
Gemini Publications By Users

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 1181-1200 of 3908 results.
First overtone CO bands in the giant component of RS Ophiuchi: the 12C/13C ratio in 2008Pavlenko, Y. V., Woodward, C. E., Rushton, M. T., Kaminsky, B., and Evans, A.2010-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyPHOENIXUK
Discovery of the Optical Afterglow and Host Galaxy of Short GRB 181123B at z = 1.754: Implications for Delay Time Distributions Paterson, K.; Fong, W.; Nugent, A.; Escorial, A. Rouco; Leja, J.; Laskar, T.; Chornock, R.; Miller, A. A.; Scharwächter, J.; Cenko, S. B.; Perley, D.; Tanvir, N. R.; Levan, A.; Cucchiara, A.; Cobb, B. E.; De, K.; Berger, E.; Terreran, G.; Alexander, K. D.; Nicholl, M. Blanchard, P. K.; Cornish, D.2020-08The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS/FT
Three Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae behind CLASH Galaxy ClustersPatel, Brandon, McCully, Curtis, Jha, Saurabh W., Rodney, Steven A., Jones, David O., Graur, Or, Merten, Julian, Zitrin, Adi, Riess, Adam G., Matheson, Thomas, Sako, Masao, Holoien, Thomas W.-S., Postman, Marc, Coe, Dan, Bartelmann, Matthias, Balestra, Italo, Benítez, Narciso, Bouwens, Rychard, Bradley, Larry, Broadhurst, Tom, Cenko, S. Bradley, Donahue, Megan, Filippenko, Alexei V., Ford, Holland, Garnavich, Peter, Grillo, Claudio, Infante, Leopoldo, Jouvel, Stéphanie, Kelson, Daniel, Koekemoer, Anton, Lahav, Ofer, Lemze, Doron, Maoz, Dan, Medezinski, Elinor, Melchior, Peter, Meneghetti, Massimo, Molino, Alberto, Moustakas, John, Moustakas, Leonidas A., Nonino, Mario, Rosati, Piero, Seitz, Stella, Strolger, Louis G., Umetsu, Keiichi, Zheng, Wei2014-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Ultra-bright Optical Transients are Linked with Type Ic SupernovaePastorello, A.; Smartt, S. J.; Botticella, M. T.; Maguire, K.; Fraser, M.; Smith, K.; Kotak, R.; Magill, L.; Valenti, S.; Young, D. R.; Gezari, S.; Bresolin, F.; Kudritzki, R.; Howell, D. A.; Rest, A.; Metcalfe, N.; Mattila, S.; Kankare, E.; Huang, K. Y.; Urata, Y.; Burgett, W. S.; Chambers, K. C.; Dombeck, T.; Flewelling, H.; Grav, T.; Heasley, J. N.; Hodapp, K. W.; Kaiser, N.; Luppino, G. A.; Lupton, R. H.; Magnier, E. A.; Monet, D. G.; Morgan, J. S.; Onaka, P. M.; Price, P. A.; Rhoads, P. H.; Siegmund, W. A.; Stubbs, C. W.; Sweeney, W. E.; Tonry, J. L.; Wainscoat, R. J.; Waterson, M. F.; Waters, C.; Wynn-Williams, C. G.2010-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUK
Interacting Supernovae and Supernova Impostors: SN 2009ip, is this the End?Pastorello, A.; Cappellaro, E.; Inserra, C.; Smartt, S. J.; Pignata, G.; Benetti, S.; Valenti, S.; Fraser, M.; Takáts, K.; Benitez, S.; Botticella, M. T.; Brimacombe, J.; Bufano, F.; Cellier-Holzem, F.; Costado, M. T.; Cupani, G.; Curtis, I.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Ergon, M.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Hambsch, F.-J.; Hamuy, M.; Harutyunyan, A.; Ivarson, K. M.; Kankare, E.; Martin, J. C.; Kotak, R.; LaCluyze, A. P.; Maguire, K.; Mattila, S.; Maza, J.; McCrum, M.; Miluzio, M.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Nysewander, M. C.; Ochner, P.; Pan, Y.-C.; Pumo, M. L.; Reichart, D. E.; Tan, T. G.; Taubenberger, S.; Tomasella, L.; Turatto, M.; Wright, D.2013-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUK
Forbidden hugs in pandemic times. IV. Panchromatic evolution of three luminous red novaePastorello, A. ; Valerin, G. ; Fraser, M. ; Reguitti, A. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Filippenko, A. V. ; Rojas-Bravo, C. ; Tartaglia, L. ; Reynolds, T. M. ; Valenti, S. ; Andrews, J. E. ; Ashall, C. ; Bostroem, K. A. ; Brink, T. G. ; Burke, J. ; Cai, Y. -Z. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Coulter, D. A. ; Dastidar, R. ; Davis, K. W. ; Dimitriadis, G. ; Fiore, A. ; Foley, R. J. ; Fugazza, D. ; Galbany, L. ; Gangopadhyay, A. ; Geier, S. ; Gutiérrez, C. P. ; Haislip, J. ; Hiramatsu, D. ; Holmbo, S. ; Howell, D. A. ; Hsiao, E. Y. ; Hung, T. ; Jha, S. W. ; Kankare, E. ; Karamehmetoglu, E. ; Kilpatrick, C. D. ; Kotak, R. ; Kouprianov, V. ; Kravtsov, T. ; Kumar, S. ; Li, Z. -T. ; Lundquist, M. J. ; Lundqvist, P. ; Matilainen, K. ; Mazzali, P. A. ; McCully, C. ; Misra, K. ; Morales-Garoffolo, A. ; Moran, S. ; Morrell, N. ; Newsome, M. ; Padilla Gonzalez, E. ; Pan, Y. -C. ; Pellegrino, C. ; Phillips, M. M. ; Pignata, G. ; Piro, A. L. ; Reichart, D. E. ; Rest, A. ; Salmaso, I. ; Sand, D. J. ; Siebert, M. R. ; Smartt, S. J. ; Smith, K. W. ; Srivastav, S. ; Stritzinger, M. D. ; Taggart, K. ; Tinyanont, S. ; Yan, S. -Y. ; Wang, L. ; Wang, X. -F. ; Williams, S. C. ; Wyatt, S. ; Zhang, T. -M. ; de Boer, T. ; Chambers, K. ; Gao, H. ; Magnier, E.2023-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsFLAMINGOS-2US
Mid-to-late M Dwarfs Lack Jupiter AnalogsPass, Emily K. ; Winters, Jennifer G. ; Charbonneau, David ; Irwin, Jonathan M. ; Latham, David W. ; Berlind, Perry ; Calkins, Michael L. ; Esquerdo, Gilbert A. ; Mink, Jessica2023-07The Astronomical JournalMAROON-XFT/US
A Multiwavelength Study of the Relativistic Tidal Disruption Candidate Swift J2058.4+0516 at Late TimesPasham, Dheeraj R., Cenko, S. Bradley, Levan, Andrew J., Bower, Geoffrey C., Horesh, Assaf, Brown, Gregory C., Dolan, Stephen, Wiersema, Klaas, Filippenko, Alexei V., Fruchter, Andrew S., Greiner, Jochen, O’Brien, Paul T., Page, Kim L., Rau, Arne, Tanvir, Nial R.2015-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SDD
AGN Torus Detectability at Submillimeter Wavelengths: What to Expect from ALMA Continuum DataPasetto, Alice, González-Martín, Omaira, Esparza-Arredondo, Donaji, Osorio-Clavijo, Natalia, Victoria-Ceballos, César Ivan, Martínez-Paredes, Mariela2019-02The Astrophysical JournalMICHELLEGS
Possible Ongoing Merger Discovered by Photometry and Spectroscopy in the Field of the Galaxy Cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0Pascale, Massimo, Frye, Brenda L., Dai, Liang, Foo, Nicholas, Qin, Yujing, Leimbach, Reagen, Bauer, Adam Michael, Merlin, Emiliano, Coe, Dan, Diego, Jose, Yan, Haojing, Zitrin, Adi, Cohen, Seth H., Conselice, Christopher J., Dole, Hervé, Harrington, Kevin, Jansen, Rolf A., Kamieneski, Patrick, Windhorst, Rogier A., Yun, Min S.2022-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
A Deeply Eclipsing Detached Double Helium White Dwarf BinaryParsons, S. G., Marsh, T. R., Gänsicke, B. T., Drake, A. J., and Koester, D.2011-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
Analysis of the Early-time Optical Spectra of SN 2011fe in M101Parrent, J. T.; Howell, D. A.; Friesen, B.; Thomas, R. C.; Fesen, R. A.; Milisavljevic, D.; Bianco, F. B.; Dilday, B.; Nugent, P.; Baron, E.; Arcavi, I.; Ben-Ami, S.; Bersier, D.; Bildsten, L.; Bloom, J.; Cao, Y.; Cenko, S. B.; Filippenko, A. V.; Gal-Yam, A.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Konidaris, N.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Law, N. M.; Levitan, D.; Maguire, K.; Mazzali, P. A.; Ofek, E. O.; Pan, Y.; Polishook, D.; Poznanski, D.; Quimby, R. M.; Silverman, J. M.; Sternberg, A.; Sullivan, M.; Walker, E. S.; Xu, Dong; Buton, C.; Pereira, R.2012-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
Comparative analysis of SN 2012dn optical spectra: days -14 to +114Parrent, J. T., Howell, D. A., Fesen, R. A., Parker, S., Bianco, F. B., Dilday, B., Sand, D., Valenti, S., Vinkó, J., Berlind, P., Challis, P., Milisavljevic, D., Sanders, N., Marion, G. H., Wheeler, J. C., Brown, P., Calkins, M. L., Friesen, B., Kirshner, R., Pritchard, T., Quimby, R., Roming, P.2016-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK/US
Studying a precessing jet of a massive young stellar object within a chemically rich regionParon, S., Mast, D., Fariña, C., Areal, M. B., Ortega, M. E., Martinez, N. C., Celis Peña, M.2022-10Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIFS+ALTAIRAR
Unveiling the circumstellar environment toward a massive young stellar objectParon, S., Fariña, C., Ortega, M. E.2013-11Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIRI+LGSAR
Near-IR imaging toward a puzzling young stellar object precessing jetParon, S., Fariña, C., Ortega, M. E.2016-10Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIRIAR
Characterization of Seven Ultra-wide Trans-Neptunian BinariesParker, A. H., Kavelaars, J. J., Petit, J.-M., Jones, L., Gladman, B., and Parker, J.2011-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NCA/US
V899 Mon: A Peculiar Eruptive Young Star Close to the End of Its OutburstPark, Sunkyung, Kóspál, Ágnes, Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, Fernando, Siwak, Michał, Dróżdż, Marek, Ignácz, Bernadett, Jaffe, Daniel T., Könyves-Tóth, Réka, Kriskovics, Levente, Lee, Jae-Joon, Lee, Jeong-Eun, Mace, Gregory N., Ogłoza, Waldemar, Pál, András, Potter, Stephen B., Szabó, Zsófia Marianna, Sefako, Ramotholo, Worters, Hannah L.2021-12The Astrophysical JournalIGRINSGT
Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the EXor-like Eruptive Young Star Gaia19fctPark, Sunkyung, Kóspál, Ágnes, Ábrahám, Péter, Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, Fernando, Fiorellino, Eleonora, Siwak, Michał, Nagy, Zsófia, Giannini, Teresa, Carini, Roberta, Szabó, Zsófia Marianna, Lee, Jeong-Eun, Lee, Jae-Joon, Vitali, Fabrizio, Kun, Mária, Cseh, Borbála, Krezinger, Máté, Kriskovics, Levente, Ordasi, András, Pál, András, Szakáts, Róbert, Vida, Krisztián, Vinkó, József2022-12The Astrophysical JournalIGRINSGT
The VISCACHA survey - IX. The SMC Southern Bridge in 8DParisi, M. C.; Oliveira, R. A. P.; Angelo, M. S. ; Dias, B.; Maia, F. F. S.; Saroon, S. ; Feinstein, C. ; Santos, J. F. C.; Bica, E. ; Ferreira, B. Pereira Lima; Fernández-Trincado, J. G.; Westera, P. ; Minniti, D. ; Garro, E. R. ; Santrich, O. J. Katime ; De Bortoli, B. J. ; Souza, S. O.; Kerber, L. ; Pérez-Villegas, A.2024-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SAR/CL/BR

Gemini Observatory Participants