
Gemini Publications By Users

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 1121-1140 of 3908 results.
Evidence for an accreting massive black hole in He 2-10 from adaptive optics integral field spectroscopy Riffel, Rogemar A.2020-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRJP
When the disc's away, the stars will play: dynamical masses in the nova-like variable KR Aur with a pinch of accretionRodríguez-Gil, P.; Shahbaz, T.; Torres, M. A. P.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Izquierdo, P.; Toloza, O.; Álvarez-Hernández, A.; Steeghs, D.; van Spaandonk, L.; Koester, D.; Rodríguez, D.2020-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NUK/US
Revealing the effects of galaxy interaction in the main galaxies of the southern group Arp 314 Torres-Flores, S.; Amram, P.; Olave-Rojas, D.; Muñoz-Elgueta, N.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; de Mello, D.; Urrutia-Viscarra, F.2020-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SCL
H2 emission in the low-ionization structures of the planetary nebulae NGC 7009 and NGC 6543Akras, Stavros; Gonçalves, Denise R.; Ramos-Larios, Gerardo; Aleman, Isabel2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIRIBR
A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESSAstudillo-Defru, N.; Cloutier, R.; Wang, S. X.; Teske, J.; Brahm, R.; Hellier, C.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.; Seager, S.; Winn, J. N.; Jenkins, J. M.; Collins, K. A.; Stassun, K. G.; Ziegler, C.; Almenara, J. M.; Anderson, D. R.; Artigau, E.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F. Briceño, C.; Butler, R. P.; Charbonneau, D.; Conti, D. M.; Crane, J.; Crossfield, I. J. M.; Davies, M.; Delfosse, X.; Díaz, R. F.; Doyon, R.; Dragomir, D.; Eastman, J. D.; Espinoza, N.; Essack, Z.; Feng, F.; Figueira, P.; Forveille, T.; Gan, T.; Glidden, A.; Guerrero, N.; Hart, R.; Henning, Th.; Horch, E. P.; Isopi, G.; Jenkins, J. S.; Jordán, A.; Kielkopf, J. F.; Law, N.; Lovis, C.; Mallia, F.; Mann, A. W.; de Medeiros, J. R.; Melo, C.; Mennickent, R. E.; Mignon, L.; Murgas, F.; Nusdeo, D. A.; Pepe, F.; Relles, H. M.; Rose, M.; Santos, N. C.; Ségransan, D.; Shectman, S.; Shporer, A.; Smith, J. C.; Torres, P.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J.; Winters, J. G.; Zhou, G.2020-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsDSSILP
WASP-4 Is Accelerating toward the Earth Bouma, L. G.; Winn, J. N.; Howard, A. W.; Howell, S. B.; Isaacson, H.; Knutson, H.; Matson, R. A.2020-04The Astrophysical JournalZorroUS
A 1201 s Orbital Period Detached Binary: The First Double Helium Core White Dwarf LISA Verification Binary Brown, Warren R.; Kilic, Mukremin; Bédard, A.; Kosakowski, Alekzander; Bergeron, P.2020-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
Size and Shape Constraints of (486958) Arrokoth from Stellar OccultationsBuie, Marc W.; Porter, Simon B.; Tamblyn, Peter; Terrell, Dirk; Parker, Alex Harrison; Baratoux, David; Kaire, Maram; Leiva, Rodrigo; Verbiscer, Anne J.; Zangari, Amanda M.; Colas, François; Diop, Baidy Demba; Samaniego, Joseph I.; Wasserman, Lawrence H.; Benecchi, Susan D.; Caspi, Amir; Gwyn, Stephen; Kavelaars, J. J.; Ocampo Uría, Adriana C.; Rabassa, Jorge Skrutskie, M. F.; Soto, Alejandro; Tanga, Paolo; Young, Eliot F.; Stern, S. Alan; Andersen, Bridget C.; Arango Pérez, Mauricio E.; Arredondo, Anicia; Artola, Rodolfo Alfredo; Bâ, Abdoulaye; Ballet, Romuald; Blank, Ted; Bop, Cheikh Tidiane; Bosh, Amanda S.; Camino López, Matías Aarón; Carter, Christian M.; Castro-Chacón, J. H.; Caycedo Desprez, Alfonso; Caycedo Guerra, Nicolás; Conard, Steven J.; Dauvergne, Jean-Luc; Dean, Bryan; Dean, Michelle; Desmars, Josselin; Dieng, Abdou Lahat; Bousso Dieng, Mame Diarra; Diouf, Omar; Dorego, Gualbert Séraphin; Dunham, David W.; Dunham, Joan; Durantini Luca, Hugo A.; Edwards, Patrick; Erasmus, Nicolas; Faye, Gayane; Faye, Mactar; Ferrario, Lucas Ezequiel; Ferrell, Chelsea L.; Finley, Tiffany J.; Fraser, Wesley C.; Friedli, Alison J.; Galvez Serna, Julián; Garcia-Migani, Esteban A.; Genade, Anja; Getrost, Kai; Gil-Hutton, Ricardo A.; Gimeno, German N.; Golub, Eli Joseph; González Murillo, Giovanni Francisco; Grusin, Michael D.; Gurovich, Sebastian; Hanna, William H.; Henn, Santiago M.; Hinton, P. C.; Hughes, Paul J.; Josephs, John David, Jr.; Joya, Raul; Kammer, Joshua A.; Keeney, Brian A.; Keller, John M.; Kramer, Emily A.; Levine, Stephen E.; Lisse, Carey M.; Lovell, Amy J.; Mackie, Jason A.; Makarchuk, Stanislav; Manzano, Luis E.; Mbaye, Salma Sylla; Mbaye, Modou; Melia, Raul Roberto; Moreno, Freddy; Moss, Sean K.; Ndaiye, Diene; Ndiaye, Mapathe; Nelson, Matthew J.; Olkin, Catherine B.; Olsen, Aart M.; Ospina Moreno, Victor Jonathan; Pasachoff, Jay M.; Pereyra, Mariana Belen; Person, Michael J.; Pinzón, Giovanni; Pulver, Eduardo Alejandro; Quintero, Edwin A.; Regester, Jeffrey R.; Resnick, Aaron Caleb; Reyes-Ruiz, Mauricio; Rolfsmeier, Alex D.; Ruhland, Trina R.; Salmon, Julien; Santos-Sanz, Pablo; Santucho, Marcos Ariel; Sepúlveda Niño, Diana Karina; Sickafoose, Amanda A.; Silva, José S.; Singer, Kelsi N.; Skipper, Joy N.; Slivan, Stephen M.; Smith, Rose J. C.; Spagnotto, Julio C.; Stephens, Andrew W.; Strabala, Samuel D.; Tamayo, Francisco J.; Throop, Henry B.; Torres Cañas, Andrés David; Toure, Labaly; Traore, Alassane; Tsang, Constantine C. C.; Turner, Jake D.; Vanegas, Santiago; Venable, Roger; Wilson, John C.; Zuluaga, Carlos A.; Zuluaga, Jorge I.2020-04The Astronomical JournalACQCAMDD
Variability and the Size-Luminosity Relation of the Intermediate-mass AGN in NGC 4395Cho, Hojin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Hodges-Kluck, Edmund; Son, Donghoon; Shin, Jaejin; Gallo, Elena; Bae, Hyun-Jin; Brink, Thomas G.; Cho, Wanjin; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Horst, John C.; Ilić, Dragana; Joner, Michael. D.; Kang, Daeun; Kang, Wonseok; Kaspi, Shai; Kim, Taewoo; Kovačević, Andjelka B.; Kumar, Sahana; Le, Huynh Anh N. Nadzhip, A. E.; Pozo Nuñez, Francisco; Metlov, V. G.; Oknyansky, V. L.; Park, Songyoun; Popović, Luka Č.; Rakshit, Suvendu; Schramm, Malte; Shatsky, N. I.; Spencer, Michelle; Sung, Eon-Chang; Sung, Hyun-il; Tatarnikov, A. M.; Vince, Oliver2020-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NKR
Crystalline silicate absorption at 11.1 μm: ubiquitous and abundant in embedded YSOs and the interstellar medium Do-Duy, Tho; Wright, Christopher M.; Fujiyoshi, Takuya; Glasse, Alistair; Siebenmorgen, Ralf; Smith, Robert; Stecklum, Bringfried; Sterzik, Michael2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyTRECS/MICHELLEAU
Reionization history constraints from neural network based predictions of high-redshift quasar continua Durovčíková, Dominika; Katz, Harley; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Davies, Frederick B.; Devriendt, Julien; Slyz, Adrianne2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK/DD
Field/isolated lenticular galaxies with high SN values: the case of NGC 4546 and its globular cluster systemEscudero, Carlos G.; Faifer, Favio R.; Smith Castelli, Analía V.; Norris, Mark A.; Forte, Juan C.2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SAR
LHS 1815b: The First Thick-disk Planet Detected by TESSGan, Tianjun; Shporer, Avi; Livingston, John H.; Collins, Karen A.; Mao, Shude; Trani, Alessandro A.; Gandolfi, Davide; Hirano, Teruyuki; Luque, Rafael; Stassun, Keivan G.; Ziegler, Carl; Howell, Steve B.; Hellier, Coel; Irwin, Jonathan M.; Winters, Jennifer G.; Anderson, David R.; Briceño, César; Law, Nicholas; Mann, Andrew W.; Bonfils, Xavier Astudillo-Defru, Nicola; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem; Ricker, George R.; Vanderspek, Roland; Latham, David W.; Seager, Sara; Winn, Joshua N.; Jenkins, Jon M.; Furesz, Gabor; Guerrero, Natalia M.; Quintana, Elisa; Twicken, Joseph D.; Caldwell, Douglas A.; Tenenbaum, Peter; Huang, Chelsea X.; Rowden, Pamela; Rojas-Ayala, Bárbara2020-04The Astronomical JournalZorroUS
Gemini Near-Infrared Field Spectrograph Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 3: Feeding and Feedback on Galactic and Nuclear ScalesGnilka, C. L.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Fischer, T. C.; Revalski, M.; Meena, B.; Martinez, F.; Polack, G. E.; Machuca, C.; Dashtamirova, D.; Kraemer, S. B.; Schmitt, H. R.; Riffel, R. A.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.2020-04The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRUS
Outflow from Outer-arm Starburst in a Grazing Collision between GalaxiesKaufman, Michele; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Andersen, Morten; Elmegreen, Debra Meloy; Struck, Curtis; Bournaud, Frédéric; Brinks, Elias; McGarry, James C.2020-04The Astronomical JournalNIFSFT/US
Two new double-lined spectroscopic binary white dwarfsKilic, Mukremin; Bédard, A.; Bergeron, P.; Kosakowski, Alekzander2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/FT/US
Evidence of an evolved nature of MWC 349AKraus, M.; Arias, M. L.; Cidale, L. S.; Torres, A. F.2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSAR
HST/WFC3 grism observations of z ∼ 1 clusters: evidence for evolution in the mass-size relation of quiescent galaxies from post-starburst galaxiesMatharu, J.; Muzzin, A.; Brammer, G. B.; van der Burg, R. F. J.; Auger, M. W.; Hewett, P. C.; Chan, J. C. C.; Demarco, R.; van Dokkum, P.; Marchesini, D.; Nelson, E. J.; Noble, A. G.; Wilson, G.2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS/CA
Host Galaxies of Type Ic and Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: Implications for Jet Production Modjaz, Maryam; Bianco, Federica B.; Siwek, Magdalena; Huang, Shan; Perley, Daniel A.; Fierroz, David; Liu, Yu-Qian; Arcavi, Iair; Gal-Yam, Avishay; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Blagorodnova, Nadia; Cenko, Bradley S.; Kasliwal, Mansi; Kulkarni, Shri; Schulze, Steve; Taggart, Kirsty; Zheng, Weikang2020-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS
Observational investigation of the 2013 near-Earth encounter by asteroid (367943) DuendeMoskovitz, Nicholas A.; Benson, Conor James; Scheeres, Daniel; Endicott, Thomas; Polishook, David; Binzel, Richard; DeMeo, Francesca; Ryan, William; Ryan, Eileen; Willman, Mark; Hergenrother, Carl; Verveer, Arie; Lister, Tim; Birtwhistle, Peter; Sickafoose, Amanda; Nagayama, Takahiro; Gilmore, Alan; Kilmartin, Pam; Benecchi, Susan; Sheppard, Scott Marchis, Franck; Augusteijn, Thomas; Smirnova, Olesja2020-04IcarusGMOS-NDD

Gemini Observatory Participants