
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2401-2420 of 3908 results.
Characterization of High Proper Motion Objects from the Wide-field Infrared Survey ExplorerLuhman, K. L., Sheppard, Scott S.2014-06The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2DD
BANYAN. III. Radial Velocity, Rotation, and X-Ray Emission of Low-mass Star Candidates in Nearby Young Kinematic GroupsMalo, Lison, Artigau, Étienne, Doyon, René, Lafrenière, David, Albert, Loïc, Gagné, Jonathan2014-06The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXCA/GS
Chemical abundance analysis of symbiotic giants - I. RW Hya and SY MusMikolajewska, Joanna, Galan, Cezary, Hinkle, Kenneth H., Gromadzki, Mariusz, Schmidt, Miroslaw R.2014-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyPHOENIXAR
The Diffuse Source at the Center of LMC SNR 0509–67.5 is a Background Galaxy at z = 0.031Pagnotta, Ashley, Walker, Emma S., Schaefer, Bradley E.2014-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
High spatial resolution of the mid-infrared emission of the Compton-thick type 2 Seyfert galaxy, Markarian 3Sales, Dinalva A., Ruschel-Dutra, D., Pastoriza, M. G., Riffel, R., Winge, Cláudia2014-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyMICHELLEBR
GRB 120422A/SN 2012bz: Bridging the gap between low- and high-luminosity gamma-ray burstsSchulze, S., Malesani, D., Cucchiara, A., Tanvir, N. R., Krühler, T., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Leloudas, G., Lyman, J., Bersier, D., Wiersema, K., Perley, D. A., Schady, P., Gorosabel, J., Anderson, J. P., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Cenko, S. B., De Cia, A., Ellerbroek, L. E., Fynbo, J. P. U., Greiner, J., Hjorth, J., Kann, D. A., Kaper, L., Klose, S., Levan, A. J., Martín, S., O'Brien, P. T., Page, K. L., Pignata, G., Rapaport, S., Sánchez-Ramírez, R., Sollerman, J., Smith, I. A., Sparre, M., Thöne, C. C., Watson, D. J., Xu, D., Bauer, F. E., Bayliss, M., Björnsson, G., Bremer, M., Cano, Z., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Frail, D. A., Geier, S., Goldoni, P., Hartoog, O. E., Jakobsson, P., Korhonen, H., Lee, K. Y., Milvang-Jensen, B., Nardini, M., Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A., Oguri, M., Pandey, S. B., Petitpas, G., Rossi, A., Sandberg, A., Schmidl, S., Tagliaferri, G., Tilanus, R. P. J., Winters, J. M., Wright, D., Wuyts, E.2014-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-N/GMOS-S/NIRIAU/UK/GS/US
Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter WASP-12b from 0.7 to 5 μmStevenson, Kevin B., Bean, Jacob L., Seifahrt, Andreas, Désert, Jean-Michel, Madhusudhan, Nikku, Bergmann, Marcel, Kreidberg, Laura, Homeier, Derek2014-06The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUS
The architecture of the LkCa 15 transitional disk revealed by high-contrast imagingThalmann, C., Mulders, G. D., Hodapp, K., Janson, M., Grady, C. A., Min, M., de Juan Ovelar, M., Carson, J., Brandt, T., Bonnefoy, M., McElwain, M. W., Leisenring, J., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Tamura, M.2014-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIRI+ALTAIRUH/US
A Search for Companions to Brown Dwarfs in the Taurus and Chamaeleon Star-Forming RegionsTodorov, K. O., Luhman, K. L., Konopacky, Q. M., McLeod, K. K., Apai, D., Ghez, A. M., Pascucci, I., Robberto, M.2014-06The Astrophysical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRUS
White Dwarfs in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 9Tremblay, P.-E., Leggett, S. K., Lodieu, N., Freytag, B., Bergeron, P., Kalirai, J. S., Ludwig, H.-G.2014-06The Astrophysical JournalNIRI/GMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/GS
Multi-epoch sub-arcsecond [Fe II] spectroimaging of the DG Tau outflows with NIFS - I. First data epochWhite, M. C., McGregor, P. J., Bicknell, G. V., Salmeron, R., Beck, T. L.2014-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIROTHER
The discovery of a T6.5 subdwarfBurningham, Ben, Smith, L., Cardoso, C. V., Lucas, P. W., Burgasser, A. J., Jones, H. R. A., Smart, R. L.2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSDD
Type II Plateau supernovae as metallicity probes of the UniverseDessart, L., Gutierrez, C. P., Hamuy, M., Hillier, D. J., Lanz, T., Anderson, J. P., Folatelli, G., Freedman, W. L., Ley, F., Morrell, N., Persson, S. E., Phillips, M. M., Stritzinger, M., Suntzeff, N. B.2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCL
Identification of old tidal dwarfs near early-type galaxies from deep imaging and H I observationsDuc, Pierre-Alain, Paudel, Sanjaya, McDermid, Richard M., Cuillandre, Jean-Charles, Serra, Paolo, Bournaud, Frédéric, Cappellari, Michele, Emsellem, Eric2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NCA/UK/GS
Near-infrared detection and characterization of the exoplanet HD 95086 b with the Gemini Planet ImagerGalicher, R., Rameau, J., Bonnefoy, M., Baudino, J.-L., Currie, T., Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Lagrange, A.-M., Marois, C.2014-05Astronomy & AstrophysicsGPIOTHER
Using the Cn2 and wind profiler method with wide-field laser-guide-stars adaptive optics to quantify the frozen-flow decayGuesalaga, Andrés, Neichel, Benoit, Cortés, Angela, Béchet, Clémentine, Guzmán, Dani2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGeMSOther
Hα Spectral Diversity of Type II Supernovae: Correlations with Photometric PropertiesGutiérrez, Claudia P., Anderson, Joseph P., Hamuy, Mario, González-Gaitán, Santiago, Folatelli, Gastón, Morrell, Nidia I., Stritzinger, Maximilian D., Phillips, Mark M., McCarthy, Patrick, Suntzeff, Nicholas B., Thomas-Osip, Joanna2014-05The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-SCL
Gemini Long-slit Observations of Luminous Obscured Quasars: Further Evidence for an Upper Limit on the Size of the Narrow-line RegionHainline, Kevin N., Hickox, Ryan C., Greene, Jenny E., Myers, Adam D., Zakamska, Nadia L., Liu, Guilin, Liu, Xin2014-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
A Multi-wavelength View of the Central Kiloparsec Region in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 1614Herrero-Illana, Rubén, Pérez-Torres, Miguel Á., Alonso-Herrero, Almudena, Alberdi, Antxon, Colina, Luis, Efstathiou, Andreas, Hernández-García, Lorena, Miralles-Caballero, Daniel, Väisänen, Petri, Packham, Christopher C., Rajpaul, Vinesh, Zijlstra, Albert A.2014-05The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
The nature of supernovae 2010O and 2010P in Arp 299 - I. Near-infrared and optical evolutionKankare, E., Mattila, S., Ryder, S., Fraser, M., Pastorello, A., Elias-Rosa, N., Romero-Cañizales, C., Alberdi, A., Hentunen, V.-P., Herrero-Illana, R., Kotilainen, J., Pérez-Torres, M.-A., Väisänen, P.2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRI+LGSAU

Gemini Observatory Participants