
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 1761-1780 of 3914 results.
ISPY: NACO Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. The demographics of forming planets embedded in protoplanetary disksCugno, G., Pearce, T. D., Launhardt, R., Bonse, M. J., Ma, J., Henning, T., Quirrenbach, A., Ségransan, D., Matthews, E. C., Quanz, S. P., Kennedy, G. M., Müller, A., Reffert, S., Rickman, E. L.2023-01Astronomy & AstrophysicsNICIJP
Jet from the enigmatic high-latitude star BP Psc and evolutionary status of its driving sourcePotravnov, Ilya S., Khovritchev, M. Yu, Artemenko, S. A., Shakhovskoy, D. N.2022-11Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NDD
Jets blowing bubbles in the young radio galaxy 4C 31.04Zovaro, Henry R. M., Sharp, Robert, Nesvadba, Nicole P. H., Bicknell, Geoffrey V., Mukherjee, Dipanjan, Wagner, Alexander Y., Groves, Brent, Krishna, Shreyam2019-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+LGSAU
Joint estimation of atmospheric and instrumental defects using a parsimonious point spread function model. On-sky validation using state of the art worldwide adaptive-optics assisted instruments Beltramo-Martin, Olivier; Fétick, Romain; Neichel, Benoit; Fusco, Thierry2020-11Astronomy & AstrophysicsGSAOI+GeMSDD
Jupiter's Equatorial Plumes and Hot Spots: Spectral Mapping from Gemini/TEXES and Juno/MWRFletcher, L. N.; Orton, G. S.; Greathouse, T. K.; Rogers, J. H.; Zhang, Z.; Oyafuso, F. A.; Eichstädt, G.; Melin, H.; Li, C.; Levin, S. M.; Bolton, S.; Janssen, M.; Mettig, H. -J.; Grassi, D.; Mura, A.; Adriani, A.2020-08Journal of Geophysical Research PlanetsTEXESUS
Jupiter's stratospheric hydrocarbons and temperatures after the July 2009 impact from VLT infrared spectroscopyFletcher, L. N., Orton, G. S., de Pater, I., and Mousis, O.2010-12Astronomy & AstrophysicsMICHELLEDD
Jupiter’s Mesoscale Waves Observed at 5 μm by Ground-based Observations and Juno JIRAMFletcher, Leigh N., Melin, H., Adriani, A., Simon, A. A., Sanchez-Lavega, A., Donnelly, P. T., Antuñano, A., Orton, G. S., Hueso, R., Kraaikamp, E., Wong, M. H., Barnett, M., Moriconi, M. L., Altieri, F., Sindoni, G.2018-08The Astronomical JournalNIRIUS
JWST-TST High Contrast: JWST/NIRCam Observations of the Young Giant Planet β Pic bKammerer, Jens; Lawson, Kellen; Perrin, Marshall D.; Rebollido, Isabel; Stark, Christopher C. ; Stolker, Tomas; Girard, Julien H.; Pueyo, Laurent ; Balmer, William O.; Worthen, Kadin; Chen, Christine; van der Marel, Roeland P.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Ward-Duong, Kimberly; Valenti, Jeff A.; Clampin, Mark; Mountain, C. Matt2024-07The Astronomical JournalGPI/NICILP/UK/US/GS/GT/CA
K-Corrections and Spectral Templates of Type Ia SupernovaeHsiao, E. Y., Conley, A., Howell, D. A., Sullivan, M., Pritchet, C. J., Carlberg, R. G., Nugent, P. E., and Phillips, M. M.2007-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK/CA/US
K2 Discovers a Busy Bee: An Unusual Transiting Neptune Found in the Beehive ClusterObermeier, Christian, Henning, Thomas, Schlieder, Joshua E., Crossfield, Ian J. M., Petigura, Erik A., Howard, Andrew W., Sinukoff, Evan, Isaacson, Howard, Ciardi, David R., David, Trevor J., Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Beichman, Charles A., Howell, Steve B., Horch, Elliott, Everett, Mark, Hirsch, Lea, Teske, Johanna, Christiansen, Jessie L., Lépine, Sébastien, Aller, Kimberly M., Liu, Michael C., Saglia, Roberto P., Livingston, John, Kluge, Matthias2016-12The Astronomical JournalDSSILP
K2-114b and K2-115b: Two Transiting Warm JupitersShporer, Avi, Zhou, George, Fulton, Benjamin J., Vanderburg, Andrew, Espinoza, Nestor, Collins, Karen, Ciardi, David, Bayliss, Daniel, Armstrong, James D., Bento, Joao, Bouchy, Francois, Cochran, William D., Collier Cameron, Andrew, Colón, Knicole, Crossfield, Ian, Dragomir, Diana, Howard, Andrew W., Howell, Steve B., Isaacson, Howard, Kielkopf, John F., Murgas, Felipe, Sefako, Ramotholo, Sinukoff, Evan, Siverd, Robert, Udry, Stephane2017-11The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIR/DSSILP
K2-280 b - a low density warm sub-Saturn around a mildly evolved starNowak, Grzegorz; Palle, Enric; Gandolfi, Davide; Deeg, Hans J.; Hirano, Teruyuki; Barragán, Oscar; Kuzuhara, Masayuki; Dai, Fei; Luque, Rafael; Persson, Carina M.; Fridlund, Malcolm; Johnson, Marshall C.; Korth, Judith; Livingston, John H.; Grziwa, Sascha; Mathur, Savita; Hatzes, Artie P.; Prieto-Arranz, Jorge; Nespral, David; Hidalgo, Diego Hjorth, Maria; Albrecht, Simon; Van Eylen, Vincent; Lam, Kristine W. F.; Cochran, William D.; Esposito, Massimiliano; Csizmadia, Szilárd; Guenther, Eike W.; Kabath, Petr; Blay, Pere; Brahm, Rafael; Jordán, Andrés; Espinoza, Néstor; Rojas, Felipe; Casasayas Barris, Núria; Rodler, Florian; Alonso Sobrino, Roi; Cabrera, Juan; Carleo, Ilaria; Chaushev, Alexander; de Leon, Jerome; Eigmüller, Philipp; Endl, Michael; Erikson, Anders; Fukui, Akihiko; Georgieva, Iskra; González-Cuesta, Lucía; Knudstrup, Emil; Lund, Mikkel N.; Montañes Rodríguez, Pilar; Murgas, Felipe; Narita, Norio; Niraula, Prajwal; Pätzold, Martin; Rauer, Heike; Redfield, Seth; Ribas, Ignasi; Skarka, Marek; Smith, Alexis M. S.; Subjak, Jano2020-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRI+ALTAIRLP
Kappa Fornaci, A Triple Radio StarTokovinin, A.2013-03The Astronomical JournalNICIGS
Keck and Gemini spectral characterization of Lucy mission fly-by target (152830) DinkineshBolin, B. T., Noll, K. S., Caiazzo, I., Fremling, C., Binzel, R. P.2023-08IcarusGMOS-SFT/US
Keck Deep Fields. IV. Luminosity-dependent Clustering and Galaxy Downsizing in UV-selected Galaxies at z = 4, 3, and 2Savoy, J., Sawicki, M., Thompson, D., and Sato, T.2011-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCA
Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Monitoring of the M8+L7 Binary LHS 2397aAB: First Dynamical Mass Benchmark at the L/T TransitionDupuy, T. J., Liu, M. C., and Ireland, M. J.2009-07The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
Keck, gemini, and palomar 200-inch visible photometry of red and very-red neptunian trojansBolin, B. T., Fremling, C., Morbidelli, A., Noll, K. S., van Roestel, J., Deibert, E. K., Delbo, M., Gimeno, G., Heo, J. -E., Lisse, C. M., Seccull, T., Suh, H.2023-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society LettersGMOS-N/GMOS-SFT/US
KELT-25 b and KELT-26 b: A Hot Jupiter and a Substellar Companion Transiting Young A Stars Observed by TESS Martínez, Romy Rodríguez; Gaudi, B. Scott; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Zhou, George; Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan; Quinn, Samuel N.; Penev, Kaloyan; Tan, Thiam-Guan; Latham, David W.; Paredes, Leonardo A.; Kielkopf, John F.; Addison, Brett; Wright, Duncan J.; Teske, Johanna; Howell, Steve B.; Ciardi, David; Ziegler, Carl; Stassun, Keivan G.; Johnson, Marshall C.; Eastman, Jason D. Siverd, Robert J.; Beatty, Thomas G.; Bouma, Luke; Bedding, Timothy; Pepper, Joshua; Winn, Joshua; Lund, Michael B.; Villanueva, Steven, Jr.; Stevens, Daniel J.; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Kilby, Coleman; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Tokovinin, Andrei; Everett, Mark E.; Tinney, C. G.; Fausnaugh, Michael; Cohen, David H.; Bayliss, Daniel; Bieryla, Allyson; Cargile, Phillip A.; Collins, Karen A.; Conti, Dennis M.; Colón, Knicole D.; Curtis, Ivan A.; Depoy, D. L.; Evans, Phil; Feliz, Dax L.; Gregorio, Joao; Rothenberg, Jason; James, David J.; Joner, Michael D.; Kuhn, Rudolf B.; Manner, Mark; Khakpash, Somayeh; Marshall, Jennifer L.; McLeod, Kim K.; Penny, Matthew T.; Reed, Phillip A.; Relles, Howard M.; Stephens, Denise C.; Stockdale, Chris; Trueblood, Mark; Trueblood, Pat; Yao, Xinyu; Zambelli, Roberto; Vanderspek, Roland; Seager, Sara; Jenkins, Jon M.; Henry, Todd J.; James, Hodari-Sadiki; Jao, Wei-Chun; Wang, Sharon Xuesong; Butler, Paul; Thompson, Ian; Shectman, Stephen; Wittenmyer, Robert; Bowler, Brendan P.; Horner, Jonathan; Kane, Stephen R.; Mengel, Matthew W.; Morton, Timothy D.; Okumura, Jack; Plavchan, Peter; Zhang, Hui; Scott, Nicholas J.; Matson, Rachel A.; Mann, Andrew W.; Dragomir, Diana; Günther, Max; Ting, Eric B.; Glidden, Ana; Quintana, Elisa V.2020-09The Astronomical JournalZorroUS
KELT-9 and its ultra-hot Jupiter: Stellar parameters, composition, and planetary pollutionKama, Mihkel, Folsom, Colin P., Jermyn, Adam S., Teske, Johanna K.2023-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGRACESDD
Kepler Monitoring of an L Dwarf I. The Photometric Period and White Light FlaresGizis, John E., Burgasser, Adam J., Berger, Edo, Williams, Peter K. G., Vrba, Frederick J., Cruz, Kelle L., Metchev, Stanimir2013-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS

Gemini Observatory Participants