
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 821-840 of 3908 results.
Fotometría ``Python" del cúmulo abierto NGC 6834Ruiz Diaz, M. A., Aidelman, Y., Baume, G.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaGMOS-NAR
Star formation history of stellar systems in NGC 1316Sesto, L. A., Escudero, C. G., Faifer, F. R., Reynaldi, V., Smith Castelli, A. V., Barbosa, C. E.2021-07Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaGMOS-SAR
Powerful winds in high-redshift obscured and red quasarsVayner, Andrey, Zakamska, Nadia L., Riffel, Rogemar A., Alexandroff, Rachael, Cosens, Maren, Hamann, Fred, Perrotta, Serena, Rupke, David S. N., Storchi Bergmann, Thaisa, Veilleux, Sylvain, Walth, Greg, Wright, Shelley, Wylezalek, Dominika2021-07Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+LGSFT/US
Dynamical Modeling of the C IV Broad Line Region of the z = 2.805 Multiply Imaged Quasar SDSS J2222+2745Williams, Peter R., Treu, Tommaso, Dahle, Håkon, Valenti, Stefano, Abramson, Louis, Barth, Aaron J., Brewer, Brendon J., Dyrland, Karianne, Gladders, Michael, Horne, Keith, Sharon, Keren2021-07The Astrophysical Journal LettersGMOS-NFT/US
Multiepoch Spectroscopy of Mg II Broad Absorption Line TransitionsYi, Weimin, Timlin, John2021-07The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesGMOS-NFT/US
Multiwavelength Follow-up of FRB180309Aggarwal, Kshitij, Burke-Spolaor, Sarah, Tejos, Nicolas, Pignata, Giuliano, Xavier Prochaska, J., Ravi, Vikram, Kaczmarek, Jane F., Osłowski, Stefan2021-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SCL
The stellar mass function and evolution of the density profile of galaxy clusters from the Hydrangea simulations at 0 < z < 1.5Ahad, Syeda Lammim, Bahé, Yannick M., Hoekstra, Henk, van der Burg, Remco F. J., Muzzin, Adam2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SLP
The GOGREEN survey: Internal dynamics of clusters of galaxies at redshift 0.9-1.4Biviano, A., van der Burg, R. F. J., Balogh, M. L., Munari, E., Cooper, M. C., De Lucia, G., Demarco, R., Jablonka, P., Muzzin, A., Nantais, J., Old, L. J., Rudnick, G., Vulcani, B., Wilson, G., Yee, H. K. C., Zaritsky, D., Cerulo, P., Chan, J., Finoguenov, A., Gilbank, D., Lidman, C., Pintos-Castro, I., Shipley, H.2021-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-N/GMOS-SLP
On the AGN nature of broad balmer emission in four low-redshift metal-poor galaxiesBurke, Colin J., Liu, Xin, Chen, Yu-Ching, Shen, Yue, Guo, Hengxiao2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NFT/US
Evidence for differentiation of the most primitive small bodiesCarry, B., Vernazza, P., Vachier, F., Neveu, M., Berthier, J., Hanuš, J., Ferrais, M., Jorda, L., Marsset, M., Viikinkoski, M., Bartczak, P., Behrend, R., Benkhaldoun, Z., Birlan, M., Castillo-Rogez, J., Cipriani, F., Colas, F., Drouard, A., Dudziński, G. P., Desmars, J., Dumas, C., Ďurech, J., Fetick, R., Fusco, T., Grice, J., Jehin, E., Kaasalainen, M., Kryszczynska, A., Lamy, P., Marchis, F., Marciniak, A., Michalowski, T., Michel, P., Pajuelo, M., Podlewska-Gaca, E., Rambaux, N., Santana-Ros, T., Storrs, A., Tanga, P., Vigan, A., Warner, B., Wieczorek, M., Witasse, O., Yang, B.2021-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIRI+ALTAIRUS
Gauging the effect of supermassive black holes feedback on quasar host galaxiesDall'Agnol de Oliveira, B., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Kraemer, S. B., Martín, M. Villar, Schnorr-Müller, A., Schmitt, H. R., Ruschel-Dutra, D., Crenshaw, D. M., Fischer, T. C.2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SBR/UK
Fingerprints of stellar populations in the near-infrared: an optimized set of spectral indices in the JHK bands 0Eftekhari, Elham, Vazdekis, Alexandre, La Barbera, Francesco2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK/US
Launching the asymmetric bipolar jet of DO TauErkal, J., Dougados, C., Coffey, D., Cabrit, S., Bacciotti, F., Garcia-Lopez, R., Fedele, D., Chrysostomou, A.2021-06Astronomy & AstrophysicsNIFS+ALTAIRUK
Col-OSSOS: The Distinct Color Distribution of Single and Binary Cold Classical KBOsFraser, Wesley C., Benecchi, Susan D., Kavelaars, J. J., Marsset, Michaël, Pike, Rosemary E., Bannister, Michele T., Schwamb, Megan E., Volk, Kathryn, Nesvorny, David, Alexandersen, Mike, Chen, Ying-Tung, Gwyn, Stephen, Lehner, Matthew J., Wang, Shiang-Yu2021-06The Planetary Science JournalGMOS-NLP/FT/CA
Observations with the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument. X. Preliminary Orbits of K-dwarf Binaries and Other StarsHorch, Elliott P., Broderick, Kyle G., Casetti-Dinescu, Dana I., Henry, Todd J., Fekel, Francis C., Muterspaugh, Matthew W., Willmarth, Daryl W., Winters, Jennifer G., van Belle, Gerard T., Clark, Catherine A., Everett, Mark E.2021-06The Astronomical JournalDSSIUS
The most massive white dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood Kilic, Mukremin; Bergeron, P.; Blouin, Simon; Bédard, A.2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NDD/FT/US
A cool and inflated progenitor candidate for the Type Ib supernova 2019yvr at 2.6 yr before explosionKilpatrick, Charles D., Drout, Maria R., Auchettl, Katie, Dimitriadis, Georgios, Foley, Ryan J., Jones, David O., DeMarchi, Lindsay, French, K. Decker, Gall, Christa, Hjorth, Jens, Jacobson-Galán, Wynn V., Margutti, Raffaella, Piro, Anthony L., Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico, Rest, Armin, Rojas-Bravo, César2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGSAOI+GeMSUS
A hidden population of high-redshift double quasars unveiled by astrometryShen, Yue, Chen, Yu-Ching, Hwang, Hsiang-Chih, Liu, Xin, Zakamska, Nadia, Oguri, Masamune, Li, Jennifer I. -Hsiu, Lazio, Joseph, Breiding, Peter2021-06Nature AstronomyGMOS-NDD
SN 2019yvq Does Not Conform to SN Ia Explosion ModelsTucker, M. A., Ashall, C., Shappee, B. J., Vallely, P. J., Kochanek, C. S., Huber, M. E., Anand, G. S., Keane, J. V., Hsiao, E. Y., Holoien, T. W. -S.2021-06The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUH
Gemini/GMOS optical transmission spectroscopy of WASP-121b: signs of variability in an ultra-hot Jupiter?Wilson, Jamie; Gibson, Neale P.; Lothringer, Joshua D.; Sing, David K.; Mikal-Evans, Thomas; de Mooij, Ernst J. W.; Nikolov, Nikolay; Watson, Chris A.2021-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-SUS

Gemini Observatory Participants