
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 1141-1160 of 3908 results.
Evidence for a Massive Poststarburst Galaxy at z~6.5Mobasher, B., Dickinson, M., Ferguson, H. C., Giavalisco, M., Wiklind, T., Stark, D., Ellis, R. S., Fall, S. M., Grogin, N. A., Moustakas, L. A., Panagia, N., Sosey, M., Stiavelli, M., Bergeron, E., Casertano, S., Ingraham, P., Koekemoer, A., Labbé, I., Livio, M., Rodgers, B., Scarlata, C., Vernet, J., Renzini, A., Rosati, P., Kuntschner, H., Kümmel, M., Walsh, J. R., Chary, R., Eisenhardt, P., Pirzkal, N., and Stern, D.2005-12The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSDD
Evidence for an accreting massive black hole in He 2-10 from adaptive optics integral field spectroscopy Riffel, Rogemar A.2020-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRJP
Evidence for an Edge-on Disk Around the Young Star MWC 778 from Infrared Imaging and PolarimetryPerrin, M. D., Vacca, W. D., and Graham, J. R.2009-05The Astronomical JournalMICHELLEUS
Evidence for differentiation of the most primitive small bodiesCarry, B., Vernazza, P., Vachier, F., Neveu, M., Berthier, J., Hanuš, J., Ferrais, M., Jorda, L., Marsset, M., Viikinkoski, M., Bartczak, P., Behrend, R., Benkhaldoun, Z., Birlan, M., Castillo-Rogez, J., Cipriani, F., Colas, F., Drouard, A., Dudziński, G. P., Desmars, J., Dumas, C., Ďurech, J., Fetick, R., Fusco, T., Grice, J., Jehin, E., Kaasalainen, M., Kryszczynska, A., Lamy, P., Marchis, F., Marciniak, A., Michalowski, T., Michel, P., Pajuelo, M., Podlewska-Gaca, E., Rambaux, N., Santana-Ros, T., Storrs, A., Tanga, P., Vigan, A., Warner, B., Wieczorek, M., Witasse, O., Yang, B.2021-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Evidence for disc regulation in the lowest mass stars of the young stellar cluster NGC 2264Orcajo, Santiago, Cieza, Lucas A., Gamen, Roberto, Peterson, Dawn2019-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUH
Evidence for dust destruction from the early-time colour change of GRB 120119AMorgan, Adam N., Perley, Daniel A., Cenko, S. Bradley, Bloom, Joshua S., Cucchiara, Antonino, Richards, Joseph W., Filippenko, Alexei V., Haislip, Joshua B., LaCluyze, Aaron, Corsi, Alessandra, Melandri, Andrea, Cobb, Bethany E., Gomboc, Andreja, Horesh, Assaf, James, Berian, Li, Weidong, Mundell, Carole G., Reichart, Daniel E., Steele, Iain2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-S/NIRIAU/GS/UK/US
Evidence for Low-power Radio Jet-ISM Interaction at 10 pc in the Dwarf AGN Host NGC 4395Nandi, Payel; Stalin, C. S.; Saikia, D. J.; Riffel, Rogemar A.; Manna, Arijit; Pal, Sabyasachi; Dors, O. L. ; Wylezalek, Dominika; Paliya, Vaidehi S.; Saikia, Payaswini; Dabhade, Pratik ; Patig, Markus-Kissler; Sagar, Ram2023-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/NIFS+ALTAIRDD/US
Evidence for Misalignment between Debris Disks and Their Host StarsHurt, Spencer A.; MacGregor, Meredith A.2023-09The Astrophysical JournalGPIOTHER
Evidence for the absorption of crystalline silicates at 11.1 μm in the spectra of the nucleus of the Circinus galaxyDo Duy, Tho; Lawson, Warrick A.2019-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society LettersTRECS/MICHELLEAU/GS/JP/BR/UK/US/CL/DD
Evidence for the Rapid Formation of Low-mass Early-type Galaxies in Dense EnvironmentsLiu, Yiqing, Peng, Eric W., Blakeslee, John, Côté, Patrick, Ferrarese, Laura, Jordán, Andrés, Puzia, Thomas H., Toloba, Elisa, Zhang, Hong-Xin2016-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS/CA/CL
Evidence for the Universality of Properties of Red-sequence Galaxies in X-Ray- and Red-Sequence-Selected Clusters at z ~ 1Foltz, R., Rettura, A., Wilson, G., van der Burg, R. F. J., Muzzin, A., Lidman, C., Demarco, R., Nantais, Julie, DeGroot, A., Yee, H.2015-10The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/US
Evidence for Wide-spread Active Galactic Nucleus-driven Outflows in the Most Massive z ~ 1-2 Star-forming Galaxies Genzel, R., N. M. Förster Schreiber, D. Rosario, P. Lang, D. Lutz, E. Wisnioski, E. Wuyts, S. Wuyts, K. Bandara, R. Bender, S. Berta, J. Kurk, J. T. Mendel, L. J. Tacconi, D. Wilman, A. Beifiori, G. Brammer, A. Burkert, P. Buschkamp, J. Chan, C.M. Carollo, R. Davies, F. Eisenhauer, M. Fabricius, M. Fossati, M. Kriek, S. Kulkarni, S. J. Lilly, C. Mancini, I. Momcheva, T. Naab, E. J. Nelson, A. Renzini, R. Saglia, R. M. Sharples, A. Sternberg, S. Tacchella, P. van Dokkum2014-11The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSCL/US
Evidence of a Decreased Binary Fraction for Massive Stars within 20 milliparsecs of the Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center Chu, Devin S.; Do, Tuan; Ghez, Andrea; Gautam, Abhimat K.; Ciurlo, Anna; O'neil, Kelly Kosmo; Hosek, Matthew W.; Hees, Aurélien; Naoz, Smadar; Sakai, Shoko; Lu, Jessica R.; Chen, Zhuo; Bentley, Rory O.; Becklin, Eric E. ; Matthews, Keith2023-05The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRUS
Evidence of a link between the evolution of clusters and their AGN fractionvan Breukelen, C., Simpson, C., Rawlings, S., Akiyama, M., Bonfield, D., Clewley, L., Jarvis, M. J., Mauch, T., Readhead, T., Stobbart, A.-M., Swinbank, M., and Watson, M.2009-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUK
Evidence of Accretion Burst: The Viscously Heated Inner Disk of the Embedded Protostar IRAS 16316-1540Yoon, Sung-Yong, Lee, Jeong-Eun, Lee, Seokho, Herczeg, Gregory J., Park, Sunkyung, Mace, Gregory N., Lee, Jae-Joon, Jaffe, Daniel T.2021-10The Astrophysical JournalIGRINSSV
Evidence of an evolved nature of MWC 349AKraus, M.; Arias, M. L.; Cidale, L. S.; Torres, A. F.2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSAR
Evidence of different star formation histories for high- and low-luminosity radio galaxiesHerbert, P. D., Jarvis, M. J., Willott, C. J., McLure, R. J., Mitchell, E., Rawlings, S., Hill, G. J., and Dunlop, J. S.2010-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUK
Evidence of Extended Emission in GRB 181123B and Other High-redshift Short GRBsDichiara, S., Troja, E., Beniamini, P., O'Connor, B., Moss, M., Lien, A. Y., Ricci, R., Amati, L., Ryan, G., Sakamoto, T.2021-04The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-SUS/AU/CL/GS/UK
Evidence of globular cluster abundance anomalies in the SMC intermediate-age cluster Kron 3Salgado, C., Da Costa, G. S., Yong, D., Salinas, R., Norris, J. E., Mackey, A. D., Marino, A. F., Milone, A. P.2022-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
Evidence of the Evolved Nature of the B[e] Star MWC 137Muratore, M. F., Kraus, M., Oksala, M. E., Arias, M. L., Cidale, L., Borges Fernandes, M., Liermann, A.2015-01The Astronomical JournalGNIRSAR

Gemini Observatory Participants