
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 161-180 of 3908 results.
Models of the Mass-ejection Histories of Pre-planetary Nebulae. II. The Formation of Minkowski’s Butterfly and its Proboscis in M2–9Balick, Bruce, Frank, Adam, Liu, Baowei, Corradi, Romano2018-02The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRDD
A Comprehensive Dust Model Applied to the Resolved Beta Pictoris Debris Disk from Optical to Radio WavelengthsBallering, Nicholas P., Su, Kate Y. L., Rieke, George H., Gáspár, András2016-06The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
The Orion fingers: Near-IR adaptive optics imaging of an explosive protostellar outflowBally, John, Ginsburg, Adam, Silvia, Devin, Youngblood, Allison2015-07Astronomy & AstrophysicsGSAOI+GeMS/NIRI+ALTAIRUS
The Orion Protostellar Explosion and Runaway Stars Revisited: Stellar Masses, Disk Retention, and an Outflow from the Becklin─Neugebauer ObjectBally, John; Ginsburg, Adam; Forbrich, Jan; Vargas-González, Jaime2020-02The Astrophysical JournalTRECS/GSAOI+GeMSUS/SV
Improved Orbital Constraints and Hα Photometric Monitoring of the Directly Imaged Protoplanet Analog HD 142527 BBalmer, William O., Follette, Katherine B., Close, Laird M., Males, Jared R., De Rosa, Robert J., Adams Redai, Jéa I., Watson, Alex, Weinberger, Alycia J., Morzinski, Katie M., Morales, Julio, Ward-Duong, Kimberly, Pueyo, Laurent2022-07The Astronomical JournalHokupaa/GPIUS/SV
Direct observational evidence for a large transient galaxy population in groups at 0.85 < z < 1Balogh, M. L., McGee, S. L., Wilman, D. J., Finoguenov, A., Parker, L. C., Connelly, J. L., Mulchaey, J. S., Bower, R. G., Tanaka, M., and Giodini, S.2011-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCA/US
Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early Environments (GOGREEN) I: survey descriptionBalogh, Michael L., Gilbank, David G., Muzzin, Adam, Rudnick, Gregory, Cooper, Michael C., Lidman, Chris, Biviano, Andrea, Demarco, Ricardo, McGee, Sean L., Nantais, Julie B., Noble, Allison, Old, Lyndsay, Wilson, Gillian, Yee, Howard K. C., Bellhouse, Callum, Cerulo, Pierluigi, Chan, Jeffrey, Pintos-Castro, Irene, Simpson, Rane, van der Burg, Remco F. J., Zaritsky, Dennis, Ziparo, Felicia, Alonso, María Victoria, Bower, Richard G., De Lucia, Gabriella, Finoguenov, Alexis, Lambas, Diego Garcia, Muriel, Hernan, Parker, Laura C., Rettura, Alessandro, Valotto, Carlos, Wetzel, Andrew2017-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SLP
Evidence for a change in the dominant satellite galaxy quenching mechanism at z = 1Balogh, Michael L., McGee, Sean L., Mok, Angus, Muzzin, Adam, van der Burg, Remco F. J., Bower, Richard G., Finoguenov, Alexis, Hoekstra, Henk, Lidman, Chris, Mulchaey, John S., Noble, Allison, Parker, Laura C., Tanaka, Masayuki, Wilman, David J., Webb, Tracy, Wilson, Gillian, Yee, Howard K. C.2016-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/US/UK
The GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of Galaxy groups at 0.8 < z < 1Balogh, Michael L., McGee, Sean L., Mok, Angus, Wilman, David J., Finoguenov, Alexis, Bower, Richard G., Mulchaey, John S., Parker, Laura C., Tanaka, Masayuki2014-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCA/US/UK
The GOGREEN and GCLASS surveys: first data release Balogh, Michael L.; van der Burg, Remco F. J.; Muzzin, Adam; Rudnick, Gregory; Wilson, Gillian; Webb, Kristi; Biviano, Andrea; Boak, Kevin; Cerulo, Pierluigi; Chan, Jeffrey; Cooper, M. C.; Gilbank, David G.; Gwyn, Stephen; Lidman, Chris; Matharu, Jasleen; McGee, Sean L.; Old, Lyndsay; Pintos-Castro, Irene; Reeves, Andrew M. M.; Shipley, Heath Vulcani, Benedetta; Yee, Howard K. C.; Alonso, M. Victoria; Bellhouse, Callum; Cooke, Kevin C.; Davidson, Anna; De Lucia, Gabriella; Demarco, Ricardo; Drakos, Nicole; Fillingham, Sean P.; Finoguenov, Alexis; Forrest, Ben; Golledge, Caelan; Jablonka, Pascale; Lambas Garcia, Diego; McNab, Karen; Muriel, Hernan; Nantais, Julie B.; Noble, Allison; Parker, Laura C.; Petter, Grayson; Poggianti, Bianca M.; Townsend, Melinda; Valotto, Carlos; Webb, Tracy; Zaritsky, Dennis2021-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SLP/DD
WASP-4 transit timing variation from a comprehensive set of 129 transitsBaluev, R. V.; Sokov, E. N.; Hoyer, S.; Huitson, C.; da Silva, José A. R. S.; Evans, P.; Sokova, I. A.; Knight, C. R.; Shaidulin, V. Sh2020-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
The Pan-STARRS1 z > 5.6 Quasar Survey. II. Discovery of 55 Quasars at 5.6 < z < 6.5Bañados, Eduardo, Schindler, Jan-Torge, Venemans, Bram P., Connor, Thomas, Decarli, Roberto, Farina, Emanuele Paolo, Mazzucchelli, Chiara, Meyer, Romain A., Stern, Daniel, Walter, Fabian, Fan, Xiaohui, Hennawi, Joseph F., Khusanova, Yana, Morrell, Nidia, Nanni, Riccardo, Noirot, Gaël, Pensabene, Antonio, Rix, Hans-Walter, Simon, Joseph, Verdoes Kleijn, Gijs A., Xie, Zhang-Liang, Yang, Da-Ming, Connor, Andrew2023-03The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGMOS-NGS
An 800-million-solar-mass black hole in a significantly neutral Universe at a redshift of 7.5Bañados, Eduardo, Venemans, Bram P., Mazzucchelli, Chiara, Farina, Emanuele P., Walter, Fabian, Wang, Feige, Decarli, Roberto, Stern, Daniel, Fan, Xiaohui, Davies, Frederick B., Hennawi, Joseph F., Simcoe, Robert A., Turner, Monica L., Rix, Hans-Walter, Yang, Jinyi, Kelson, Daniel D., Rudie, Gwen C., Winters, Jan Martin2018-01NatureGNIRSDD
Near-infrared Spectroscopy of CK Vulpeculae: Revealing a Remarkably Powerful Blast from the Past Banerjee, D. P. K.; Geballe, T. R.; Evans, A.; Shahbandeh, M.; Woodward, C. E.; Gehrz, R. D.; Eyres, S. P. S.; Starrfield, S.; Zijlstra, A.2020-12The Astrophysical Journal LettersGNIRSUS
Early formation of carbon monoxide in the Centaurus A supernova SN 2016adjBanerjee, D. P. K.; Joshi, Vishal; Evans, A.; Srivastava, Mudit; Ashok, N. M.; Gehrz, R. D.; Connelley, M. S.; Geballe, T. R.; Spyromilio, J.; Rho, J.; Roy, R.2018-11Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyFLAMINGOS-2DD
Hyperluminous reddened broad-line quasars at z ˜ 2 from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey and WISE all-sky surveyBanerji, M., McMahon, R. G., Hewett, P. C., Gonzalez-Solares, E., and Koposov, S. E.2013-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK
Heavily reddened quasars at z ˜ 2 in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey: a transitional phase in AGN evolutionBanerji, Manda, McMahon, Richard G., Hewett, Paul C., Alaghband-Zadeh, Susannah, Gonzalez-Solares, Eduardo, Venemans, Bram P., Hawthorn, Melanie J.2012-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK
A single fast radio burst localized to a massive galaxy at cosmological distanceBannister, K. W., Deller, A. T., Phillips, C., Macquart, J.-P., Prochaska, J. X., Tejos, N., Ryder, S. D., Sadler, E. M., Shannon, R. M., Simha, S., Day, C. K., McQuinn, M., North-Hickey, F. O., Bhandari, S., Arcus, W. R., Bennert, V. N., Burchett, J., Bouwhuis, M., Dodson, R., Ekers, R. D., Farah, W., Flynn, C., James, C. W., Kerr, M., Lenc, E., Mahony, E. K., O’Meara, J., Osłowski, S., Qiu, H., Treu, T., U, V., Bateman, T. J., Bock, D. C.-J., Bolton, R. J., Brown, A., Bunton, J. D., Chippendale, A. P., Cooray, F. R., Cornwell, T., Gupta, N., Hayman, D. B., Kesteven, M., Koribalski, B. S., MacLeod, A., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Neuhold, S., Norris, R. P., Pilawa, M. A., Qiao, R.-Y., Reynolds, J., Roxby, D. N., Shimwell, T. W., Voronkov, M. A., Wilson, C. D.2019-08ScienceGMOS-SCL
Real-time detection of an extreme scattering event: Constraints on Galactic plasma lensesBannister, Keith W., Stevens, Jamie, Tuntsov, Artem V., Walker, Mark A., Johnston, Simon, Reynolds, Cormac, Bignall, Hayley2016-01ScienceGMOS-SDD
Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/‘OumuamuaBannister, Michele T., Schwamb, Megan E., Fraser, Wesley C., Marsset, Michael, Fitzsimmons, Alan, Benecchi, Susan D., Lacerda, Pedro, Pike, Rosemary E., Kavelaars, J. J., Smith, Adam B., Stewart, Sunny O., Wang, Shiang-Yu, Lehner, Matthew J.2017-12The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-N/NIRIDD

Gemini Observatory Participants