Three low-mass companions around aged stars discovered by TESS

JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
AuthorLin, Zitao ; Gan, Tianjun ; Wang, Sharon X. ; Shporer, Avi ; Rabus, Markus ; Zhou, George ; Psaridi, Angelica ; Bouchy, François ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Latham, David W. ; Mao, Shude ; Stassun, Keivan G. ; Hellier, Coel ; Howell, Steve B. ; Ziegler, Carl ; Caldwell, Douglas A. ; Clark, Catherine A. ; Collins, Karen A. ; Curtis, Jason L. ; Faherty, Jacqueline K. ; Gnilka, Crystal L. ; Grunblatt, Samuel K. ; Jenkins, Jon M. ; Johnson, Marshall C. ; Law, Nicholas ; Lendl, Monika ; Littlefield, Colin ; Lund, Michael B. ; Lund, Mikkel N. ; Mann, Andrew W. ; McDermott, Scott ; Mishra, Lokesh ; Mounzer, Dany ; Paegert, Martin ; Pritchard, Tyler ; Ricker, George R. ; Seager, Sara ; Srdoc, Gregor ; Sun, Qinghui ; Tang, Jiaxin ; Udry, Stéphane ; Vanderspek, Roland ; Watanabe, David ; Winn, Joshua N. ; Yu, Jie
First author participant affiliationOTHER
Any author participant affiliationsUSA/Chile
Program IDGN-2022A-LP-105, GS-2022A-LP-105

Gemini Observatory Participants