Science Operations Announcements

Observing databases online and 2012A OT available

December 1st, 2011

The Gemini observing databases are back online after the quarterly software update, and the latest version of the Gemini Observing Tool (2012A.1.1.1) is now available for download or via updating an existing installation of the OT. This update is required to communicate with the observing databases.

Note that a small update will be released next week, so those with site-wide installations may wish to wait until then to update to the 2012A version.

Observing databases offline November 30

December 2nd, 2011
The Gemini Observatory observing databases will be offline for several hours on Wednesday November 30 while we perform quarterly software updates. Affected applications include the Observing Tool (OT) and the web report forms. The new 2012A OT should be available on Thursday December 1 and will be required for all subsequent fetch/store operations. Please check this site for further announcements.

Observing databases offline November 30

October 3rd, 2011
The Gemini Observatory observing databases will be offline for several hours on Wednesday November 30 while we perform quarterly software updates. Affected applications include the Observing Tool (OT) and the web report forms. The new 2012A OT should be available on Thursday December 1 and will be required for all subsequent fetch/store operations. Please check this site for further announcements.
