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High-Resolution spectroscopy

IGRINS-2 is operated in a single, high-resolution spectroscopic mode. This mode provides full wavelength coverage between 1.49-1.80 μm (H-band) and between 1.96-2.46 μm (K-band) region at a spectral resolution of R~45,000. These two spectroscopic channels, composed of two separate detectors (H and K bands), are being obtained simultaneously.

Spectral range and resolution

IGRINS-2 makes use of a silicon immersion grating as the main disperser and two VPH gratings as cross-dispersers. The resulting resolving power is R~45,000. 

Figure 1: One dimentional H (left) and K (right) band spectra of a point source. IGRINS-2 provides simultaneous wavelength coverage over the 1.49-1.80 μm (H-band) and 1.96-2.46 μm (K-band) ranges.

Figure 2: Resolving power of IGRINS-2 for the H (blue) and K (red) bands, measured from the OH sky emssion lines.

The coverages of the different orders in which the light is dispersed are provided below.

H-band spectral format
Order no. Wavelength (nm) Free spectral range Order separation
blaze min max nm deg. mm mm pix arcsec
122 1474.85 1468.81 1480.90 12.089 2.828 6.25 1.077 59.8 11.77
121 1486.58 1480.44 1492.72 12.286 2.851 6.30 1.097 61.0 11.95
120 1498.50 1492.26 1504.75 12.488 2.875 6.36 1.118 62.1 12.12
119 1510.63 1504.29 1516.98 12.694 2.899 6.41 1.140 63.3 12.30
118 1522.97 1516.52 1529.42 12.907 2.924 6.46 1.162 64.6 12.49
117 1535.52 1528.96 1542.09 13.124 2.949 6.52 1.186 65.9 12.68
116 1548.30 1541.62 1554.97 13.347 2.974 6.57 1.211 67.3 12.88
115 1561.30 1554.51 1568.09 13.576 3.000 6.63 1.237 68.7 13.09
114 1574.53 1567.62 1581.43 13.812 3.026 6.69 1.264 70.2 13.31
113 1588.00 1580.97 1595.03 14.053 3.053 6.75 1.292 71.8 13.53
112 1601.71 1594.56 1608.86 14.301 3.080 6.81 1.322 73.5 13.76
111 1615.68 1608.40 1622.96 14.556 3.108 6.87 1.354 75.2 14.00
110 1629.90 1622.49 1637.31 14.817 3.136 6.93 1.387 77.1 14.25
109 1644.39 1636.85 1651.93 15.086 3.165 7.00 1.422 79.0 14.50
108 1659.15 1651.47 1666.83 15.363 3.194 7.06 1.459 81.1 14.77
107 1674.19 1666.37 1682.02 15.647 3.224 7.13 1.498 83.2 15.05
106 1689.52 1681.55 1697.49 15.939 3.255 7.20 1.540 85.5 15.35
105 1705.15 1697.03 1713.27 16.240 3.286 7.27 1.584 88.0 15.65
104 1721.08 1712.80 1729.35 16.549 3.317 7.34 1.631 90.6 15.97
103 1737.32 1728.89 1745.76 16.867 3.349 7.41 1.682 93.4 16.31
102 1753.89 1745.29 1762.49 17.195 3.382 7.48 1.735 96.4 16.66
101 1770.79 1762.03 1779.56 17.533 3.416 7.55 1.793 99.6 17.03
100 1788.03 1779.09 1796.97 17.880 3.450 7.63 1.855 103.1 17.42
99 1805.63 1796.51 1814.75 18.239 3.485 7.71 1.922 106.8 17.83
98 1823.59 1814.28 1832.89 18.608 3.520 7.79 1.995 110.8 18.26

K-band spectral format
Order no. Wavelength (nm) Free spectral range Order separation
blaze min max nm deg. mm mm pix arcsec
92 1939.65 1929.11 1950.19 21.083 3.750 8.29 1.129 62.7 12.06
91 1960.50 1949.73 1971.27 21.544 3.791 8.39 1.156 64.2 12.30
90 1981.81 1970.80 1992.82 22.020 3.833 8.48 1.183 65.7 12.55
89 2003.62 1992.36 2014.87 22.513 3.876 8.57 1.212 67.3 12.81
88 2025.92 2014.41 2037.43 23.022 3.920 8.67 1.242 69.0 13.07
87 2048.74 2036.96 2060.51 23.549 3.965 8.77 1.274 70.8 13.35
86 2072.09 2060.05 2084.14 24.094 4.011 8.88 1.307 72.6 13.64
85 2096.01 2083.68 2108.34 24.659 4.059 8.98 1.342 74.6 13.95
84 2120.49 2107.87 2133.11 25.244 4.107 9.09 1.379 76.6 14.26
83 2145.57 2132.65 2158.50 25.850 4.156 9.20 1.418 78.8 14.60
82 2171.27 2158.03 2184.51 26.479 4.207 9.31 1.460 81.1 14.94
81 2197.61 2184.05 2211.18 27.131 4.259 9.42 1.504 83.5 15.30
80 2224.62 2210.71 2238.52 27.808 4.312 9.54 1.551 86.1 15.68
79 2252.31 2238.05 2266.56 28.510 4.367 9.66 1.600 88.9 16.08
78 2280.72 2266.10 2295.34 29.240 4.423 9.79 1.653 91.9 16.50
77 2309.87 2294.87 2324.87 29.998 4.480 9.92 1.710 95.0 16.94
76 2339.80 2324.40 2355.19 30.787 4.539 10.05 1.771 98.4 17.41
75 2370.53 2354.72 2386.33 31.607 4.600 10.18 1.836 102.0 17.90
74 2402.10 2385.86 2418.33 32.461 4.662 10.32 1.907 105.9 18.42
73 2434.53 2417.86 2451.21 33.350 4.726 10.46 1.983 110.2 18.97
72 2467.88 2450.74 2485.02 34.276 4.791 10.61 2.066 114.8 19.56
71 2502.17 2484.55 2519.79 35.242 4.859 10.76 2.156 119.8 20.18


The final evaluation of the instrument performance is in the process of being completed. However, the following table provides preliminary estimates for the signal-to-noise ratio for 3,600s (6x600s) integration on a point source in the 70%-ile image quality, 50%-ile cloud cover (clear).

K-band magnitude S/N (H-band) S/N (K-band)
11 380 300
12 240 190
13 150 115
14 90 70
15 50 40
16 30 17