
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 801-820 of 3908 results.
High-resolution Extinction Map in the Direction of the Strongly Obscured Bulge Fossil Fragment Liller 1Pallanca, Cristina, Ferraro, Francesco R., Lanzoni, Barbara, Crociati, Chiara, Saracino, Sara, Dalessandro, Emanuele, Origlia, Livia, Rich, Michael R., Valenti, Elena, Geisler, Douglas, Mauro, Francesco, Villanova, Sandro, Moni Bidin, Christian, Beccari, Giacomo2021-08The Astrophysical JournalGSAOI+GeMSCL
Probing Kilonova Ejecta Properties Using a Catalog of Short Gamma-Ray Burst ObservationsRastinejad, J. C., Fong, W., Kilpatrick, C. D., Paterson, K., Tanvir, N. R., Levan, A. J., Metzger, B. D., Berger, E., Chornock, R., Cobb, B. E., Laskar, T., Milne, P., Nugent, A. E., Smith, N.2021-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SAU/CL/GS/US/DD
Mass calibration of distant SPT galaxy clusters through expanded weak-lensing follow-up observations with HST, VLT, & Gemini-SouthSchrabback, T., Bocquet, S., Sommer, M., Zohren, H., van den Busch, J. L., Hernández-Martín, B., Hoekstra, H., Raihan, S. F., Schirmer, M., Applegate, D., Bayliss, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Dietrich, J. P., Floyd, B., Hilbert, S., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., McDonald, M., Saro, A., Stark, A. A., Weissgerber, N.2021-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS
The Palomar Transient Factory Core-collapse Supernova Host-galaxy Sample. I. Host-galaxy Distribution Functions and Environment Dependence of Core-collapse SupernovaeSchulze, Steve, Yaron, Ofer, Sollerman, Jesper, Leloudas, Giorgos, Gal, Amit, Wright, Angus H., Lunnan, Ragnhild, Gal-Yam, Avishay, Ofek, Eran O., Perley, Daniel A., Filippenko, Alexei V., Kasliwal, Mansi M., Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., Neill, James D., Nugent, Peter E., Quimby, Robert M., Sullivan, Mark, Strotjohann, Nora Linn, Arcavi, Iair, Ben-Ami, Sagi, Bianco, Federica, Bloom, Joshua S., De, Kishalay, Fraser, Morgan, Fremling, Christoffer U., Horesh, Assaf, Johansson, Joel, Kelly, Patrick L., Knežević, Nikola, Knežević, Sladjana, Maguire, Kate, Nyholm, Anders, Papadogiannakis, Seméli, Petrushevska, Tanja, Rubin, Adam, Yan, Lin, Yang, Yi, Adams, Scott M., Bufano, Filomena, Clubb, Kelsey I., Foley, Ryan J., Green, Yoav, Harmanen, Jussi, Ho, Anna Y. Q., Hook, Isobel M., Hosseinzadeh, Griffin, Howell, D. Andrew, Kong, Albert K. H., Kotak, Rubina, Matheson, Thomas, McCully, Curtis, Milisavljevic, Dan, Pan, Yen-Chen, Poznanski, Dovi, Shivvers, Isaac, van Velzen, Sjoert, Verbeek, Kars K.2021-08The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGMOS-NUK/US/LP/CA
Multiwavelength Evidence for a New Flare-mode Transitional Millisecond PulsarStrader, Jay, Swihart, Samuel J., Urquhart, Ryan, Chomiuk, Laura, Aydi, Elias, Bahramian, Arash, Kawash, Adam, Sokolovsky, Kirill V., Tremou, Evangelia, Udalski, Andrej2021-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SFT/US
Probing the He II re-Ionization ERa via Absorbing C IV Historical Yield (HIERACHY) I: A strong outflow from a z 4.7 quasarYu, Xiaodi, Li, Jiang-Tao, Qu, Zhijie, Roederer, Ian U., Bregman, Joel N., Fan, Xiaohui, Fang, Taotao, Johnson, Sean D., Wang, Feige, Yang, Jinyi2021-08Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SCA/AU/US/UK/CL
Discovery and confirmation of the shortest gamma-ray burst from a collapsarAhumada, Tomás, Singer, Leo P., Anand, Shreya, Coughlin, Michael W., Kasliwal, Mansi M., Ryan, Geoffrey, Andreoni, Igor, Cenko, S. Bradley, Fremling, Christoffer, Kumar, Harsh, Pang, Peter T. H., Burns, Eric, Cunningham, Virginia, Dichiara, Simone, Dietrich, Tim, Svinkin, Dmitry S., Almualla, Mouza, Castro-Tirado, Alberto J., De, Kishalay, Dunwoody, Rachel, Gatkine, Pradip, Hammerstein, Erica, Iyyani, Shabnam, Mangan, Joseph, Perley, Dan, Purkayastha, Sonalika, Bellm, Eric, Bhalerao, Varun, Bolin, Bryce, Bulla, Mattia, Cannella, Christopher, Chandra, Poonam, Duev, Dmitry A., Frederiks, Dmitry, Gal-Yam, Avishay, Graham, Matthew, Ho, Anna Y. Q., Hurley, Kevin, Karambelkar, Viraj, Kool, Erik C., Kulkarni, S. R., Mahabal, Ashish, Masci, Frank, McBreen, Sheila, Pandey, Shashi B., Reusch, Simeon, Ridnaia, Anna, Rosnet, Philippe, Rusholme, Benjamin, Carracedo, Ana Sagués, Smith, Roger, Soumagnac, Maayane, Stein, Robert, Troja, Eleonora, Tsvetkova, Anastasia, Walters, Richard, Valeev, Azamat F.2021-07Nature AstronomyGMOS-NDD
High-resolution, near-infrared observations of B[e] supergiantsArias, M. L., Vallverdú, R., Torres, A. F., Kraus, M.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaIGRINSAR
A Deep Polarimetric Study of the Asymmetrical Debris Disk HD 106906Crotts, Katie A., Matthews, Brenda C., Esposito, Thomas M., Duchêne, Gaspard, Kalas, Paul, Chen, Christine H., Arriaga, Pauline, Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A., Debes, John H., Draper, Zachary H., Fitzgerald, Michael P., Hom, Justin, MacGregor, Meredith A., Mazoyer, Johan, Patience, Jennifer, Rice, Malena, Weinberger, Alycia J., Wilner, David J., Wolff, Schuyler2021-07The Astrophysical JournalGPILP
The nuclear environment of NGC 2442: a Compton-thick low-luminosity AGNda Silva, Patrícia, Menezes, R. B., Díaz, Y., López-Navas, Elena, Steiner, J. E.2021-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SBR
GNIRS NIR Integral Field Spectroscopy of NGC 5128Díaz, R. J., Mast, D., Gaspar, G., Günthardt, G., Dottori, H., Agüero, M. P., Camperi, J. A., Díaz, C. G., Gimeno, G., D'Ambra, A.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaGNIRSUK
Diagnóstico de la galaxia remanente de una fusion NGC 4382Escudero, C. G., Sesto, L. A., Faifer, F. R., Smith Castelli, A. V., Reynaldi, M. V.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaGMOS-NBR/UK/KR/AR
Spatial Variation in Strong Line Ratios and Physical Conditions in Two Strongly Lensed Galaxies at z 1.4Florian, Michael K., Rigby, Jane R., Acharyya, Ayan, Sharon, Keren, Gladders, Michael D., Kewley, Lisa, Khullar, Gourav, Gozman, Katya, Brammer, Gabriel, Momcheva, Ivelina, Nicholls, David, LaMassa, Stephanie, Dahle, Håkon, Bayliss, Matthew B., Wuyts, Eva, Johnson, Traci, Whitaker, Katherine2021-07The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSFT/US
El monstruo en su laberinto: Polvo caliente en gran escala en el AGN de NGC 4945Gaspar, G., Díaz, R. J., Mast, D.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaFLAMINGOS-2AR
NGC 6845 Revisited: Stellar Kinematics on the Early Type Member GalaxiesGimeno, German, Díaz, Ruben J., Dottori, Horacio, Rodrigues, Irapuan, Mast, Damian2021-07The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SGS
A NIR spectral sequence of O-type supergiantsGiudici Michilini, F. N., Ferrero, G. A., Gamen, R., Morrell, N., Barbá, R.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaGNIRSAR
ACCESS and LRG-BEASTS: A Precise New Optical Transmission Spectrum of the Ultrahot Jupiter WASP-103bKirk, James, Rackham, Benjamin V., MacDonald, Ryan J., López-Morales, Mercedes, Espinoza, Néstor, Lendl, Monika, Wilson, Jamie, Osip, David J., Wheatley, Peter J., Skillen, Ian, Apai, Dániel, Bixel, Alex, Gibson, Neale P., Jordán, Andrés, Lewis, Nikole K., Louden, Tom, McGruder, Chima D., Nikolov, Nikolay, Rodler, Florian, Weaver, Ian C.2021-07The Astronomical JournalGMOS-NUH
New Candidate Extreme T Subdwarfs from the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science ProjectMeisner, Aaron M., Schneider, Adam C., Burgasser, Adam J., Marocco, Federico, Line, Michael R., Faherty, Jacqueline K., Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Caselden, Dan, Kuchner, Marc J., Gelino, Christopher R., Gagné, Jonathan, Theissen, Christopher, Gerasimov, Roman, Aganze, Christian, Hsu, Chih-chun, Wisniewski, John P., Casewell, Sarah L., Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C., Logsdon, Sarah E., Eisenhardt, Peter R. M., Allers, Katelyn, Debes, John H., Allen, Michaela B., Stevnbak Andersen, Nikolaj, Goodman, Sam, Gramaize, Léopold, Martin, David W., Sainio, Arttu, Cushing, Michael C., Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration2021-07The Astrophysical JournalNIRIFT/US
The AGNIFS survey: distribution and excitation of the hot molecular and ionized gas in the inner kpc of nearby AGN hostsRiffel, R. A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Riffel, R., Bianchin, M., Zakamska, N. L., Ruschel-Dutra, D., Schönell, A. J., Rosario, D. J., Rodriguez-Ardila, A., Fischer, T. C., Davies, R. I., Dametto, N. Z., Dahmer-Hahn, L. G., Crenshaw, D. M., Burtscher, L., Bentz, M. C.2021-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRBR/FT/US/AU/UK/GS
The Black Hole Mass of NGC 4151 from Stellar Dynamical ModelingRoberts, Caroline A., Bentz, Misty C., Vasiliev, Eugene, Valluri, Monica, Onken, Christopher A.2021-07The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+ALTAIRCA/US

Gemini Observatory Participants