Science Operations Announcements

Gemini South 2011A Science Operations

January 28th, 2011

Last week Gemini passed a major milestone with the beginning of on-sky engineering testing of the Gemini South 50-watt laser.  This event marks the start of commissioning for the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS).  The plans through the first half of 2011 are intense, with commissioning runs scheduled to occur in one-week blocks from February to May of 2011A, as shown on the Gemini South telescope schedule.  

Observing database offline for 2011A update

November 29th, 2010
The Gemini Observatory observing database will be offline on Wednesday December 1 while upgrades are performed in preparation for the start of the 2011A semester. Affected applications include the Observing Tool (OT) and the web report forms. The new 2011A OT should be available on Thursday December 2 and will be required for all subsequent fetch/store operations. Please check this site for further announcements.

Phoenix to be removed in January 2011

November 25th, 2010

Phoenix has been a visitor instrument on Gemini South since the beginning of science operations in 2002.  It has been scientifically productive, with an active user community, and the observatory is grateful to NOAO for the long-term loan. However, Gemini is about to commission new Gemini South instrumentation and is actively engaged in a transition to operations without the UK as a partner.  Together, these fundamentally limit both available staff effort and instrument ports, and Gemini can no longer afford to offer Phoenix for regular use.
