
Gemini Publications By Users

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3001-3020 of 3908 results.
Clouds and Chemistry in the Atmosphere of Extrasolar Planet HR8799bBarman, T. S., Macintosh, B., Konopacky, Q. M., and Marois, C.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalNICICA/GS/UK/US
Stardust-NExT, Deep Impact, and the accelerating spin of 9P/Tempel 1Belton, Michael J. S.; Meech, Karen J.; Chesley, Steven; Pittichová, Jana; Carcich, Brian; Drahus, Michal; Harris, Alan; Gillam, Stephen; Veverka, Joseph; Mastrodemos, Nicholas; Owen, William; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Bagnulo, S.; Bai, J.; Barrera, L.; Bastien, Fabienne; Bauer, James M.; Bedient, J.; Bhatt, B. C.; Boehnhardt, Hermann; Brosch, N.; Buie, Marc; Candia, Pablo; Chen, W.-P.; Chiang, P.; Choi, Young-Jun; Cochran, A.; Crockett, Christopher J.; Duddy, S.; Farnham, Tony; Fernández, Yan R.; Gutiérrez, Pedro; Hainaut, Olivier R.; Hampton, Donald; Herrmann, Kimberly A.; Hsieh, Henry; Kadooka, M. A.; Kaluna, H.; Keane, J.; Kim, M.-J.; Klaasen, Kenneth; Kleyna, J.; Krisciunas, Kevin; Lara, Luisa M.; Lauer, Tod R.; Li, Jian-Yang; Licandro, Javier; Lisse, Carey M.; Lowry, Stephen C.; McFadden, Lucy; Moskovitz, N.; Mueller, Beatrice; Polishook, D.; Raja, N. S.; Riesen, T.; Sahu, D. K.; Samarasinha, Nalin; Sarid, G.; Sekiguchi, Tomohiko; Sonnett, S.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Taylor, Brian W.; Thomas, Peter; Tozzi, Gian Paolo; Vasundhara, R.; Vincent, J.-B.; Wasserman, Lawrence H.; Webster-Schultz, Bryant; Yang, B.; Zenn, T.; Zhao, H.2011-05IcarusGMOS-NUH
A tale of two GRB-SNe at a common redshift of z=0.54Cano, Z.; Bersier, D.; Guidorzi, C.; Margutti, R.; Svensson, K. M.; Kobayashi, S.; Melandri, A.; Wiersema, K.; Pozanenko, A.; van der Horst, A. J.; Pooley, G. G.; Fernandez-Soto, A.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Postigo, A. De Ugarte; Im, M.; Kamble, A. P.; Sahu, D.; Alonso-Lorite, J.; Anupama, G.; Bibby, J. L.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Clay, N.; Curran, P. A.; Fatkhullin, T. A.; Fruchter, A. S.; Garnavich, P.; Gomboc, A.; Gorosabel, J.; Graham, J. F.; Gurugubelli, U.; Haislip, J.; Huang, K.; Huxor, A.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jeon, Y.; Jeon, Y.-B.; Ivarsen, K.; Kasen, D.; Klunko, E.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lacluyze, A.; Levan, A. J.; Loznikov, V.; Mazzali, P. A.; Moskvitin, A. S.; Mottram, C.; Mundell, C. G.; Nugent, P. E.; Nysewander, M.; O'Brien, P. T.; Park, W.-K.; Peris, V.; Pian, E.; Reichart, D.; Rhoads, J. E.; Rol, E.; Rumyantsev, V.; Scowcroft, V.; Shakhovskoy, D.; Small, E.; Smith, R. J.; Sokolov, V. V.; Starling, R. L. C.; Steele, I.; Strom, R. G.; Tanvir, N. R.; Tsapras, Y.; Urata, Y.; Vaduvescu, O.; Volnova, A.; Volvach, A.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Woosley, S. E.; Young, D. R.2011-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK
Afterglow Observations of Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Bursts and the Emerging Class of Hyper-energetic EventsCenko, S. B., Frail, D. A., Harrison, F. A., Haislip, J. B., Reichart, D. E., Butler, N. R., Cobb, B. E., Cucchiara, A., Berger, E., Bloom, J. S., Chandra, P., Fox, D. B., Perley, D. A., Prochaska, J. X., Filippenko, A. V., Glazebrook, K., Ivarsen, K. M., Kasliwal, M. M., Kulkarni, S. R., LaCluyze, A. P., Lopez, S., Morgan, A. N., Pettini, M., and Rana, V. R.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SAU/CA/CL/US/UK/GS
The reddening law of type Ia supernovae: separating intrinsic variability from dust using equivalent widthsChotard, N.; Gangler, E.; Aldering, G.; Antilogus, P.; Aragon, C.; Bailey, S.; Baltay, C.; Bongard, S.; Buton, C.; Canto, A.; Childress, M.; Copin, Y.; Fakhouri, H. K.; Hsiao, E. Y.; Kerschhaggl, M.; Kowalski, M.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Paech, K.; Pain, R.; Pecontal, E.; Pereira, R.; Perlmutter, S.; Rabinowitz, D.; Runge, K.; Scalzo, R.; Smadja, G.; Tao, C.; Thomas, R. C.; Weaver, B. A.; Wu, C.; Nearby Supernova Factory2011-05Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SUS
High-resolution spectroscopic search for the thermal emission of the extrasolar planet HD 217107 bCubillos, P. E., Rojo, P., and Fortney, J. J.2011-05Astronomy & AstrophysicsPHOENIXCL
The Diversity of Massive Star Outbursts. I. Observations of SN2009ip, UGC 2773 OT2009-1, and Their ProgenitorsFoley, R. J., Berger, E., Fox, O., Levesque, E. M., Challis, P. J., Ivans, I. I., Rhoads, J. E., and Soderberg, A. M.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NGS/US
Subaru and Gemini High Spatial Resolution Infrared 18 μm Imaging Observations of Nearby Luminous Infrared GalaxiesImanishi, M., Imase, K., Oi, N., and Ichikawa, K.2011-05The Astronomical JournalTRECSUS/JP
Deep Impact, Stardust-NExT and the behavior of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 1997 to 2010Meech, K. J.; Pittichová, J.; Yang, B.; Zenn, A.; Belton, M. J. S.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Bagnulo, S.; Bai, J.; Barrera, L.; Bauer, J. M.; Bedient, J.; Bhatt, B. C.; Boehnhardt, H.; Brosch, N.; Buie, M.; Candia, P.; Chen, W.-P.; Chesley, S.; Chiang, P.; Choi, Y.-J.; Cochran, A.; Duddy, S.; Farnham, T. L.; Fernández, Y.; Gutiérrez, P.; Hainaut, O. R.; Hampton, D.; Herrmann, K.; Hsieh, H.; Kadooka, M. A.; Kaluna, H.; Keane, J.; Kim, M.-J.; Kleyna, J.; Krisciunas, K.; Lauer, T. R.; Lara, L.; Licandro, J.; Lowry, S. C.; McFadden, L. A.; Moskovitz, N.; Mueller, B. E. A.; Polishook, D.; Raja, N. S.; Riesen, T.; Sahu, D. K.; Samarasinha, N. H.; Sarid, G.; Sekiguchi, T.; Sonnett, S.; Suntzeff, N.; Taylor, B.; Tozzi, G. P.; Vasundhara, R.; Vincent, J.-B.; Wasserman, L.; Webster-Schultz, B.; Zhao, H.2011-05IcarusGMOS-NUH
Early-type Galaxies at z ~ 1.3. II. Masses and Ages of Early-type Galaxies in Different Environments and Their Dependence on Stellar Population Model AssumptionsRaichoor, A., Mei, S., Nakata, F., Stanford, S. A., Holden, B. P., Rettura, A., Huertas-Company, M., Postman, M., Rosati, P., Blakeslee, J. P., Demarco, R., Eisenhardt, P., Illingworth, G., Jee, M. J., Kodama, T., Tanaka, M., and White, R. L.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Post-common envelope binaries from SDSS-X: the origin of low-mass white dwarfsRebassa-Mansergas, A., Nebot Gómez-Morán, A., Schreiber, M. R., Girven, J., and Gänsicke, B. T.2011-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SCL/UK
On the Interpretation of Supernova Light Echo Profiles and SpectraRest, A., Sinnott, B., Welch, D. L., Foley, R. J., Narayan, G., Mandel, K., Huber, M. E., and Blondin, S.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCA/CL/US
Early-type Galaxies at z ~ 1.3. III. On the Dependence of Formation Epochs and Star Formation Histories on Stellar Mass and EnvironmentRettura, A., Mei, S., Stanford, S. A., Raichoor, A., Moran, S., Holden, B., Rosati, P., Ellis, R., Nakata, F., Nonino, M., Treu, T., Blakeslee, J. P., Demarco, R., Eisenhardt, P., Ford, H. C., Fosbury, R. A. E., Illingworth, G., Huertas-Company, M., Jee, M. J., Kodama, T., Postman, M., Tanaka, M., and White, R. L.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
(No) dynamical constraints on the mass of the black hole in two ULXsRoberts, T. P., Gladstone, J. C., Goulding, A. D., Swinbank, A. M., Ward, M. J., Goad, M. R., and Levan, A. J.2011-05Astronomische NachrichtenGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK
New observations of ULX supershells, and their implicationsRussell, D. M., Yang, Y.-J., Gladstone, J. C., Wiersema, K., and Roberts, T. P.2011-05Astronomische NachrichtenGMOS-NUK
Gas streaming motions towards the nucleus of M81Schnorr Müller, A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Riffel, R. A., Ferrari, F., Steiner, J. E., Axon, D. J., and Robinson, A.2011-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUS
Evidence Against an Edge-on Disk Around the Extrasolar Planet, 2MASS 1207 b and a New Thick-cloud Explanation for Its UnderluminositySkemer, A. J., Close, L. M., Szűcs, L., Apai, D., Pascucci, I., and Biller, B. A.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalTRECSUS
The Structure and Metallicity Gradient in the Extreme Outer Disk of NGC 7793Vlajić, M., Bland-Hawthorn, J., and Freeman, K. C.2011-05The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SAU
Photometric and Spectroscopic Evolution of the IIP SN 2007it to Day 944Andrews, J. E., Sugerman, B. E. K., Clayton, G. C., Gallagher, J. S., Barlow, M. J., Clem, J., Ercolano, B., Fabbri, J., Meixner, M., Otsuka, M., Welch, D. L., and Wesson, R.2011-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS/GS
Direct observational evidence for a large transient galaxy population in groups at 0.85 < z < 1Balogh, M. L., McGee, S. L., Wilman, D. J., Finoguenov, A., Parker, L. C., Connelly, J. L., Mulchaey, J. S., Bower, R. G., Tanaka, M., and Giodini, S.2011-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCA/US

Gemini Observatory Participants