
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2841-2860 of 3908 results.
CNO and F abundances in the globular cluster M 22 (NGC 6656)Alves-Brito, A., Yong, D., Meléndez, J., Vásquez, S., and Karakas, A. I.2012-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsPHOENIXAU
High-resolution Images of Orbital Motion in the Orion Trapezium Cluster with the LBT AO SystemClose, L. M., Puglisi, A., Males, J. R., Arcidiacono, C., Skemer, A., Guerra, J. C., Busoni, L., Brusa, G., Pinna, E., Miller, D. L., Riccardi, A., McCarthy, D. W., Xompero, M., Kulesa, C., Quiros-Pacheco, F., Argomedo, J., Brynnel, J., Esposito, S., Mannucci, F., Boutsia, K., Fini, L., Thompson, D. J., Hill, J. M., Woodward, C. E., Briguglio, R., Rodigas, T. J., Briguglio, R., Stefanini, P., Agapito, G., Hinz, P., Follette, K., and Green, R.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaUS
Protoplanetary disks of T Tauri binary systems in the Orion nebula clusterDaemgen, S., Correia, S., and Petr-Gotzens, M. G.2012-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIFSUH
Detailed Compositional Analysis of the Heavily Polluted DBZ White Dwarf SDSS J073842.56+183509.06: A Window on Planet Formation?Dufour, P., Kilic, M., Fontaine, G., Bergeron, P., Melis, C., and Bochanski, J.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalNIRIDD
The relation between line emission and brightest cluster galaxies in three exceptional clusters: evidence for gas cooling from the intracluster mediumHamer, S. L., Edge, A. C., Swinbank, A. M., Wilman, R. J., Russell, H. R., Fabian, A. C., Sanders, J. S., and Salomé, P.2012-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA
The Properties of the 500 K Dwarf UGPS J072227.51-054031.2 and a Study of the Far-red Flux of Cold Brown DwarfsLeggett, S. K., Saumon, D., Marley, M. S., Lodders, K., Canty, J., Lucas, P., Smart, R. L., Tinney, C. G., Homeier, D., Allard, F., Burningham, B., Day-Jones, A., Fegley, B., Ishii, M., Jones, H. R. A., Marocco, F., Pinfield, D. J., and Tamura, M.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SGS
The origin of the early-time optical emission of Swift GRB 080310Littlejohns, O. M., Willingale, R., O'Brien, P. T., Beardmore, A. P., Covino, S., Perley, D. A., Tanvir, N. R., Rol, E., Yuan, F., Akerlof, C., D'Avanzo, P., Bersier, D. F., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Christian, P., Cobb, B. E., Evans, P. A., Filippenko, A. V., Flewelling, H., Fugazza, D., Hoversten, E. A., Kamble, A. P., Kobayashi, S., Li, W., Morgan, A. N., Mundell, C. G., Page, K., Palazzi, E., Quimby, R. M., Schulze, S., Steele, I. A., and de Ugarte Postigo, A.2012-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NCA/UK/US
The globular cluster kinematics and galaxy dark matter content of NGC 3923Norris, M. A., Gebhardt, K., Sharples, R. M., Faifer, F. R., Bridges, T., Forbes, D. A., Forte, J. C., Zepf, S. E., Beasley, M. A., Hanes, D. A., Proctor, R., and Kannappan, S. J.2012-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUK/AU/CA/AR
Short Timescale Variations of the Hα Double-peaked Profile of the Nucleus of NGC 1097Schimoia, J. S., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Nemmen, R. S., Winge, C., and Eracleous, M.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SBR
New activity in the large circumstellar disk of the Be-shell star 48 LibraeStefl, S., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Carciofi, A. C., Rivinius, T., Baade, D., and Rantakyrö, F.2012-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsPHOENIXGS
Thirty Years of SN 1980K: Evidence for Light EchoesSugerman, B. E. K., Andrews, J. E., Barlow, M. J., Clayton, G. C., Ercolano, B., Ghavamian, P., Kennicutt, R. C., Jr., Krause, O., Meixner, M., and Otsuka, M.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
NGC 2782: a merger remnant with young stars in its gaseous tidal tailTorres-Flores, S., de Oliveira, C. M., de Mello, D. F., Scarano, S., and Urrutia-Viscarra, F.2012-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NBR
Gemini Spectroscopic Survey of Young Star Clusters in Merging/Interacting Galaxies. IV. Stephan's QuintetTrancho, G., Konstantopoulos, I. S., Bastian, N., Fedotov, K., Gallagher, S., Mullan, B., and Charlton, J. C.2012-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NGS/UK
The Nature and Evolutionary State of the FU Orionis Binary SystemBeck, T. L. and Aspin, C.2012-03The Astronomical JournalNIFSUH
The Wolf-Rayet population of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 5068 uncovered by the Very Large Telescope and GeminiBibby, J. L. and Crowther, P. A.2012-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUK
A 2.15 hr Orbital Period for the Low-mass X-Ray Binary XB 1832-330 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6652Engel, M. C., Heinke, C. O., Sivakoff, G. R., Elshamouty, K. G., and Edmonds, P. D.2012-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCA
Discovery of Main-belt Comet P/2006 VW139 by Pan-STARRS1Hsieh, Henry H.; Yang, Bin; Haghighipour, Nader; Kaluna, Heather M.; Fitzsimmons, Alan; Denneau, Larry; Novakovic, Bojan; Jedicke, Robert; Wainscoat, Richard J.; Armstrong, James D.; Duddy, Samuel R.; Lowry, Stephen C.; Trujillo, Chadwick A.; Micheli, Marco; Keane, Jacqueline V.; Urban, Laurie; Riesen, Timm; Meech, Karen J.; Abe, Shinsuke; Cheng, Yu-Chi; Chen, Wen-Ping; Granvik, Mikael; Grav, Tommy; Ip, Wing-Huen; Kinoshita, Daisuke; Kleyna, Jan; Lacerda, Pedro; Lister, Tim; Milani, Andrea; Tholen, David J.; Veres, Peter; Lisse, Carey M.; Kelley, Michael S.; Fernández, Yanga R.; Bhatt, Bhuwan C.; Sahu, Devendra K.; Kaiser, Nick; Chambers, K. C.; Hodapp, Klaus W.; Magnier, Eugene A.; Price, Paul A.; Tonry, John L.2012-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUH/US
Further seasonal changes in Uranus' cloud structure observed by Gemini-North and UKIRTIrwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Davis, G. R., Fletcher, L. N., Orton, G. S., Calcutt, S. B., Tice, D. S., and Hurley, J.2012-03IcarusNIFSUK
An icy Kuiper belt around the young solar-type star HD 181327Lebreton, J., Augereau, J.-C., Thi, W.-F., Roberge, A., Donaldson, J., Schneider, G., Maddison, S. T., Ménard, F., Riviere-Marichalar, P., Mathews, G. S., Kamp, I., Pinte, C., Dent, W. R. F., Barrado, D., Duchêne, G., Gonzalez, J.-F., Grady, C. A., Meeus, G., Pantin, E., Williams, J. P., and Woitke, P.2012-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsTRECSUS
Combined strong and weak lensing analysis of 28 clusters from the Sloan Giant Arcs SurveyOguri, M., Bayliss, M. B., Dahle, H., Sharon, K., Gladders, M. D., Natarajan, P., Hennawi, J. F., and Koester, B. P.2012-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS

Gemini Observatory Participants