
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 881-900 of 3908 results.
Optical and near-infrared observations of the SPT2349-56 proto-cluster core at z = 4.3Rotermund, K. M.; Chapman, S. C.; Phadke, K. A.; Hill, R.; Pass, E.; Aravena, M.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Babul, A.; Béthermin, M.; Canning, R.; de Breuck, C.; Dong, C.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Hayward, C. C.; Jarugula, S.; Marrone, D. P.; Narayanan, D.; Reuter, C.; Scott, D.; Spilker, J. S. Vieira, J. D.; Wang, G.; Weiss, A.2021-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-S/FLAMINGOS-2CA/US
RELICS: Properties of z ≥ 5.5 Galaxies Inferred from Spitzer and Hubble Imaging, Including A Candidate z ∼ 6.8 Strong [O III] emitter Strait, Victoria; Bradač, Maruša; Coe, Dan; Lemaux, Brian C.; Carnall, Adam C.; Bradley, Larry; Pelliccia, Debora; Sharon, Keren; Zitrin, Adi; Acebron, Ana; Neufeld, Chloe; Andrade-Santos, Felipe; Avila, Roberto J.; Frye, Brenda L.; Mahler, Guillaume; Nonino, Mario; Ogaz, Sara; Oguri, Masamune; Ouchi, Masami; Paterno-Mahler, Rachel Stark, Daniel P.; Mainali, Ramesh; Oesch, Pascal A.; Trenti, Michele; Carrasco, Daniela; Dawson, William A.; Jones, Christine; Umetsu, Keiichi; Vulcani, Benedetta2021-04The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2/GMOS-SLTP
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). V. A Sub-Neptune Transiting a Young Star in a Newly Discovered 250 Myr Association Tofflemire, Benjamin M.; Rizzuto, Aaron C.; Newton, Elisabeth R.; Kraus, Adam L.; Mann, Andrew W.; Vanderburg, Andrew; Nelson, Tyler; Hawkins, Keith; Wood, Mackenna L.; Zhou, George; Quinn, Samuel N.; Howell, Steve B.; Collins, Karen A.; Schwarz, Richard P.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Bouma, Luke G.; Essack, Zahra; Osborn, Hugh; Boyd, Patricia T.; Fűrész, Gábor Glidden, Ana; Twicken, Joseph D.; Wohler, Bill; McLean, Brian; Ricker, George R.; Vanderspek, Roland; Latham, David W.; Seager, S.; Winn, Joshua N.; Jenkins, Jon M.2021-04The Astronomical JournalZorroUS
The Black Hole Mass of the z = 2.805 Multiply Imaged Quasar SDSS J2222+2745 from Velocity-resolved Time Lags of the C IV Emission Line Williams, Peter R.; Treu, Tommaso; Dahle, Håkon; Valenti, Stefano; Abramson, Louis; Barth, Aaron J.; Dyrland, Karianne; Gladders, Michael; Horne, Keith; Sharon, Keren2021-04The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS/FT
The Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program. V. New T-dwarf Members and Candidate Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups Zhang, Zhoujian; Liu, Michael C.; Best, William M. J.; Dupuy, Trent J.; Siverd, Robert J2021-04The Astrophysical JournalNIRIUK/AU/GS
Intriguing detection of 12CO molecular emission in a classical Be star Cochetti, Y. R.; Arias, M. L.; Kraus, M.; Cidale, L. S.; Torres, A. F.; Granada, A.; Maryeva, O. V.2021-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsGNIRSAR
Speckle Imaging Characterization of Radial Velocity Exoplanet SystemsDalba, Paul A.; Kane, Stephen R.; Howell, Steve B.; Horch, Elliott P.; Li, Zhexing; Hirsch, Lea A.; Burt, Jennifer; Brandt, Timothy D.; Močnik, Teo; Henry, Gregory W.; Everett, Mark E.; Rosenthal, Lee J.; Howard, Andrew W.2021-03The Astronomical JournalDSSIUS
The KMOS3D Survey: Investigating the Origin of the Elevated Electron Densities in Star-forming Galaxies at 1 ≲ z ≲ 3Davies, Rebecca L., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Genzel, R., Shimizu, T. T., Davies, R. I., Schruba, A., Tacconi, L. J., Übler, H., Wisnioski, E., Wuyts, S., Fossati, M., Herrera-Camus, R., Lutz, D., Mendel, J. T., Naab, T., Price, S. H., Renzini, A., Wilman, D., Beifiori, A., Belli, S., Burkert, A., Chan, J., Contursi, A., Fabricius, M., Lee, M. M., Saglia, R. P., Sternberg, A.2021-03The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSCL/US
The VISCACHA survey. III. Star clusters counterpart of the Magellanic Bridge and Counter-Bridge in 8D Dias, B.; Angelo, M. S.; Oliveira, R. A. P.; Maia, F.; Parisi, M. C.; De Bortoli, B.; Souza, S. O.; Katime Santrich, O. J.; Bassino, L. P.; Barbuy, B.; Bica, E.; Geisler, D.; Kerber, L.; Pérez-Villegas, A.; Quint, B.; Sanmartim, D.; Santos, J. F. C.; Westera, P.2021-03Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SBR/CL/AR
Planet Hunters TESS II: findings from the first two years of TESS Eisner, N. L.; Barragán, O.; Lintott, C.; Aigrain, S.; Nicholson, B.; Boyajian, T. S.; Howell, S.; Johnston, C.; Lakeland, B.; Miller, G.; McMaster, A.; Parviainen, H.; Safron, E. J.; Schwamb, M. E.; Trouille, L.; Vaughan, S.; Zicher, N.; Allen, C.; Allen, S.; Bouslog, M. Johnson, C.; Simon, M. N.; Wolfenbarger, Z.; Baeten, E. M. L.; Bundy, D. M.; Hoffman, T.2021-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyAlopeke/ZorroLP/US/DD
A new class of fossil fragments from the hierarchical assembly of the Galactic bulge Ferraro, F. R.; Pallanca, C.; Lanzoni, B.; Crociati, C.; Dalessandro, E.; Origlia, L.; Rich, R. M.; Saracino, S.; Mucciarelli, A.; Valenti, E.; Geisler, D.; Mauro, F.; Villanova, S.; Moni Bidin, C.; Beccari, G.2021-03Nature AstronomyGSAOI+GeMSCL
New temperature and metallicity scale of cool giants from K-band spectra Ghosh, Supriyo; Ojha, D. K.; Ninan, J. P.2021-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+LGSUS/CA/UH
Systematic Difference between Ionized and Molecular Gas Velocity Dispersions in z ∼ 1-2 Disks and Local Analogs Girard, M.; Fisher, D. B.; Bolatto, A. D.; Abraham, R.; Bassett, R.; Glazebrook, K.; Herrera-Camus, R.; Jiménez, E.; Lenkić, L.; Obreschkow, D.2021-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-N/GMOS-SAU/CA/GS/US
Searching for Active Low-mass Stars in the CMa Star-forming Region: Multi-band Photometry with T80S Gregorio-Hetem, J.; Navarete, F.; Hetem, A.; Santos-Silva, T.; Galli, P. A. B.; Fernandes, B.; Montmerle, T.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Rorges Fernandes, M.; Perottoni, H. D.; Schoenell, W.; Ribeiro, T.; Kanaan, A.2021-03The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SBR
The NASA High-Resolution Speckle Interferometric Imaging Program: Validation and Characterization of Exoplanets and Their Stellar HostsHowell, Steve B., Scott, Nicholas J., Matson, Rachel A., Everett, Mark E., Furlan, Elise, Gnilka, Crystal L., Ciardi, David R., Lester, Kathryn V.2021-03Frontiers in Astronomy and Space SciencesZorroUS
The Field Substellar Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20 pc Census of 525 L, T, and Y Dwarfs Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Gelino, Christopher R.; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Meisner, Aaron M.; Caselden, Dan; Schneider, Adam C.; Marocco, Federico; Cayago, Alfred J.; Smart, R. L.; Eisenhardt, Peter R.; Kuchner, Marc J.; Wright, Edward L.; Cushing, Michael C.; Allers, Katelyn N.; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.; Burgasser, Adam J.; Gagné, Jonathan; Logsdon, Sarah E.; Martin, Emily C.; Ingalls, James G. Lowrance, Patrick J.; Abrahams, Ellianna S.; Aganze, Christian; Gerasimov, Roman; Gonzales, Eileen C.; Hsu, Chih-Chun; Kamraj, Nikita; Kiman, Rocio; Rees, Jon; Theissen, Christopher; Ammar, Kareem; Andersen, Nikolaj Stevnbak; Beaulieu, Paul; Colin, Guillaume; Elachi, Charles A.; Goodman, Samuel J.; Gramaize, Léopold; Hamlet, Leslie K.; Hong, Justin; Jonkeren, Alexander; Khalil, Mohammed; Martin, David W.; Pendrill, William; Pumphrey, Benjamin; Rothermich, Austin; Sainio, Arttu; Stenner, Andres; Tanner, Christopher; Thévenot, Melina; Voloshin, Nikita V.; Walla, Jim; Wędracki, Zbigniew; Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration2021-03The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesFLAMINGOS-2US
Short-period Variability in the Globular Cluster NGC 419 and the SMC FieldMartínez-Vázquez, C. E.; Salinas, R.; Vivas, A. K.2021-03The Astronomical JournalGMOS-SFT/US
Outflows, Shocks, and Coronal Line Emission in a Radio-selected AGN in a Dwarf Galaxy Molina, Mallory; Reines, Amy E.; Greene, Jenny E.; Darling, Jeremy; Condon, James J.2021-03The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
A tale of two mergers: constraints on kilonova detection in two short GRBs at z ˜ 0.5 O'Connor, B.; Troja, E.; Dichiara, S.; Chase, E. A.; Ryan, G.; Cenko, S. B.; Fryer, C. L.; Ricci, R.; Marshall, F.; Kouveliotou, C.; Wollaeger, R. T.; Fontes, C. J.; Korobkin, O.; Gatkine, P.; Kutyrev, A.; Veilleux, S.; Kawai, N.; Sakamoto, T.2021-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/NIRIDD/US
A Restless Supermassive Black Hole in the Galaxy J0437+2456Pesce, Dominic W.; Seth, Anil C.; Greene, Jenny E.; Braatz, James A.; Condon, James J.; Kent, Brian R.; Krajnović, Davor2021-03The Astrophysical JournalNIFSFT/US

Gemini Observatory Participants