
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 1881-1900 of 3908 results.
Variable and Polarized Radio Emission from the T6 Brown Dwarf WISEP J112254.73+255021.5Williams, P. K. G., Gizis, J. E., Berger, E.2017-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NFT/US
GeMS/GSAOI Photometric and Astrometric Performance in Dense Stellar FieldsDalessandro, E., Saracino, S., Origlia, L., Marchetti, E., Ferraro, F. R., Lanzoni, B., Geisler, D., Cohen, R. E., Mauro, F., Villanova, S.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSCL
Extinction law in the range 0.4–4.8 μm and the 8620 Å DIB towards the stellar cluster Westerlund 1Damineli, A., Almeida, L. A., Blum, R. D., Damineli, D. S. C., Navarete, F., Rubinho, M. S., Teodoro, M.2016-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
Spatial distribution of Io's volcanic activity from near-IR adaptive optics observations on 100 nights in 2013-2015de Kleer, Katherine, de Pater, Imke2016-12IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS/DD
Time variability of Io's volcanic activity from near-IR adaptive optics observations on 100 nights in 2013-2015de Kleer, Katherine, de Pater, Imke2016-12IcarusNIRI+ALTAIRUS/DD
On the properties of dust and gas in the environs of V838 MonocerotisExter, K. M., Cox, N. L. J., Swinyard, B. M., Matsuura, M., Mayer, A., De Beck, E., Decin, L.2016-12Astronomy & AstrophysicsMICHELLEUS
The Afterglow and Early-type Host Galaxy of the Short GRB 150101B at z = 0.1343Fong, W., Margutti, R., Chornock, R., Berger, E., Shappee, B. J., Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Smith, N., Milne, P. A., Laskar, T., Fox, D. B., Lunnan, R., Blanchard, P. K., Hjorth, J., Wiersema, K., van der Horst, A. J., Zaritsky, D.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SGS/US
The nuclear and extended mid-infrared emission of Seyfert galaxiesGarcía-Bernete, I., Ramos Almeida, C., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Alonso-Herrero, A., González-Martín, O., Hernán-Caballero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Levenson, N. A., Packham, C., Perlman, E. S., Ichikawa, K., Esquej, P., Díaz-Santos, T.2016-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyMICHELLE/TRECS/OSCIRGS/US/CA/JP
The Measurement, Treatment, and Impact of Spectral Covariance and Bayesian Priors in Integral-field Spectroscopy of ExoplanetsGreco, Johnny P., Brandt, Timothy D.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGPICOM
Observational Confirmation of a Link Between Common Envelope Binary Interaction and Planetary Nebula ShapingHillwig, Todd C., Jones, David, De Marco, Orsola, Bond, Howard E., Margheim, Steve, Frew, David2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SGS
Optical and Ultraviolet Observations of the Very Young Type IIP SN 2014cx in NGC 337Huang, Fang, Wang, Xiaofeng, Zampieri, Luca, Pumo, Maria Letizia, Arcavi, Iair, Brown, Peter J., Graham, Melissa L., Filippenko, Alexei V., Zheng, WeiKang, Hosseinzadeh, Griffin, Howell, D. Andrew, McCully, Curtis, Rui, Liming, Valenti, Stefano, Zhang, Tianmeng, Zhang, Jujia, Zhang, Kaicheng, Wang, Lifan2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
The Final SDSS High-redshift Quasar Sample of 52 Quasars at z>5.7Jiang, Linhua, McGreer, Ian D., Fan, Xiaohui, Strauss, Michael A., Bañados, Eduardo, Becker, Robert H., Bian, Fuyan, Farnsworth, Kara, Shen, Yue, Wang, Feige, Wang, Ran, Wang, Shu, White, Richard L., Wu, Jin, Wu, Xue-Bing, Yang, Jinyi, Yang, Qian2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSLP
Unravelling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. II. Photoionization and EnergeticsKarouzos, Marios, Woo, Jong-Hak, Bae, Hyun-Jin2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NKR
A Reverse Shock in GRB 160509ALaskar, Tanmoy, Alexander, Kate D., Berger, Edo, Fong, Wen-fai, Margutti, Raffaella, Shivvers, Isaac, Williams, Peter K. G., Kopač, Drejc, Kobayashi, Shiho, Mundell, Carole, Gomboc, Andreja, Zheng, WeiKang, Menten, Karl M., Graham, Melissa L., Filippenko, Alexei V.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
A Systematic Search for Periodically Varying Quasars in Pan-STARRS1: An Extended Baseline Test in Medium Deep Survey Field MD09Liu, T., Gezari, S., Burgett, W., Chambers, K., Draper, P., Hodapp, K., Huber, M., Kudritzki, R.-P., Magnier, E., Metcalfe, N., Tonry, J., Wainscoat, R., Waters, C.2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Dynamical Mass Measurement of the Young Spectroscopic Binary V343 Normae AaAb Resolved With the Gemini Planet ImagerNielsen, Eric L., De Rosa, Robert J., Wang, Jason, Rameau, Julien, Song, Inseok, Graham, James R., Macintosh, Bruce, Ammons, Mark, Bailey, Vanessa P., Barman, Travis S., Bulger, Joanna, Chilcote, Jeffrey K., Cotten, Tara, Doyon, Rene, Duchêne, Gaspard, Fitzgerald, Michael P., Follette, Katherine B., Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Hibon, Pascale, Hung, Li-Wei, Ingraham, Patrick, Kalas, Paul, Konopacky, Quinn M., Larkin, James E., Maire, Jérôme, Marchis, Franck, Marley, Mark S., Marois, Christian, Metchev, Stanimir, Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A., Oppenheimer, Rebecca, Palmer, David W., Patience, Jenny, Perrin, Marshall D., Poyneer, Lisa A., Pueyo, Laurent, Rajan, Abhijith, Rantakyrö, Fredrik T., Savransky, Dmitry, Schneider, Adam C., Sivaramakrishnan, Anand, Soummer, Remi, Thomas, Sandrine, Wallace, J. Kent, Ward-Duong, Kimberly, Wiktorowicz, Sloane J., Wolff, Schuyler G.2016-12The Astronomical JournalGPIOTHER
K2 Discovers a Busy Bee: An Unusual Transiting Neptune Found in the Beehive ClusterObermeier, Christian, Henning, Thomas, Schlieder, Joshua E., Crossfield, Ian J. M., Petigura, Erik A., Howard, Andrew W., Sinukoff, Evan, Isaacson, Howard, Ciardi, David R., David, Trevor J., Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Beichman, Charles A., Howell, Steve B., Horch, Elliott, Everett, Mark, Hirsch, Lea, Teske, Johanna, Christiansen, Jessie L., Lépine, Sébastien, Aller, Kimberly M., Liu, Michael C., Saglia, Roberto P., Livingston, John, Kluge, Matthias2016-12The Astronomical JournalDSSILP
An Analysis of the Population of Extended Main Sequence Turn-off Clusters in the Large Magellanic CloudPiatti, Andrés E., Bastian, Nate2016-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SGS/US/CA/AR/AU
IFU spectroscopy of 10 early-type galactic nuclei- IV. Properties of the circumnuclear stellar kinematicsRicci, T. V., Steiner, J. E., Menezes, R. B.2016-12Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
PSR J1301+0833: A Kinematic Study of a Black-widow PulsarRomani, Roger W., Graham, Melissa L., Filippenko, Alexei V., Zheng, WeiKang2016-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS

Gemini Observatory Participants