Garcia Lopez, R., Eislöffel, J., Ray, T. P., Sanna, A., Cesaroni, R., Walmsley, C. M., Oudmaijer, R. D., de Wit, W. J., Moscadelli, L., Greiner, J., Krabbe, A., Fischer, C., Klein, R., Ibañez, J. M.2016-01Nature PhysicsNIFS+ALTAIRDD
Nearby Early-type Galactic Nuclei at High Resolution: Dynamical Black Hole and Nuclear Star Cluster Mass MeasurementsNguyen, Dieu D., Seth, Anil C., Neumayer, Nadine, Kamann, Sebastian, Voggel, Karina T., Cappellari, Michele, Picotti, Arianna, Nguyen, Phuong M., Böker, Torsten, Debattista, Victor, Caldwell, Nelson, McDermid, Richard, Bastian, Nathan, Ahn, Christopher C., Pechetti, Renuka2018-05The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRGS/US/SV
Evidence of a Decreased Binary Fraction for Massive Stars within 20 milliparsecs of the Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center Chu, Devin S.; Do, Tuan; Ghez, Andrea; Gautam, Abhimat K.; Ciurlo, Anna; O'neil, Kelly Kosmo; Hosek, Matthew W.; Hees, Aurélien; Naoz, Smadar; Sakai, Shoko; Lu, Jessica R.; Chen, Zhuo; Bentley, Rory O.; Becklin, Eric E. ; Matthews, Keith2023-05The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRUS
Detection of hydrogen sulfide above the clouds in Uranus's atmosphereIrwin, Patrick G. J., Toledo, Daniel, Garland, Ryan, Teanby, Nicholas A., Fletcher, Leigh N., Orton, Glenn A., Bézard, Bruno2018-04Nature AstronomyNIFS+ALTAIRUK
Measuring the mass of the supermassive black hole of the lenticular galaxy NGC 4546 Ricci, T. V.; Steiner, J. E.2020-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR
The Black Hole Mass of NGC 4151 from Stellar Dynamical ModelingRoberts, Caroline A., Bentz, Misty C., Vasiliev, Eugene, Valluri, Monica, Onken, Christopher A.2021-07The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRCA/US
Outflows, inflows, and young stars in the inner 200 pc of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2110Diniz, Marlon R., Riffel, Rogemar A., Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa, Riffel, Rogério2019-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR
Modelling the [Fe II] λ1.644 μm outflow and comparison with H2 and H+ kinematics in the inner 200 pc of NGC 1068Barbosa, F. K. B., Storchi-Bergmann, T., McGregor, P., Vale, T. B., Rogemar Riffel, A.2014-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRAU
A Gemini-NIFS view of the merger remnant NGC 34Motter, J. C., Riffel, R., Ricci, T. V., Riffel, R. A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Pastoriza, M. G., Rodriguez-Ardila, A., Ruschel-Dutra, D., Dahmer-Hahn, L. G., Dametto, N. Z., Diniz, M. R.2021-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR
Identifying Bright Stars in Crowded Environments Using Velocity Dispersion Measurements, and an Application to the Center of M32Davidge, T. J., Beck, T. L., and McGregor, P. J.2010-02Publications of the Astronomical Society of the PacificNIFS+ALTAIRDD/SV
Ionized and hot molecular outflows in the inner 500 pc of NGC 1275Riffel, Rogemar A.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; Zakamska, Nadia L.; Riffel, Rogério2020-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR
High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy of the Galactic Ultracompact H II Region K3-50ABlum, R. D. and McGregor, P. J.2009-08The Astronomical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRAU
Circumbinary Gas Accretion onto a Central Binary: Infrared Molecular Hydrogen Emission from GG Tau ABeck, T. L., Bary, J. S., Dutrey, A., Piétu, V., Guilloteau, S., Lubow, S. H., and Simon, M.2012-07The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRUS
Two-dimensional Mapping of Young Stars in the Inner 180 pc of NGC 1068: Correlation with Molecular Gas Ring and Stellar KinematicsStorchi-Bergmann, T., Riffel, R. A., Riffel, R., Diniz, M. R., Borges Vale, T., and McGregor, P. J.2012-08The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRAU

Gemini Observatory Participants