
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 141-160 of 3908 results.
V1647 Orionis: One Year Into QuiescenceAspin, C., Beck, T. L., and Reipurth, B.2008-01The Astronomical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-S/MICHELLEUH/GS
V1647 Orionis: Reinvigorated Accretion and the Re-Appearance of McNeil's NebulaAspin, C., Reipurth, B., Beck, T. L., Aldering, G., Doering, R. L., Hammel, H. B., Lynch, D. K., Meixner, M., Pecontal, E., Russell, R. W., Sitko, M. L., Thomas, R. C., and U, V.2009-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NDD
Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies with Excess Blue Light: Dual AGN or Single AGN Under Extreme Conditions?Assef, R. J., Walton, D. J., Brightman, M., Stern, D., Alexander, D., Bauer, F., Blain, A. W., Diaz-Santos, T., Eisenhardt, P. R. M., Finkelstein, S. L., Hickox, R. C., Tsai, C.-W., Wu, J. W.2016-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies with Excess Blue Light Assef, R. J.; Brightman, M.; Walton, D. J.; Stern, D.; Bauer, F. E.; Blain, A. W.; Díaz-Santos, T.; Eisenhardt, P. R. M.; Hickox, R. C.; Jun, H. D.; Psychogyios, A.; Tsai, C. -W.; Wu, J. W.2020-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
The Supernova Legacy Survey: measurement of ΩM, ΩΛ and w from the first year data setAstier, P.; Guy, J.; Regnault, N.; Pain, R.; Aubourg, E.; Balam, D.; Basa, S.; Carlberg, R. G.; Fabbro, S.; Fouchez, D.; Hook, I. M.; Howell, D. A.; Lafoux, H.; Neill, J. D.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Perrett, K.; Pritchet, C. J.; Rich, J.; Sullivan, M.; Taillet, R.; Aldering, G.; Antilogus, P.; Arsenijevic, V.; Balland, C.; Baumont, S.; Bronder, J.; Courtois, H.; Ellis, R. S.; Filiol, M.; Gonçalves, A. C.; Goobar, A.; Guide, D.; Hardin, D.; Lusset, V.; Lidman, C.; McMahon, R.; Mouchet, M.; Mourao, A.; Perlmutter, S.; Ripoche, P.; Tao, C.; Walton, N.2006-02Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-N/GMOS-SUK/CA/US
A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESSAstudillo-Defru, N.; Cloutier, R.; Wang, S. X.; Teske, J.; Brahm, R.; Hellier, C.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.; Seager, S.; Winn, J. N.; Jenkins, J. M.; Collins, K. A.; Stassun, K. G.; Ziegler, C.; Almenara, J. M.; Anderson, D. R.; Artigau, E.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F. Briceño, C.; Butler, R. P.; Charbonneau, D.; Conti, D. M.; Crane, J.; Crossfield, I. J. M.; Davies, M.; Delfosse, X.; Díaz, R. F.; Doyon, R.; Dragomir, D.; Eastman, J. D.; Espinoza, N.; Essack, Z.; Feng, F.; Figueira, P.; Forveille, T.; Gan, T.; Glidden, A.; Guerrero, N.; Hart, R.; Henning, Th.; Horch, E. P.; Isopi, G.; Jenkins, J. S.; Jordán, A.; Kielkopf, J. F.; Law, N.; Lovis, C.; Mallia, F.; Mann, A. W.; de Medeiros, J. R.; Melo, C.; Mennickent, R. E.; Mignon, L.; Murgas, F.; Nusdeo, D. A.; Pepe, F.; Relles, H. M.; Rose, M.; Santos, N. C.; Ségransan, D.; Shectman, S.; Shporer, A.; Smith, J. C.; Torres, P.; Udry, S.; Villasenor, J.; Winters, J. G.; Zhou, G.2020-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsDSSILP
Properties of Ellipticity Correlation with Atmospheric Structure from Gemini SouthAsztalos, S., de Vries, W. H., Rosenberg, L. J., Treadway, T., Burke, D., Claver, C., Saha, A., and Puxley, P.2007-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SDD
Optical and X-ray follow-up to a globular cluster ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 4472Athukoralalage, Wasundara Ranhari, Dage, Kristen C., Zepf, Stephen E., Bahramian, Arash, Cackett, Edward M., Kundu, Arunav, Maccarone, Thomas J.2023-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
All-sky Faint DA White Dwarf Spectrophotometric Standards for Astrophysical Observatories: The Complete SampleAxelrod, Tim ; Saha, Abhijit ; Matheson, Thomas ; Olszewski, Edward W. ; Bohlin, Ralph C. ; Calamida, Annalisa ; Claver, Jenna ; Deustua, Susana ; Holberg, Jay B. ; Hubeny, Ivan ; Mackenty, John W. ; Malanchev, Konstantin ; Narayan, Gautham ; Points, Sean ; Rest, Armin ; Sabbi, Elena ; Stubbs, Christopher W. 2023-07The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS
The 2019 Outburst of the 2005 Classical Nova V1047 Cen: A Record Breaking Dwarf Nova Outburst or a New Phenomenon?Aydi, E., Sokolovsky, K. V., Bright, J. S., Tremou, E., Nyamai, M. M., Evans, A., Strader, J., Chomiuk, L., Myers, G., Hambsch, F. -J., Page, K. L., Buckley, D. A. H., Woodward, C. E., Walter, F. M., Mróz, P., Vallely, P. J., Geballe, T. R., Banerjee, D. P. K., Gehrz, R. D., Fender, R. P., Gromadzki, M., Kawash, A., Knigge, C., Mukai, K., Munari, U., Orio, M., Ribeiro, V. A. R. M., Sokoloski, J. L., Starrfield, S., Udalski, A., Woudt, P. A.2022-10The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2US
HD 191939: Three Sub-Neptunes Transiting a Sun-like Star Only 54 pc Away Badenas-Agusti, Mariona; Günther, Maximilian N.; Daylan, Tansu; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; Vanderburg, Andrew; Huang, Chelsea X.; Matthews, Elisabeth; Rackham, Benjamin V.; Bieryla, Allyson; Stassun, Keivan G.; Kane, Stephen R.; Shporer, Avi; Fulton, Benjamin J.; Hill, Michelle L.; Nowak, Grzegorz; Ribas, Ignasi; Pallé, Enric; Jenkins, Jon M.; Latham, David W.; Seager, Sara Ricker, George R.; Vanderspek, Roland K.; Winn, Joshua N.; Abril-Pla, Oriol; Collins, Karen A.; Serra, Pere Guerra; Niraula, Prajwal; Rustamkulov, Zafar; Barclay, Thomas; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Howell, Steve B.; Ciardi, David R.; Gonzales, Erica J.; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Caldwell, Douglas A.; Fausnaugh, Michael; McDermott, Scott; Paegert, Martin; Pepper, Joshua; Rose, Mark E.; Twicken, Joseph D.2020-09The Astronomical JournalNIRI+ALTAIRLP
The Limited Impact of Outflows: Integral-field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNsBae, Hyun-Jin, Woo, Jong-Hak, Karouzos, Marios, Gallo, Elena, Flohic, Helene, Shen, Yue, Yoon, Suk-Jin2017-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NKR
UPCluster-SZ: The Updated Catalog of Galaxy Clusters from the List of Planck Sunyaev–Zel'dovich SourcesBahk, Hyeonguk ; Hwang, Ho Seong2024-05The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGMOS-N/GMOS-SUS
Revealing a new symbiotic X-ray binary with Gemini Near-infrared Integral Field SpectrographBahramian, Arash, Gladstone, Jeanette C., Heinke, Craig O., Wijnands, Rudy, Kaur, Ramanpreet, Altamirano, Diego2014-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFSCA
Modelling the spectra of planets, brown dwarfs and stars using VSTARBailey, J. and Kedziora-Chudczer, L.2012-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFSSV
The near-IR spectrum of Titan modeled with an improved methane line listBailey, J., Ahlsved, L., and Meadows, V. S.2011-05IcarusNIFS+ALTAIRSV
The rotation of α Oph investigated using polarimetryBailey, Jeremy; Cotton, Daniel V.; Howarth, Ian D.; Lewis, Fiona; Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna2020-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyVisitorDD
HIPPI-2: A versatile high-precision polarimeterBailey, Jeremy; Cotton, Daniel V.; Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna; De Horta, Ain; Maybour, Darren2020-01Publications of the Astronomical Society of AustraliaVisitorDD
HD 106906 b: A Planetary-mass Companion Outside a Massive Debris DiskBailey, Vanessa, Meshkat, Tiffany, Reiter, Megan, Morzinski, Katie, Males, Jared, Su, Kate Y. L., Hinz, Philip M., Kenworthy, Matthew, Stark, Daniel, Mamajek, Eric, Briguglio, Runa, Close, Laird M., Follette, Katherine B., Puglisi, Alfio, Rodigas, Timothy, Weinberger, Alycia J., Xompero, Marco2014-01The Astrophysical Journal LettersNICIUS/CA
Comparison of stellar population model predictions using optical and infrared spectroscopyBaldwin, C., McDermid, R. M., Kuntschner, H., Maraston, C., Conroy, C.2018-02Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK/US

Gemini Observatory Participants