
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 1181-1200 of 3908 results.
No Small-scale Radio Jets Here: Multiepoch Observations of Radio Continuum Structures in NGC 1068 with the VLBAFischer, Travis C.; Johnson, Megan C.; Secrest, Nathan J.; Crenshaw, D. Michael; Kraemer, Steven B.2023-08The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRAU
The Disk and Extraplanar Regions of NGC 55Davidge, T. J.2005-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCA
Optical Spectroscopy of Distant Red GalaxiesWuyts, S., van Dokkum, P. G., Franx, M., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Illingworth, G. D., Labbé, I., and Rudnick, G.2009-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCL
Discovery of a New Photometric Sub-class of Faint and Fast Classical NovaeKasliwal, M. M., Cenko, S. B., Kulkarni, S. R., Ofek, E. O., Quimby, R., and Rau, A.2011-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
Discovery and Characterization of Wide Binary Systems with a Very Low Mass ComponentBaron, Frédérique, Lafrenière, David, Artigau, Étienne, Doyon, René, Gagné, Jonathan, Davison, Cassy L., Malo, Lison, Robert, Jasmin, Nadeau, Daniel, Reylé, Céline2015-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SGS/CA
An Ultra Metal-poor Star Near the Hydrogen-burning LimitSchlaufman, Kevin C., Thompson, Ian B., Casey, Andrew R.2018-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
On the Nature of the T Tauri Triple System Beck, Tracy L.; Schaefer, G. H.; Guilloteau, S.; Simon, M.; Dutrey, A.; Di Folco, E.; Chapillon, E.2020-10The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/MICHELLE/NIFS+ALTAIRGS/US/SV/DD
Observational Properties of a Bright Type lax SN 2018cni and a Faint Type Iax SN 2020kygSingh, Mridweeka; Sahu, Devendra. K.; Dastidar, Raya; Barna, Barnabás; Misra, Kuntal; Gangopadhyay, Anjasha; Howell, D. Andrew; Jha, Saurabh W.; Im, Hyobin; Taggart, Kirsty; Andrews, Jennifer; Hiramatsu, Daichi; Teja, Rishabh Singh; Pellegrino, Craig; Foley, Ryan J.; Joshi, Arti; Anupama, G. C.; Bostroem, K. Azalee; Burke, Jamison; Camacho-Neves, Yssavo; Dutta, Anirban ; Kwok, Lindsey A.; McCully, Curtis; Pan, Yen-Chen; Siebert, Matt; Srivastav, Shubham; Szalai, Tamás; Swift, Jonathan J.; Yang, Grace; Zhou, Henry; DiLullo, Nico; Scheer, Jackson2023-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph Observations of a Red Star-forming Galaxy at z=2.225: Evidence of Shock Ionization Due to a Galactic Windvan Dokkum, P. G., Kriek, M., Rodgers, B., Franx, M., and Puxley, P.2005-03The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSCL/US
A Near-Infrared Excess in the Continuum of High-redshift Galaxies: A Tracer of Star Formation and Circumstellar Disks?Mentuch, Erin; Abraham, Roberto G.; Glazebrook, Karl; McCarthy, Patrick J.; Yan, Haojing; O'Donnell, Daniel V.; Le Borgne, Damien; Savaglio, Sandra; Crampton, David; Murowinski, Richard; Juneau, Stéphanie; Carlberg, R. G.; Jørgensen, Inger; Roth, Kathy; Chen, Hsiao-Wen; Marzke, Ronald O.2009-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NCA/US/SV
A Jet Model for the Broadband Spectrum Of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4051Maitra, D., Miller, J. M., Markoff, S., and King, A.2011-07The Astrophysical JournalNIFSSV
Discovery of a Candidate Protoplanetary Disk around the Embedded Source IRc9 in OrionSmith, N. and Bally, J.2005-03The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
He II Emission in Lyα Nebulae: Active Galactic Nucleus or Cooling Radiation?Scarlata, C., Colbert, J., Teplitz, H. I., Bridge, C., Francis, P., Palunas, P., Siana, B., Williger, G. M., and Woodgate, B.2009-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SAU
Discovery and Analysis of 21 μm Feature Sources in the Magellanic CloudsVolk, K., Hrivnak, B. J., Matsuura, M., Bernard-Salas, J., Szczerba, R., Sloan, G. C., Kraemer, K. E., van Loon, J. T., Kemper, F., Woods, P. M., Zijlstra, A. A., Sahai, R., Meixner, M., Gordon, K. D., Gruendl, R. A., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Indebetouw, R., and Marengo, M.2011-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SGS
Clumping in the Winds of Wolf-Rayet StarsChené, André-Nicolas; St-Louis, Nicole; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Gayley, Kenneth G.2020-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/US
The Kinematics of Thick Disks in External GalaxiesYoachim, P. and Dalcanton, J. J.2005-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
The Optical Structure of the Starburst Galaxy M82. II. Nebular Properties of the Disk and Inner WindWestmoquette, M. S., Gallagher, J. S., Smith, L. J., Trancho, G., Bastian, N., and Konstantopoulos, I. S.2009-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NGS/UK
Spectroscopic Evidence for SN 2010ma Associated with GRB 101219BSparre, M., Sollerman, J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Malesani, D., Goldoni, P., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Flores, H., Hammer, F., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Kaper, L., Leloudas, G., Levan, A. J., Milvang-Jensen, B., Schulze, S., Tagliaferri, G., Tanvir, N. R., Watson, D. J., Wiersema, K., and Wijers, R. A. M. J.2011-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SAU/GS/UK/US
Individual, Model-independent Masses of the Closest Known Brown Dwarf Binary to the SunGarcia, E. Victor, Ammons, S. Mark, Salama, Maissa, Crossfield, Ian, Bendek, Eduardo, Chilcote, Jeffrey, Garrel, Vincent, Graham, James R., Kalas, Paul, Konopacky, Quinn, Lu, Jessica R., Macintosh, Bruce, Marin, Eduardo, Marois, Christian, Nielsen, Eric, Neichel, Benoît, Pham, Don, De Rosa, Robert J., Ryan, Dominic M., Service, Maxwell, Sivo, Gaetano2017-09The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSSV/CA
Optical Spectroscopy of Dual Quasar Candidates from the Subaru HSC-SSP programTang, Shenli, Silverman, John D., Ding, Xuheng, Li, Junyao, Lee, Khee-Gan, Strauss, Michael A., Goulding, Andy, Schramm, Malte, Kawinwanichakij, Lalitwadee, Xavier Prochaska, J., Hennawi, Joseph F., Imanishi, Masatoshi, Iwasawa, Kazushi, Toba, Yoshiki, Kayo, Issha, Oguri, Masamune, Matsuoka, Yoshiki, Onoue, Masafusa, Jahnke, Knud, Ichikawa, Kohei, Hartwig, Tilman, Kashikawa, Nobunari, Kawaguchi, Toshihiro, Kohno, Kotaro, Matsuda, Yuichi, Nagao, Tohru, Ono, Yoshiaki, Ouchi, Masami, Shimasaku, Kazuhiro, Suh, Hyewon, Suzuki, Nao, Taniguchi, Yoshiaki, Ueda, Yoshihiro, Yasuda, Naoki2021-11The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NJP

Gemini Observatory Participants