
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 3681-3700 of 3841 results.
Spatially resolved stellar populations in the isolated elliptical NGC 821Proctor, R. N., Forbes, D. A., Forestell, A., and Gebhardt, K.2005-09Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NAU
RX J0142.0+2131. I. The Galaxy Content of an X-Ray-luminous Galaxy Cluster at z = 0.28Barr, Jordi; Davies, Roger; Jørgensen, Inger; Bergmann, Marcel; Crampton, David2005-08The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NSV
NGC 300: An Extremely Faint, Outer Stellar Disk Observed to 10 Scale LengthsBland-Hawthorn, J., Vlajić, M., Freeman, K. C., and Draine, B. T.2005-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SAU
Crystalline Silicate Emission in the Protostellar Binary Serpens SVS 20Ciardi, D. R., Telesco, C. M., Packham, C., Gómez Martin, C., Radomski, J. T., De Buizer, J. M., Phillips, C. J., and Harker, D. E.2005-08The Astrophysical JournalTRECSDD
Investigating the Nature of the Dust Emission around Massive Protostar NGC 7538 IRS 1: Circumstellar Disk and Outflow?De Buizer, J. M. and Minier, V.2005-08The Astrophysical JournalMICHELLESV
Separating C Stars from Dust in the Central Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1241Dottori, H., Díaz, R. J., Carranza, G., Lípari, S., and Santos, J., Jr.2005-08The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaBR
Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Observations of the Central Supermassive Black Hole in Centaurus ASilge, J. D., Gebhardt, K., Bergmann, M., and Richstone, D.2005-08The Astronomical JournalGNIRSSV
Detection of a Massive Dust Shell around the Type II Supernova SN 2002hhBarlow, M. J., Sugerman, B. E. K., Fabbri, J., Meixner, M., Fisher, R. S., Bowey, J. E., Panagia, N., Ercolano, B., Clayton, G. C., Cohen, M., Gledhill, T. M., Gordon, K., Tielens, A. G. G. M., and Zijlstra, A. A.2005-07The Astrophysical JournalMICHELLEDD
A deep survey of brown dwarfs in Orion with GeminiLucas, P. W., Roche, P. F., and Tamura, M.2005-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyFLAMINGOSUK
Extreme collisions between planetesimals as the origin of warm dust around a Sun-like starSong, I., Zuckerman, B., Weinberger, A. J., and Becklin, E. E.2005-07NatureMICHELLESV
Near-Infrared Surface Properties of the Two Intrinsically Brightest Minor Planets: (90377) Sedna and (90482) OrcusTrujillo, C. A., Brown, M. E., Rabinowitz, D. L., and Geballe, T. R.2005-07The Astrophysical JournalNIRIDD
Batch discovery of nine z~ 1 clusters using X-ray and K or R, z' imagesAndreon, S., Valtchanov, I., Jones, L. R., Altieri, B., Bremer, M., Willis, J., Pierre, M., and Quintana, H.2005-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NCA/UK
Hyperfine splitting of [AlVI] 3.66 μm and the Al isotopic ratio in NGC 6302Casassus, S., Storey, P. J., Barlow, M. J., and Roche, P. F.2005-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyPHOENIXCL
Fluorine Abundances in the Orion Nebula ClusterCunha, K. and Smith, V. V.2005-06The Astrophysical JournalPHOENIXBR
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the space density and surface-brightness distribution(s) of galaxiesDriver, S. P., Liske, J., Cross, N. J. G., De Propris, R., and Allen, P. D.2005-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NAU
NGC 770: A Counterrotating Core in a Low-Luminosity Elliptical GalaxyGeha, M., Guhathakurta, P., and van der Marel, R. P.2005-06The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NCA
Properties of galactic B[e] supergiants. IV. Hen 3-298 and Hen 3-303Miroshnichenko, A. S., Bjorkman, K. S., Grosso, M., Hinkle, K., Levato, H., and Marang, F.2005-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsPHOENIXAR/DD
A Black Hole in the Galactic Center Complex IRS 13E?Schödel, R., Eckart, A., Iserlohe, C., Genzel, R., and Ott, T.2005-06The Astrophysical JournalHokupaaSV
Emission-Line Spectroscopy of Damped Lyα Systems: The Case of SBS 1543+593/HS 1543+5921Schulte-Ladbeck, R. E., König, B., Miller, C. J., Hopkins, A. M., Drozdovsky, I. O., Turnshek, D. A., and Hopp, U.2005-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Constraints on the redshift dependence of the dark energy potentialSimon, J., Verde, L., and Jimenez, R.2005-06Physical Review DGMOS-NCA/US/SV

Gemini Observatory Participants