Data reduction
The GHOST data reduction pipeline is part of DRAGONS 3.2. Users are recommended to use the instructions provided in the DRAGONS webpages to install and run the pipeline. A tutorial can be found here.
If you are having issues with your data or data reduction, please contact your program contact scientists, or email
Shared risk fast turnaround data
During the shared risk observations, the instrument was not focused correctly. An improved reduction algorithm that Gaussian-smooths the slit profile, and increases the extraction box width was added to GHOSTDR v1.1.0 to reduce this data. The only change with respect to the science verification data is to specify the smoothing scale when reducing the spectrograph flats (a value of 6 has been found to work well). Users are recommend to use DRAGONS 3.2 for thier data reduction.
Science verification data
Science verification data are best redcued with the DRAGONS 3.0 version, and the GHOST DR v1.1.0. Installation instructions and the tutorial can be found here.