
Gemini Publications By Users

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 401-420 of 3943 results.
The Roasting Marshmallows Program with IGRINS on Gemini South I: Composition and Climate of the Ultrahot Jupiter WASP-18 bBrogi, Matteo, Emeka-Okafor, Vanessa, Line, Michael R., Gandhi, Siddharth, Pino, Lorenzo, Kempton, Eliza M. -R., Rauscher, Emily, Parmentier, Vivien, Bean, Jacob L., Mace, Gregory N., Cowan, Nicolas B., Shkolnik, Evgenya, Wardenier, Joost P., Mansfield, Megan, Welbanks, Luis, Smith, Peter, Fortney, Jonathan J., Birkby, Jayne L., Zalesky, Joseph A., Dang, Lisa, Patience, Jennifer, Désert, Jean-Michel2023-03The Astronomical JournalIGRINSLP
Discovery of a resolved white dwarf-brown dwarf binary with a small projected separation: SDSS J222551.65+001637.7ABFrench, Jenni R., Casewell, Sarah L., Dupuy, Trent J., Debes, John H., Manjavacas, Elena, Martin, Emily C., Xu, Siyi2023-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRS/NIRIFT/US
Has the dust clump in the debris disc of Beta Pictoris moved?Han, Y., Wyatt, M. C., Dent, W. R. F.2023-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyTRECSUS
TOI-4562b: A Highly Eccentric Temperate Jupiter Analog Orbiting a Young Field StarHeitzmann, Alexis, Zhou, George, Quinn, Samuel N., Huang, Chelsea X., Dong, Jiayin, Bouma, L. G., Dawson, Rebekah I., Marsden, Stephen C., Wright, Duncan, Petit, Pascal, Collins, Karen A., Barkaoui, Khalid, Wittenmyer, Robert A., Gillen, Edward, Brahm, Rafael, Hobson, Melissa, Hellier, Coel, Ziegler, Carl, Briceño, César, Law, Nicholas, Mann, Andrew W., Howell, Steve B., Gnilka, Crystal L., Littlefield, Colin, Latham, David W., Lissauer, Jack J., Newton, Elisabeth R., Krolikowski, Daniel M., Kerr, Ronan, Rampalli, Rayna, Douglas, Stephanie T., Eisner, Nora L., Guedj, Nathalie, Sun, Guoyou, Smit, Martin, Huten, Marc, Eschweiler, Thorsten, Abe, Lyu, Guillot, Tristan, Ricker, George, Vanderspek, Roland, Seager, Sara, Jenkins, Jon M., Ting, Eric B., Winn, Joshua N., Ciardi, David R., Vanderburg, Andrew M., Burke, Christopher J., Rodriguez, David R., Daylan, Tansu2023-03The Astronomical JournalZorroLP
Observational Characterization of Main-belt Comet and Candidate Main-belt Comet NucleiHsieh, Henry H., Micheli, Marco, Kelley, Michael S. P., Knight, Matthew M., Moskovitz, Nicholas A., Pittichová, Jana, Sheppard, Scott S., Thirouin, Audrey, Trujillo, Chadwick A., Wainscoat, Richard J., Weryk, Robert J., Ye, Quanzhi2023-03The Planetary Science JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUH/US/LP
Radial velocity confirmation of a hot super-Neptune discovered by TESS with a warm Saturn-mass companionKnudstrup, E., Gandolfi, D., Nowak, G., Persson, C. M., Furlan, E., Livingston, J., Matthews, E., Lundkvist, M. S., Winther, M. L., Rørsted, J. L., Albrecht, S. H., Goffo, E., Carleo, I., Deeg, H. J., Collins, K. A., Narita, N., Isaacson, H., Redfield, S., Dai, F., Hirano, T., Akana Murphy, J. M., Beard, C., Buchhave, L. A., Cary, S., Chontos, A., Crossfield, I., Cochran, W. D., Conti, D., Dalba, P. A., Esposito, M., Fajardo-Acosta, S., Giacalone, S., Grunblatt, S. K., Guerra, P., Hatzes, A. P., Holcomb, R., Horta, F. G., Howard, A. W., Huber, D., Jenkins, J. M., Kabáth, P., Kane, S., Korth, J., Lam, K. W. F., Lester, K. V., Matson, R., McLeod, K. K., Orell-Miquel, J., Murgas, F., Palle, E., Polanski, A. S., Ricker, G., Robertson, P., Rubenzahl, R., Schlieder, J. E., Seager, S., Smith, A. M. S., Tenenbaum, P., Turtelboom, E., Vanderspek, R., Weiss, L., Winn, J.2023-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyAlopeke/NIRI+ALTAIRLP/US
A Complex Dust Morphology in the High-luminosity AGN Mrk 876Landt, Hermine, Mitchell, Jake A. J., Ward, Martin J., Mercatoris, Paul, Pott, Jörg-Uwe, Horne, Keith, Hernández Santisteban, Juan V., Malhotra, Daksh, Cackett, Edward M., Goad, Michael R., Romero Colmenero, Encarni, Winkler, Hartmut2023-03The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSFT/US
The Origin and Evolution of the Normal Type Ia SN 2018aoz with Infant-phase Reddening and Excess EmissionNi, Yuan Qi, Moon, Dae-Sik, Drout, Maria R., Polin, Abigail, Sand, David J., González-Gaitán, Santiago, Kim, Sang Chul, Lee, Youngdae, Park, Hong Soo, Howell, D. Andrew, Nugent, Peter E., Piro, Anthony L., Brown, Peter J., Galbany, Lluís, Burke, Jamison, Hiramatsu, Daichi, Hosseinzadeh, Griffin, Valenti, Stefano, Afsariardchi, Niloufar, Andrews, Jennifer E., Antoniadis, John, Beaton, Rachael L., Bostroem, K. Azalee, Carlberg, Raymond G., Cenko, S. Bradley, Cha, Sang-Mok, Dong, Yize, Gal-Yam, Avishay, Haislip, Joshua, Holoien, Thomas W. -S., Johnson, Sean D., Kouprianov, Vladimir, Lee, Yongseok, Matzner, Christopher D., Morrell, Nidia, McCully, Curtis, Pignata, Giuliano, Reichart, Daniel E., Rich, Jeffrey, Ryder, Stuart D., Smith, Nathan, Wyatt, Samuel, Yang, Sheng2023-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SKR
Characterization of a Set of Small Planets with TESS and CHEOPS and an Analysis of Photometric PerformanceOddo, Dominic, Dragomir, Diana, Brandeker, Alexis, Osborn, Hugh P., Collins, Karen, Stassun, Keivan G., Astudillo-Defru, Nicola, Bieryla, Allyson, Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David R., Quinn, Samuel, Almenara, Jose M., Briceño, César, Collins, Kevin I., Colón, Knicole D., Conti, Dennis M., Crouzet, Nicolas, Furlan, Elise, Gan, Tianjun, Gnilka, Crystal L., Goeke, Robert F., Gonzales, Erica, Harris, Mallory, Jenkins, Jon M., Jensen, Eric L. N., Latham, David, Law, Nicholas, Lund, Michael B., Mann, Andrew W., Massey, Bob, Murgas, Felipe, Ricker, George, Relles, Howard M., Rowden, Pamela, Schwarz, Richard P., Schlieder, Joshua, Shporer, Avi, Seager, Sara, Srdoc, Gregor, Torres, Guillermo, Twicken, Joseph D., Vanderspek, Roland, Winn, Joshua N., Ziegler, Carl2023-03The Astronomical JournalAlopeke/ZorroLP/US
Forbidden hugs in pandemic times. IV. Panchromatic evolution of three luminous red novaePastorello, A. ; Valerin, G. ; Fraser, M. ; Reguitti, A. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Filippenko, A. V. ; Rojas-Bravo, C. ; Tartaglia, L. ; Reynolds, T. M. ; Valenti, S. ; Andrews, J. E. ; Ashall, C. ; Bostroem, K. A. ; Brink, T. G. ; Burke, J. ; Cai, Y. -Z. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Coulter, D. A. ; Dastidar, R. ; Davis, K. W. ; Dimitriadis, G. ; Fiore, A. ; Foley, R. J. ; Fugazza, D. ; Galbany, L. ; Gangopadhyay, A. ; Geier, S. ; Gutiérrez, C. P. ; Haislip, J. ; Hiramatsu, D. ; Holmbo, S. ; Howell, D. A. ; Hsiao, E. Y. ; Hung, T. ; Jha, S. W. ; Kankare, E. ; Karamehmetoglu, E. ; Kilpatrick, C. D. ; Kotak, R. ; Kouprianov, V. ; Kravtsov, T. ; Kumar, S. ; Li, Z. -T. ; Lundquist, M. J. ; Lundqvist, P. ; Matilainen, K. ; Mazzali, P. A. ; McCully, C. ; Misra, K. ; Morales-Garoffolo, A. ; Moran, S. ; Morrell, N. ; Newsome, M. ; Padilla Gonzalez, E. ; Pan, Y. -C. ; Pellegrino, C. ; Phillips, M. M. ; Pignata, G. ; Piro, A. L. ; Reichart, D. E. ; Rest, A. ; Salmaso, I. ; Sand, D. J. ; Siebert, M. R. ; Smartt, S. J. ; Smith, K. W. ; Srivastav, S. ; Stritzinger, M. D. ; Taggart, K. ; Tinyanont, S. ; Yan, S. -Y. ; Wang, L. ; Wang, X. -F. ; Williams, S. C. ; Wyatt, S. ; Zhang, T. -M. ; de Boer, T. ; Chambers, K. ; Gao, H. ; Magnier, E.2023-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsFLAMINGOS-2US
TESS Discovery of Twin Planets near 2:1 Resonance around Early M Dwarf TOI 4342Tey, Evan, Huang, Chelsea X., Kunimoto, Michelle, Vanderburg, Andrew, Shporer, Avi, Quinn, Samuel N., Zhou, George, Collins, Karen A., Collins, Kevin I., Jensen, Eric L. N., Schwarz, Richard P., Sefako, Ramotholo, Gan, Tianjun, Furlan, Elise, Gnilka, Crystal L., Howell, Steve B., Lester, Kathryn V., Ziegler, Carl, Briceño, César, Law, Nicholas, Mann, Andrew W., Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland K., Latham, David W., Seager, S., Jenkins, Jon M., Winn, Joshua N., Caldwell, Douglas A., Charbonneau, David, Burke, Christopher J., Essack, Zahra2023-03The Astronomical JournalZorroLP
A Survey of Herbig Ae/Be MultiplicityThomas, S. J., Rodgers, B., van der Bliek, N. S., Doppmann, G., Bouvier, J., Salvo, C. Araya, Beuzit, J. -L., Rigaut, F.2023-03The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRUS/GS
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). IX. A 27 Myr Extended Population of Lower Centaurus Crux with a Transiting Two-planet SystemWood, Mackenna L., Mann, Andrew W., Barber, Madyson G., Bush, Jonathan L., Kraus, Adam L., Tofflemire, Benjamin M., Vanderburg, Andrew, Newton, Elisabeth R., Feiden, Gregory A., Zhou, George, Bouma, Luke G., Quinn, Samuel N., Armstrong, David J., Osborn, Ares, Adibekyan, Vardan, Mena, Elisa Delgado, Sousa, Sergio G., Gagné, Jonathan, Fields, Matthew J., Milburn, Reilly P., Thao, Pa Chia, Schmidt, Stephen P., Gnilka, Crystal L., Howell, Steve B., Law, Nicholas M., Ziegler, Carl, Briceño, César, Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland, Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Schlieder, Joshua E., Osborn, Hugh P., Twicken, Joseph D., Ciardi, David R., Huang, Chelsea X.2023-03The Astronomical JournalZorroUS
The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. II. Twenty New Giant PlanetsYee, Samuel W., Winn, Joshua N., Hartman, Joel D., Bouma, Luke G., Zhou, George, Quinn, Samuel N., Latham, David W., Bieryla, Allyson, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Collins, Karen A., Alfaro, Owen, Barkaoui, Khalid, Beard, Corey, Belinski, Alexander A., Benkhaldoun, Zouhair, Benni, Paul, Bernacki, Krzysztof, Boyle, Andrew W., Butler, R. Paul, Caldwell, Douglas A., Chontos, Ashley, Christiansen, Jessie L., Ciardi, David R., Collins, Kevin I., Conti, Dennis M., Crane, Jeffrey D., Daylan, Tansu, Dressing, Courtney D., Eastman, Jason D., Essack, Zahra, Evans, Phil, Everett, Mark E., Fajardo-Acosta, Sergio, Forés-Toribio, Raquel, Furlan, Elise, Ghachoui, Mourad, Gillon, Michaël, Hellier, Coel, Helm, Ian, Howard, Andrew W., Howell, Steve B., Isaacson, Howard, Jehin, Emmanuel, Jenkins, Jon M., Jensen, Eric L. N., Kielkopf, John F., Laloum, Didier, Leonhardes-Barboza, Naunet, Lewin, Pablo, Logsdon, Sarah E., Lubin, Jack, Lund, Michael B., MacDougall, Mason G., Mann, Andrew W., Maslennikova, Natalia A., Massey, Bob, McLeod, Kim K., Muñoz, Jose A., Newman, Patrick, Orlov, Valeri, Plavchan, Peter, Popowicz, Adam, Pozuelos, Francisco J., Pritchard, Tyler A., Radford, Don J., Reefe, Michael, Ricker, George R., Rudat, Alexander, Safonov, Boris S., Schwarz, Richard P., Schweiker, Heidi, Scott, Nicholas J., Seager, S., Shectman, Stephen A., Stockdale, Chris, Tan, Thiam-Guan, Teske, Johanna K., Thomas, Neil B., Timmermans, Mathilde, Vanderspek, Roland, Vermilion, David, Watanabe, David, Weiss, Lauren M., West, Richard G., Van Zandt, Judah, Zejmo, Michal, Ziegler, Carl2023-03The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesAlopeke/ZorroLP
The galaxy mass-size relation in CARLA clusters and proto-clusters at 1.4 < z < 2.8: Larger cluster galaxy sizes Afanasiev, Anton V.; Mei, Simona ; Fu, Hao ; Shankar, Francesco ; Amodeo, Stefania ; Stern, Daniel ; Cooke, Elizabeth A. ; Gonzalez, Anthony H. ; Noirot, Gaël ; Rettura, Alessandro ; Wylezalek, Dominika ; De Breuck, Carlos ; Hatch, Nina A. ; Stanford, Spencer A. ; Vernet, Joël 2023-02Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SUS
Morphology-density relation, quenching, and mergers in CARLA clusters and protoclusters at 1.4 < z < 2.8 Mei, Simona ; Hatch, Nina A. ; Amodeo, Stefania ; Afanasiev, Anton V. ; De Breuck, Carlos ; Stern, Daniel ; Cooke, Elizabeth A. ; Gonzalez, Anthony H. ; Noirot, Gaël ; Rettura, Alessandro ; Seymour, Nick ; Stanford, Spencer A. ; Vernet, Joël ; Wylezalek, Dominika2023-02Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SUS
The Kinematics and Excitation of Infrared Water Vapor Emission from Planet-forming Disks: Results from Spectrally Resolved Surveys and Guidelines for JWST SpectraBanzatti, Andrea, Pontoppidan, Klaus M., Pére Chávez, José, Salyk, Colette, Diehl, Lindsey, Bruderer, Simon, Herczeg, Gregory J., Carmona, Andres, Pascucci, Ilaria, Brittain, Sean, Jensen, Stanley, Grant, Sierra, van Dishoeck, Ewine F., Kamp, Inga, Bosman, Arthur D., Öberg, Karin I., Blake, Geoff A., Meyer, Michael R., Gaidos, Eric, Boogert, Adwin, Rayner, John T., Wheeler, Caleb2023-02The Astronomical JournalTEXESUS
L-band spectroscopy of young brown dwarfsBeiler, Samuel A., Allers, Katelyn N., Cushing, Michael, Faherty, Jacqueline, Marley, Mark, Skemer, Andrew2023-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUS
NGC 7538 IRS 2 in [Ne II]: shell and cavity kinematics of a compact H II regionBeilis, Dan, Beck, Sara, Lacy, John2023-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyTEXESSV
Precise Empirical Determination of Metallicity Dependence of Near-infrared Period-Luminosity Relations for RR Lyrae Variables Bhardwaj, Anupam ; Marconi, Marcella ; Rejkuba, Marina ; de Grijs, Richard ; Singh, Harinder P. ; Braga, Vittorio F. ; Kanbur, Shashi ; Ngeow, Chow-Choong ; Ripepi, Vincenzo ; Bono, Giuseppe ; De Somma, Giulia ; Dall'Ora, Massimo2023-02The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2US

Gemini Observatory Participants