
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 161-180 of 3908 results.
A High-resolution Mid-infrared Survey of Water Emission from Protoplanetary DisksSalyk, Colette, Lacy, John, Richter, Matt, Zhang, Ke, Pontoppidan, Klaus, Carr, John S., Najita, Joan R., Blake, Geoffrey A.2019-03The Astrophysical JournalMICHELLE/TEXESUS
A High-resolution View of Fast Radio Burst Host EnvironmentsMannings, Alexandra G., Fong, Wen-fai, Simha, Sunil, Prochaska, J. Xavier, Rafelski, Marc, Kilpatrick, Charles D., Tejos, Nicolas, Heintz, Kasper E., Bannister, Keith W., Bhandari, Shivani, Day, Cherie K., Deller, Adam T., Ryder, Stuart D., Shannon, Ryan M., Tendulkar, Shriharsh P.2021-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SFT/CA/CL/US
A highly unequal-mass eclipsing M-dwarf binary in the WFCAM Transit SurveyNefs, S. V., Birkby, J. L., Snellen, I. A. G., Hodgkin, S. T., Sipőcz, B. M., Kovács, G., Mislis, D., Pinfield, D. J., and Martin, E. L.2013-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK
A hot and fast ultra-stripped supernova that likely formed a compact neutron star binaryDe, K., Kasliwal, M. M., Ofek, E. O., Moriya, T. J., Burke, J., Cao, Y., Cenko, S. B., Doran, G. B., Duggan, G. E., Fender, R. P., Fransson, C., Gal-Yam, A., Horesh, A., Kulkarni, S. R., Laher, R. R., Lunnan, R., Manulis, I., Masci, F., Mazzali, P. A., Nugent, P. E., Perley, D. A., Petrushevska, T., Piro, A. L., Rumsey, C., Sollerman, J., Sullivan, M., Taddia, F.2018-10ScienceGMOS-NLP
A hot bubble at the centre of M 81Ricci, T. V., Steiner, J. E., Giansante, L.2015-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-NUS
A hot Jupiter orbiting a 2-million-year-old solar-mass T Tauri starDonati, J. F., Moutou, C., Malo, L., Baruteau, C., Yu, L., Hébrard, E., Hussain, G., Alencar, S., Ménard, F., Bouvier, J., Petit, P., Takami, M., Doyon, R., Cameron, A. Collier2016-06NatureGRACESDD
A hot mini-Neptune in the radius valley orbiting solar analogue HD 110113 Osborn, H. P.; Armstrong, D. J.; Adibekyan, V.; Collins, K. A.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Howell, S. B.; Hellier, C.; King, G. W.; Lillo-Box, J.; Nielsen, L. D.; Otegi, J. F.; Santos, N. C.; Ziegler, C.; Anderson, D. R.; Briceño, C.; Burke, C.; Bayliss, D.; Barrado, D.; Bryant, E. M.; Brown, D. J. A. Barros, S. C. C.; Bouchy, F.; Caldwell, D. A.; Conti, D. M.; Díaz, R. F.; Dragomir, D.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Dorn, C.; Daylan, T.; Figueira, P.; Helled, R.; Hoyer, S.; Jenkins, J. M.; Jensen, E. L. N.; Latham, D. W.; Law, N.; Louie, D. R.; Mann, A. W.; Osborn, A.; Pollacco, D. L.; Rodriguez, D. R.; Rackham, B. V.; Ricker, G.; Scott, N. J.; Sousa, S. G.; Seager, S.; Stassun, K. G.; Smith, J. C.; Strøm, P.; Udry, S.; Villaseñor, J.; Vanderspek, R.; West, R.; Wheatley, P. J.; Winn, J. N.2021-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyZorroUS
A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESSAstudillo-Defru, N.; Cloutier, R.; Wang, S. X.; Teske, J.; Brahm, R.; Hellier, C.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.; Seager, S.; Winn, J. N.; Jenkins, J. M.; Collins, K. A.; Stassun, K. G.; Ziegler, C.; Almenara, J. M.; Anderson, D. R.; Artigau, E.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F. Briceño, C.; Butler, R. P.; Charbonneau, D.; Conti, D. M.; Crane, J.; Crossfield, I. J. M.; Davies, M.; Delfosse, X.; Díaz, R. F.; Doyon, R.; Dragomir, D.; Eastman, J. D.; Espinoza, N.; Essack, Z.; Feng, F.; Figueira, P.; Forveille, T.; Gan, T.; Glidden, A.; Guerrero, N.; Hart, R.; Henning, Th.; Horch, E. P.; Isopi, G.; Jenkins, J. S.; Jordán, A.; Kielkopf, J. F.; Law, N.; Lovis, C.; Mallia, F.; Mann, A. W.; de Medeiros, J. R.; Melo, C.; Mennickent, R. E.; Mignon, L.; Murgas, F.; Nusdeo, D. A.; Pepe, F.; Relles, H. M.; Rose, M.; Santos, N. C.; Ségransan, D.; Shectman, S.; Shporer, A.; Smith, J. C.; Torres, P.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J.; Winters, J. G.; Zhou, G.2020-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsDSSILP
A Hubble Diagram from Type II Supernovae Based Solely on Photometry: The Photometric Color Methodde Jaeger, T., González-Gaitán, S., Anderson, J. P., Galbany, L., Hamuy, M., Phillips, M. M., Stritzinger, M. D., Gutiérrez, C. P., Bolt, L., Burns, C. R., Campillay, A., Castellón, S., Contreras, C., Folatelli, G., Freedman, W. L., Hsiao, E. Y., Krisciunas, K., Krzeminski, W., Kuncarayakti, H., Morrell, N., Olivares E., F., Persson, S. E., Suntzeff, N.2015-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCL
A Hubble Space Telescope Search for r-Process Nucleosynthesis in Gamma-Ray Burst SupernovaeRastinejad, J. C.; Fong, W.; Levan, A. J.; Tanvir, N. R.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Fruchter, A. S.; Anand, S.; Bhirombhakdi, K.; Covino, S.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Halevi, G.; Hartmann, D. H.; Heintz, K. E.; Izzo, L.; Jakobsson, P.; Kangas, T.; Lamb, G. P.; Malesani, D. B.; Melandri, A.; Metzger, B. D.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Pian, E.; Pugliese, G.; Rossi, A.; Siegel, D. M.; Singh, P.; Stratta, G.2024-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS/AU
A hybrid type Ia supernova with an early flash triggered by helium-shell detonationJiang, Ji-An, Doi, Mamoru, Maeda, Keiichi, Shigeyama, Toshikazu, Nomoto, Ken’Ichi, Yasuda, Naoki, Jha, Saurabh W., Tanaka, Masaomi, Morokuma, Tomoki, Tominaga, Nozomu, Ivezić, Željko, Ruiz-Lapuente, Pilar, Stritzinger, Maximilian D., Mazzali, Paolo A., Ashall, Christopher, Mould, Jeremy, Baade, Dietrich, Suzuki, Nao, Connolly, Andrew J., Patat, Ferdinando, Wang, Lifan, Yoachim, Peter, Jones, David, Furusawa, Hisanori, Miyazaki, Satoshi2017-10NatureGMOS-NDD
A Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova with Enhanced Iron-group Absorption: A New Link between SLSNe and Broad-lined Type Ic SNeBlanchard, P. K., Nicholl, M., Berger, E., Chornock, R., Milisavljevic, D., Margutti, R., Gomez, S.2019-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SDD
A J-band detection of the sub-stellar mass donor in SDSS J1433+1011Littlefair, S. P., Savoury, C. D. J., Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Gänsicke, B. T., Butterleym, T., Wilson, R. W., Southworth, J., and Watson, C. A.2013-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRIOther
A Jet Associated with the Classical T Tauri Star RY TauriSt-Onge, G. and Bastien, P.2008-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NCA
A Jet Break in the X-Ray Light Curve of Short GRB 111020A: Implications for Energetics and RatesFong, W., Berger, E., Margutti, R., Zauderer, B. A., Troja, E., Czekala, I., Chornock, R., Gehrels, N., Sakamoto, T., Fox, D. B., and Podsiadlowski, P.2012-09The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SGS/UK/US/AU
A Jet Model for the Broadband Spectrum Of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4051Maitra, D., Miller, J. M., Markoff, S., and King, A.2011-07The Astrophysical JournalNIFSSV
A jet-dominated model for a broad-band spectral energy distribution of the nearby low-luminosity active galactic nucleus in M94van Oers, Pieter, Markoff, Sera, Uttley, Phil, McHardy, Ian, van der Laan, Tessel, Donovan Meyer, Jennifer, Connors, Riley2017-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyMICHELLEGS
A JWST Preview: Adaptive-optics Images of H2, Br-γ, and K-continuum in Carina's Western WallHartigan, Patrick; Downes, Turlough; Isella, Andrea2020-10The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSUS
A K-band spectral mini-survey of Galactic B[e] starsLiermann, A., Schnurr, O., Kraus, M., Kreplin, A., Arias, M. L., Cidale, L. S.2014-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSAR
A Keck Adaptive Optics Survey of a Representative Sample of Gravitationally Lensed Star-forming Galaxies: High Spatial Resolution Studies of Kinematics and Metallicity GradientsLeethochawalit, Nicha, Jones, Tucker A., Ellis, Richard S., Stark, Daniel P., Richard, Johan, Zitrin, Adi, Auger, Matthew2016-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUK

Gemini Observatory Participants