SN2017jgh: a high-cadence complete shock cooling light curve of a SN IIb with the Kepler telescope

JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
AuthorArmstrong, P., Tucker, B. E., Rest, A., Ridden-Harper, R., Zenati, Y., Piro, A. L., Hinton, S., Lidman, C., Margheim, S., Narayan, G., Shaya, E., Garnavich, P., Kasen, D., Villar, V., Zenteno, A., Arcavi, I., Drout, M., Foley, R. J., Wheeler, J., Anais, J., Campillay, A., Coulter, D., Dimitriadis, G., Jones, D., Kilpatrick, C. D., Muñoz-Elgueta, N., Rojas-Bravo, C., Vargas-González, J., Bulger, J., Chambers, K., Huber, M., Lowe, T., Magnier, E., Shappee, B. J., Smartt, S., Smith, K. W., Barclay, T., Barentsen, G., Dotson, J., Gully-Santiago, M., Hedges, C., Howell, S., Cody, A., Auchettl, K., Bódi, A., Bognár, Zs, Brimacombe, J., Brown, P., Cseh, B., Galbany, L., Hiramatsu, D., Holoien, T. W. -S., Howell, D. A., Jha, S. W., Könyves-Tóth, R., Kriskovics, L., McCully, C., Milne, P., Muñoz, J., Pan, Y., Pál, A., Sai, H., Sárneczky, K., Smith, N., Sódor, Á., Szabó, R., Szakáts, R., Valenti, S., Vinkó, J., Wang, X., Zhang, K., Zsidi, G.
First author participant affiliationOTHER
Any author participant affiliationsUSA/Canada/Chile/University of Hawaiʻi
Program IDGS-2017B-LP-13

Gemini Observatory Participants